"Whatever you do may seem insignificant, but it is most important that you do it”

Global Carbon Emissions - Killing the Famine Stricken and Poor


Normally at Speak Up For the Voiceless we concentrate on international global and current affairs that involve wildlife, environmentalism, marine biology to domestic welfare and healthy eating plus lots more. However what we haven’t written about for some time now is how global carbon pollution effects “others” to famine’s and those that are less fortunate than ourselves within third world continents that’s affecting millions of women, children and fathers that just require on honest day’s pay to clean water supply and a roof over their heads.

We are becoming rather frustrated at the lack of public, and governmental help to cure these main fundamental yet critically important issues that see’s high disease rates, high mortality rates, inadequate food supplies, to poor water to basic sanitation levels, inner crime, rape and to still high Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) levels.

The main problems that are causing such high poverty levels in third world nations is civil disobedience and international conflicts that displace millions of once homed people into other peoples nations that cannot cope with such high influx of peoples thus leading to their own nations becoming bogged down with high unemployment, high crime rate, increased immigration and asylum levels to murder and basic fighting for survival. Those “asylum seekers that YOU call are stealing your living, well that’s something that YOU have brought on yourselves. Please don’t blame them. This is where YOU need to (OPEN) your EYES and READ!.

congo M99 displace thousands

An asylum seeker displaced by civil conflict and famine, famine caused by over consumerism in the western world FAMINE that can be stopped by understanding how to live in today’s world.

Furthering on from this we cannot just lay the blame to international conflicts, civil warfare and uprisings of civilians that just crave a non-corruptive dictatorship, or freedom of expression to rights.

It’s also more than apparent that our planet’s climate is changing dramatically thus causing agricultural problems for many farmers in mainly Africa and Asia to the Americas wiping out whole generations of hard work in one summers month. (Caused by YOU)

Soil erosion, decreased rain fall, to a complete catastrophic loss of cereal and basic fruit and vegetable crops is becoming far more apparent.  Arable farms are seeing animals left with no feed no water to children and mothers having to trek up to twenty miles a day three times a day just to obtain basic water from bore holes that are becoming scarce to even being taken over by gorilla militia units forcing these families to pay for what’s actually free in the ground.


Soil erosion cased by climate change - The poor and homeless in Africa are the ones suffering from our mistakes of over obsessive  consumerism which we must now decrease rapidly 

One cannot when viewing heart moving images and videos on the television blame everything on the governments and civil militia we now have to start taking the blame for what we have done to this planet which is raising temperature levels, increasing flash floods, wiping out whole communities, to killing innocent families all because we require more within our life style from electrical, to food, and basic living materials to STILL fossil fuels. WE DO NOT NEED FOSSIL FUELS!

Shocking video of the WORLDS mistakes - Are you starting to understand the story yet of why we fight for environmental welfare?


Your donations to charities such as the red cross and OXFAM to UNICEF are just helping with basic medications, vaccines, nutritious liquid foods for children that haven’t been seen a decent meal in months, to water holes being dug for the local indigenous people as well as some basic clothing. A lot of aid that is going to nations abroad is actually being taken by militia to then being redistributed “at a price” or used to feed their uprising armies”.

September 9th 2012 some food aid that was raised using your funds for the Niger floods was stolen then sold on http://www.timeslive.co.za/africa/2012/09/09/international-food-aid-stolen-in-niger-minister then in Africa again the M99 rebels where caught stealing thousands of tons of aid which had been an undetected problem on-going for some years which was only discovered in November 2012 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2234236/UK-pulls-plug-11m-Uganda-aid-Minister-acts-fears-YOUR-cash-stolen.html although this was a one year deal that would of seen some £23 million ploughed into Uganda it’s now regrettably been ceased by the Rt Hon Prime Minister David Cameron amid fears of massive fraud.  The only people to suffer from this now are the families that needed food with children that crave a basic education.

August 2011 in Mogadishu Somalia stacks of food grain was stolen which was intended for the aid companies working in Somalia a dangerous war torn country that see’s millions starving for food and water. http://ethiopiaforums.com/food-aid-for-starving-somalis-stolen-un-agency-investigating/7873/


Corruption is extremely rife in Africa - http://theinfrastructurenewsng.com/?p=333 

The most chilling and concerning worries though was the news on climate change reported on November 16th 2005 of which explained third world nations will bear the tragic brunt of our own selfish arrogant environmental failings through complete negligence of wanting more to “obsessively over sustain” our families that do not need 70% of the items within our homes, and yet again we have seen in Africa to Asia and poverty stricken states of Europe and non-European nations children and families suffering because of our over obsessive consumerism.

The report went to quote “Temperature fluctuations may sway human health in a surprising number of ways, scientists have learned, from influencing the spread of infectious diseases to boosting the likelihood of illness-inducing heat waves and floods.


Temperature fluctuations from 1912 to present show a shocking and worrying trend of now severe carbon output that is placing third world nations in more danger than they was before. 


We believe these emissions to be inaccurate although are the closest that one could find to the truth. The % of inaccuracies we would state based on scientific climatological and meteorological knowledge are roughly 3-4% based on the actual world findings and weather pattern disruptions based on the largest polluters. This now has to decrease as it is severely effecting third world nations. 

Now, in a synthesis report featured on the cover of the journal Nature, a team of health and climate scientists at UW-Madison and WHO has shown that the growing health impacts of climate change affect different regions in markedly different ways. Ironically, the places that have contributed the least to warming the Earth are the most vulnerable to the death and disease higher temperatures can bring.

“Those least able to cope and least responsible for the greenhouse gases that cause global warming are most affected,” says lead author Jonathan Patz, a professor at UW-Madison’s Gaylord Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies. “Herein lies an enormous global ethical challenge.”

According to the Nature report, regions at highest risk for enduring the health effects of climate change include coastlines along the Pacific and Indian oceans and sub-Saharan Africa. Large sprawling cities, with their urban “heat island” effect, are also prone to temperature-related health problems.

Africa has some of the lowest per-capita emissions of greenhouse gases. Yet, regions of the continent are gravely at risk for warming-related disease. “Many of the most important diseases in poor countries, from malaria to diarrhoea and malnutrition, are highly sensitive to climate,” says co-author Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum of WHO. “The health sector is already struggling to control these diseases and climate change threatens to undermine these efforts.”

“Recent extreme climatic events have underscored the risks to human health and survival,” adds Tony McMichael, director of the National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health at the Australian National University. “This synthesizing paper points the way to strategic research that better assesses the risks to health from global climate change.”

The UW-Madison and WHO assessment appears only weeks before global leaders convene in Montreal during the first meeting of the Conference of Parties to the Kyoto Protocol, which came into effect in February 2005. Patz will also deliver the keynote address at a parallel WHO/Health Canada event.

The United States - the world’s top emitter of greenhouse gases (2008) - has yet to ratify the Kyoto treaty. Patz and his colleagues say their work demonstrates the moral obligation of countries with high per-capita emissions, such as the U.S. and European nations, to adopt a leadership role in reducing the health threats of global warming. It also highlights the need for large, fast-growing economies, such as China and India, to develop sustainable energy policies.

“The political resolve of policy-makers will play a big role in harnessing the man-made forces of climate change,” says Patz, who also holds a joint appointment with the UW-Madison department of Population Health Sciences.

Scientists believe that greenhouse gases will increase the global average temperature by approximately 6 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of the century. Extreme floods, droughts and heat waves, such as Europe’s 2003 heat wave, are likely to strike with increasing frequency. Other factors such as irrigation and deforestation can also affect local temperatures and humidity.

According to the UW-Madison and WHO team, other model-based forecasts of health risks from global climate change project that. Climate-related disease risks of the various health outcomes assessed by WHO will more than double by 2030. Flooding as a result of coastal storm surges will affect the lives of up to 200 million people by the 2080s.

Heat related deaths in California could more than double by 2100. Hazardous ozone pollution days in the Eastern U.S. could increase 60 per cent by 2050. Aside from research and the needed support of policy-makers worldwide, Patz says individuals can also play an important role in curbing the health consequences of global warming.

“Our consumptive lifestyles are having lethal impacts on other people around the world, especially the poor,” Patz says. “There are options now for leading more energy-efficient lives that should enable people to make better personal choices.”

So when you view your television whilst eating your meal and an advertisement shows the suffering of children suffering from extreme malaria infection, water borne illnesses and severe malnutrition please don’t think for one minute that civil and international conflicts have caused their pain and suffering to displacement. It’s you, the person that is reading this article that has also “contributed greatly” to their suffering.

How many items do you own in your home that you actually don’t require, and what are doing to aid the environment to help “reduce” human displacement, poverty, agricultural damage to severe droughts and flooding in third world nations?

The world’s forty poorest nations to date are listed below, in order from the United Nations 2010 Human Development Report.

Zimbabwe, Congo, Niger, Burundi, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, Chad, Liberia, Burkina Faso, Mali, Central African Republic, Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, Guinea, Afghanistan, Sudan, Malawi, Rwanda, Gambia, Zambia, Côte d’lvoire, United Republic of Tanzania, Djibouti, Angola, Haiti, Senegal, Uganda, Nigeria, Lesotho, Comoros, Togo, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Mauritania, Madagascar, Benin, Yemen, Myanmar, Cameroon, Ghana, Bangladesh, Kenya.

Since 1970, there has been some encouraging news emerging from developing countries. According to the UN’s 2010 Human Development Report, life expectancy in developing countries has increased from 59 years in 1970 to 70 years in 2010. School enrollment climbed from 55% to 70% of all primary and secondary school-age children. Also, in the last forty years, per capita GDP doubled to more than ten thousand U.S. dollars.

The World’s average Human Development Index (HDI), which combines information on life expectancy, schooling and income, has increased 19% since 1990 (and 41% since 1970). This reflects large improvements in life expectancy, school enrollment, literacy, and income.

Almost every country has benefited from this progress. Only three countries have a lower HDI in 2010 than in 1970. Those three countries are Zimbabwe, Zambia, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Some poor countries are catching up with the wealthier countries but with high corruption this is still to be seen, but not all countries have made fast progress. For example, the countries in Sub-Saharan Africa have progressed slowly, largely due to the HIV epidemic. Countries in the former Soviet Union have been held back by an increase in adult mortality.


A scientist in Franceville, Gabon, removes hair and blood samples from a cooperative chimpanzee. Researchers believe that an evolving AIDS virus first spread to humans from wild African chimpanzees, which suffer from a similar virus called SIV.


Although the 2010 report has stated that “some countries” are improving in comparison to others there are still depressing facts of life of which when you pull these reports apart and separate the diplomatic jargon of what they “are wanting to feed to you” the facts below indicate a much different table of worrying concerns.

  • 1.75 billion people live in multi-dimensional poverty, meaning extreme deprivation in education, health, and standard of living
  • 1.44 billion people out of the developing world’s 6.9 billion people live on $1.25 per day
  • 2.6 billion people are estimated to be living on less than $2 a day
  • Multidimensional poverty varies by region from three per cent in Europe and Central Asia to 65% in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • 803, 00, 00 children die a year due to poverty. And they “die quietly in some of the poorest villages on earth, far removed from the scrutiny and the conscience of the world. Being meek and weak in life makes these dying multitudes even more invisible in death, the total amount per day is 22,000 children
  • Around 27-28 per cent of all children in developing countries are estimated to be underweight or stunted. The two regions that account for the bulk of the deficit are South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa
  • Less than one per cent of what the world spent every year on weapons was needed to put every child into school by the year 2000 and yet it didn’t happen
  • Africa accounts for 90 per cent of malarial deaths and African children account for over 80 per cent of malaria victims worldwide
  • 2004 - Infectious diseases continue to blight the lives of the poor across the world. An estimated 40 million people are living with HIV/AIDS, with 3 million deaths in 2004
  • 2010 – Saw some progress of which, HIV/AIDS killed 1.8 million people, 1.2 million of whom were living in sub-Saharan Africa
  • Sadly though - 14.8 million children in the region have already lost one or more parents to the disease. In South Africa alone, nearly one in five children were orphaned by 2010, exacerbating a social dynamic that is already deeply challenged by crime, violence and unemployment.
  • 2011 - More than two-thirds of the estimated 34 million people living with HIV/AIDS worldwide are in developing countries, and nearly three-fourths of the 2.5 million “new HIV infections in 2011” occurred in these countries.
  • In mainly Africa In 2009, about 2 in 5 of all new infections occurred in people aged 13 to 29, About 19,000 people aged 13 to 29 were infected in 2009
  • The dysfunction in India’s child food program, called Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS), is just one example of how malnutrition ravages the country. More than three-quarters of the 1.2 billion populations eats less than the minimum targets set by the government. The ratio has risen from about two-thirds in 1983
  • Corrupt politicians and their criminal syndicates have looted as much as $14.5 billion in food intended for public distribution to families in Uttar Pradesh alone. Food Minister K.V. Thomas cut short an interview and asked a Bloomberg reporter to leave when asked about corruption in the nutrition- distribution system
  • 2012-12 India - When it comes to the children’s program, the national government and six state governments have failed to act even after repeated warnings that the relief food was failing to arrive or was substandard. A government-commissioned study said in 2011 that about 60 per cent of the food meant for children was being siphoned off along the supply chain. Non-corrupt Politicians and external governments in the United Kingdom and America “knew this was happening since 2004” YET IGNORED IT seeing millions of children starve.
  • India has the highest percentage of malnourished children in the world except for East Timor, according to the 2012 annual Global Hunger Index. The report said 43.5 per cent of Indian children are underweight. It is compiled by a group of non- governmental organizations including the Washington-based International Food Policy Research Institute
  • Catastrophic corruption - About $540 million of food meant for children was stolen or registered as delivered via faked paperwork in 2009, according to a 2011 internal review of the program by the New Delhi-based National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER). In Uttar Pradesh state, so much was siphoned off that each severely malnourished child received food worth less than a penny a day. In both Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra, India’s most populous states, most of the money has gone to private firms.
  • Great Value Foods has held the largest ICDS contract in Uttar Pradesh for the past seven years, according to a program document obtained under India’s Right to Information Act. The biggest stake in Great Value Foods was owned by a company belonging to a liquor baron named Gurdeep Singh Chadha — until he was shot and killed by his brother last month.
  • Great Value Foods (FAILED) - The food in both states failed to meet all but one of the government’s prescribed nutritional standards, samples of the powder tested by the Supreme Court commissioner’s office found, according to court records. In Uttar Pradesh, one of the two samples had no vitamins, the other had no iron. In Maharashtra, none of the packets contained any vitamin A or C. All the packets tested were between 15 per cent and 35 per cent short of the required calorie content.
  • Great Value Food that was taking YOUR donations (FAILED AGAIN) - The food being produced was inedible — and even cows appeared to refuse to eat it, the report said. The Supreme Court’s orders on banning contractors from the tender process were being violated, and a full investigation should be carried out by the state government, the report concluded.
  • Approximately 790 million people in the developing world are still chronically undernourished, almost two-thirds of whom reside in Asia and the Pacific.


Contained panic shrouds the face of a mother whose child is suffering from malaria in Niger. Younger children are at higher risk of dying; their bodies have not developed enough immunity to fight the disease, which can infect their brains and kill them. Each day malaria claims the lives of about 3,000 children in Africa—one every 30 seconds. Researchers predict that in 2007, malaria will strike up to a half billion people worldwide. About a million—most under five years old and living in Africa—will die.


You can contact Great Value Foods here and demand why they have failed and why they fed children with food that was inedible leaving them suffering in a third world nation from dysentery and vomiting thus later leading to excruciating death from food poisoning, dehydration and malnutrition - http://icra.in/Files/Reports/CPR/great%20value-cpr-222011.pdf  to read more in the GHI (Global Hunger Index) for the annual 2012 report you can view the report here http://www.ifpri.org/sites/default/files/publications/ghi12.pdf to read on the deliberate abuse, neglect and failings of Great Value Foods you can view here in brief http://www.globalpost.com/dispatches/globalpost-blogs/india/india-starvation-corruption

The list of failings and deliberate abuse is endless yet no one seems to take notice of this in reality. Great Value Foods although now has closed down its domain is still operating somewhere within India under a new identity that we will locate and will expose as one of the world’s largest kingpins in donation money laundering and child abuse ever seen within India.

Both the United States President and Prime Ministers cabinet knew this was happening back in early 2005 yet did nothing to cease it or contact main stream media to alert anyone to at least save children’s lives.

Unless we now cease obsessive consumerism, reduce our environmental discharge of carbon and help these children and families internationally more in the correct manner then there will be more failings as listed above.

With the top forty countries suffering greatly from starvation, malaria, HIV/AID’S (although lowered) by some 1.2 million. However how many children are still going without basic sanitation and water as of our selfishness to the environment, civil disobedience/wars corruption and international conflicts? PLEASE don’t state conflicts are caused for oil theft, this is utter nonsense. They are caused because we “humans” are psychologically programmed to destroy yet protect” which is undertaken in the wrong fashion.

The startling and upsetting reports are highlighted below;

  1. Each year unsafe water, coupled with a basic lack of sanitation kills at least 1.6 million children a year under the age of five years. That’s MORE than EIGHT times more people that died in the Asian Tsunami of 2004
  2. 84% of the populations that reside in African rural areas do not have access to improved water resources however this is now starting to increase slightly it’s still not good enough
  3.  Diarrhoea kills more children every year than AIDS, malaria and measles combined.
  4. Diarrhoea is the third biggest killer of children in Sub-Saharan Africa. (CHERG, 2012)
  5. Every year, around 60 million children are born into homes without access to sanitation.
  6. (Unicef, 2006 www.unicef.org/publications/files/Progress_for_Children_No._5_-_English.pdf page 3)
  7. At any given time, nearly half the people in the developing world are suffering from one or more of the main diseases associated with dirty water and inadequate sanitation such as diarrhoea, guinea worm, trachoma and schistosomiasis. UNDP: Human Development Report, 2006
  8. Half the hospital beds in developing countries are filled with people suffering from diseases caused by poor water, sanitation and hygiene
  9. 1.1 billion People live more than a kilometer from their water source and use just five litres of unsafe water a day (no thanks to YOUR palm oil usage, carbon footprint, and obsessive consumerism, pollution and general wanting of more electrical goods that increase more global carbon emissions), walking that one mile to take the children to school or cycling to work, or just keeping simply turning your television of at the wall and not leaving it on standby will eventually if 1.1 billion people took this action every year would decrease these women having to walk further. Why? As it would decrease temperature thus lowering evaporation thus lowering the need for more water, and not needing as much water for crops due to lack of soil evaporation to feed their families.
  10. FACT - The average person in the UK uses 150 litres of water a day. In Australia it’s around 500 litres and in the USA, over 570 litres.






FACT - Lack of water, sanitation and hygiene costs Sub-Saharan African countries more in lost GDP than the entire continent gets in development aid.

FACT - The 2015 goal to halve the proportion of people living without sanitation is running over 150 years behind schedule in Sub-Saharan Africa. (WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation 2010)

FACT - Achieving universal access to safe water and sanitation would save 2.5 million lives every year. (WHO, Global Burden of Disease 2004 Update, Geneva: WHO, 2008)

FACT - Funding for water and sanitation infrastructure is lacking by US$115 million a year in Sub-Saharan countries.  (AICD)

FACT - enveloping countries need to spend up to US$58 billion more each year to meet the Millennium Development Goal targets on water and sanitation. (WHO 2008, Gleick P H et al, 2009)


You may think that we International Animal Rescue Foundation © are nagging, going over the same issues that you see time again on the television, or hear on the radio, you may think that being a 100% vegan to vegetarian is helping the earth. YOU ARE WRONG

Veganism and vegetarianism helps only you and releases animals from slavery, it cuts down by not even 0.001% of carbon output into the ozone. Our world is dying and we at International Animal Rescue Foundation© have a duty to repair and make aware as well as fixing the damage that everyone including ourselves has made.

There are many projects and organisations that you can work with, one good point of interest to take up is going to university like most of us at International Animal Rescue Foundation © have or college.

Study to be a nurse, a doctor don’t just sit there and think “well it’s not happening to me and but I’ll just donate every year” – DONATIONS are not just the answer. Millions of children and families in the top forty nations of the poorest need YOU.

If you would like to find out more on how we help children and families, to working within Africa to construct new homes for those that have been hit with floods or just ravished by civial war then please email us at;

info@international-animalrescue-foundation.org.uk or


Or just simply visit our site and click the general enquiries box and we will get back to you within the allotted time.







Dr J C Dimetri V.M.D, B.E.S, Ma, PhD , MEnvSc Founder and CEO International Animal Rescue Foundation

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