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Posts tagged “torture chambers

Tobacco - Animal Experimentation


We all know that nicotine and tobacco in general is bad for our health including the environment and those that don’t smoke coming under increased attack from plumes of passive smoke, however smoking in general is not just bad for our health it’s also grotesquely damaging for our environment, to the mammalians that tobacco is scientifically tested on in secret underground horror movie type dungeons.

Advertisements on televisions banned in the European Union never informed anyone that smoking was also bad for “animals” that are incarcerated in medical medieval torture chambers then pumped daily with carcinogenic toxic substances to evaluate the damage that smoking causes to one’s body such as cancers, loss of libido, tachycardia, hypertension, to the effects that nicotine can have on unborn foetuses, and other parts of the body being mainly internal organs, to the nervous system too.

There are many laboratories around the world that are mostly government owned are also asked by tobacco companies to test the effects of nicotine and other poisonous substances on animals from canines, felines to primates to source the correct brand of tobacco that the consumer may be more interested in purchasing.

Tobacco smoke contains over 4,000 different chemicals, at least 50 are known to be carcinogens that (cause cancer in humans) and many are poisonous that are seriously damaging too one’s health including the non-smoker and the environment too.

Cigarettes are one of few products which can be sold legally which can harm and even kill you over time if used as intended. There are on-going lawsuits in the USA which aim to hold tobacco companies responsible for the effects of smoking on the health of long term smokers.

In 2012 the European Union imposed new stringent rules on tobacco companies issuing them with a form of ultimatum. They either hid the “brand names” on their packaging or they would be refused the right to sell in many European Nation supermarkets and small outlets, this law has come into effect in “most European Union” hypermarkets and small outlets however not all have yet opted into, with some smaller shops not actually effected by the law as of their opening hours, shop floor size to how well they are trading with regards to profits.

Other rules that have come into effect are now hypermarkets that have been ordered now to conceal tobacco products behind white sliding doors which are aimed more at the younger generation that shop in many major supermarkets. This is an act of governmental safety protocol to try and reduce the number of younger generation smokers thus reducing illness that cigarettes can cause at such an early budding age. Again this rule only applies to some hypermarkets and smaller shops that are not “effected by the law” due to size, profit margin and general opening hours. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2125978/Cigarettes-tobacco-disappear-supermarket-displays-today.html#axzz2KN9piAZi

So in all due respects the governments are now clamping down hard and “protecting the consumers” along with the younger generation from being brain washed in to the purchasing these highly additive chemicals just to reduce physiological and neurotransmitter function stress levels or boredom in general thus equalling a form of protection to the public.

Now not wishing to name or rock the boat a little too much but I’m becoming a little pissed off with hypocritical animal rights activists and ignorant members of the public that simply believes tobacco derives from the Tobacco plant Nicotiana tabacum which is such a beautiful plant on its own without the added carcinogenic addictive chemicals.

The actual Nicotiana tabacum herbaceous perennial is not tested upon our vulnerable species of primate to canines and felines of course, we all know that, or do we? It’s the four thousand plus addictive, cancerous and highly deadly chemicals added to the Nicotiana tabacum that are tested on animals “in secret prisoner of war camp like chambers” within agricultural and consumer government owned laboratories such as Huntingdon Life Sciences http://www.huntingdon.com/ founded in 1956 and Shin Nippon Biomedical Laboratories  http://www.snbl.com/en/index.html  founded in 1957 and of course the other infamous AstraZeneca plc http://www.astrazeneca.com/Home founded in 1999 and is the fifth largest biomedical pharmaceutical laboratory in the world.

There is a vast difference although not much between the slaughter house and the animal pharmaceutical experimentation industry. Firstly the slaughtered dead flesh you are eating is killed because of consumer want and demand with meat being relatively safe in the “governments” eyes to produce, slaughter for you to then devour even though its pumped with copious amounts of water carbon dioxide, tranquilisers, antibiotics, food additives, E numbers, gluten, colourings, cacogenics, and mostly water to saline, oh and horse meat. Forgot that one, added by mistake apparently to many supermarket ready processed meals 2013.

However the chemical industry is by far more complex and the government must tread carefully when introducing new chemicals in order to feed the markets and their dripping gold lined pockets/economy with highly addictive yet life threatening chemicals that are added to the actual plant Nicotiana tabacum.

Take the chemicals added to the plant away then the plant is “not worth selling” as it has lost what we describe “addictive demand” that’s been made addictive for you to purchase more and in larger quantities depending on (strength). Nicotiana tabacum is only used as a tobacco plant because it burns easily, and grows rapidly in many arid nations, so no chemicals equals no money and very slow consumer sales.

Please note (strength) as this the government scientists and tobacco companies enjoy dabbling with to ensure that you crave stronger cigarettes with more Mgs of nicotine and chemicals added for a more serene and relaxing smoke thus soothing the neurotransmitters in one’s brain until the next fix is required.

What chemicals are you smoking?

  • Benzene (petrol additive)
  • Formaldehyde (embalming fluid)
  • Ammonia (toilet cleaner)
  • Acetone (nail polish remover)
  • Tar
  • Nicotine (insecticide/addictive drug)
  • Carbon Monoxide (CO) (car exhaust fumes)
  • Arsenic (rat poison)
  • Hydrogen Cyanide (gas chamber poison)

All of the chemicals above can cause an array of disorders form Leukemia  tongue and throat cancer, to loss of appetite, sexual dysfunction, asthmatic attacks, to emphysema, and death - http://www.stop-smoking-programs.org/effects-of-smoking.html

Where do animals come in to this though?

Well this is now something the International Animal Rescue Foundation © has been asking the British Home Office and Huntingdon Life Sciences since 2010, and they are being rather crafty with regards to giving this information out.

The freedom of information act 2000 which we have accessed and used many times to obtain information that should be placed within the public domain is being denied by the Home Office and Huntingdon Life Sciences with regards to how many animals they have experimented on with regards to mainly tobacco and cosmetics.

Huntingdon Life Sciences are apparently immune from giving out these two very important pieces of documentation that we only require to analyse, however International Animal Rescue Foundation © has been denied on several requests/occasions this information.

It doesn’t come as a surprise since this type of horrific and utterly brutal barbaric animal experimentation is prolonged, incredibly painful and torturous to primates, canines and felines and rodents that are put through hellish months if not years of tobacco and cosmetic pharmaceutical experimentation leaving them withering in pain, suffering without analgesia for you the consumer.

There are many FOIA requests that can be read here from the British Home Office http://search.homeoffice.gov.uk/search?q=huntingdon+life+sciences+&searchSubmit=Search&entqr=0&ud=1&sort=date%3AD%3AL%3Ad1&output=xml_no_dtd&oe=UTF-8&ie=UTF-8&client=default_frontend&proxystylesheet=default_frontend&site=default_collection


http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/publications/science-research-statistics/research-statistics/other-science-research/spanimals11/spanimals11?view=Binary (We was denied a similar request to this on tobacco and cosmetics)



You can make a FOIA request here https://www.gov.uk/make-a-freedom-of-information-request/the-freedom-of-information-act

2012 November

“Disturbing details of the applications to administer tobacco smoke to animals have recently been uncovered. Such details are always kept secret from the public, animal advocate and humane research alternative organisations.


A few months ago it was revealed that experimenters who wanted to administer tobacco smoke to animals thought that making an animal go into spasm 40 times was acceptable. It was pointed out that it was distressing (to say the least) and that operatives should be on hand to observe and take the “right action.” The naivety of the experimenters might lead one to think that they were inexperienced, but the application was from a US based international company. As is usual in these cases the application was approved.

– NOTE H.L.S Huntingdon Life Sciences and other laboratories contrary to what is placed on the internet routinely experiment on animals every year using cosmetics and tobacco to assess what dangers there may be to the public and on behalf of tobacco companies too this is completely disrespectful and totally abusive.

Experimentations on animals with regards to tobacco;

In tests that many people don’t realize are still being conducted, animals are forced to breathe cigarette smoke for up to six hours straight, every day, for as long as three years. Animals naturally avoid breathing cigarette smoke, so lab rats are forced into tiny canisters, and cigarette smoke is pumped directly into their noses.

In the past, dogs and monkeys have had tubes attached to holes in their necks or have had masks strapped to their faces to force smoke into their lungs. In other commonly conducted tests, mice and rats have cigarette tar applied directly to their bare skin to induce the growth of skin tumours (you think animal slaughter is OK) and (Are you still craving for that cigarette?)

A small insight in the experimentations that where noted in 2010

  • Cutting holes in beagles’ throats through which the dogs are forced to breathe concentrated cigarette smoke for a year.
  • Inserting electrodes into dogs’ penises to measure the effect of cigarette smoke on sexual performance.
  • Strapping masks to the faces of rats and monkeys and permanently restraining them to force them to breathe cigarette smoke constantly.
  • Restraining Rhesus monkeys in chairs with head devices and exposing them to nicotine and caffeine to determine how caffeine and nicotine affect breathing.
  • Forcing dogs to be on mechanical ventilators and chronically exposed to cigarette smoke.

Do you believe that we are lying just to entice you in to quitting that filthy habit that’s of course not just killing YOU but torturing and killing animals for YOU the consumer? Anyone that smokes and knows this is actively contributing to animal torture should be ashamed of themselves. You wouldn’t see a child put through this, so why an innocent animal? http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Smoking_beagles

In 1970, Dr. Oscar Auerbach revealed that he had trained 86 beagles to smoke and 20 of them developed cancers. It was an experiment that proved for the first time the link between large animals exposed to cigarette smoke and cancer; it caught the tobacco industry unaware and opened the floodgates as both sides frantically rushed to prove or disprove harmful effects of cigarettes via a frenzy of animal testing.

It was amidst this controversy that Mary Beith went to work for Imperial Chemical Industries in the summer of 1974, but she was different from other workers. She had been engaged by The Sunday People in Manchester to work undercover at various animal research laboratories. She chose ICI’s Macclesfield labs for the simple reason that it was close to her home.

She could not produce her insurance cards (which would betray her journalistic background) so she pretended they had been mislaid. It was just perhaps the trusting nature of those days, but the company gave her three days to find them or face dismissal. Inside, she saw beagles forced to inhale as many as 30 cigarettes in a day to test ‘safe’ non-nicotine cigarettes, called New Smoking Material.

A darkroom was set up in a van parked near the lab and Beith was given a tiny camera, which she concealed in her bra. But when she took the film back, staff laughed at her efforts, one telling her “The next time you take pictures of those beagles, Mary, please be sure to take your finger off the lens!”

The next day, she smuggled in a larger camera and took some of the most ionic photos seen in the Animal Rights Milita, and Animal Liberation Front to date. The paper sat on the story for several months until publishing it on 26th January 1975 on the front page. It coincided with Richard Ryder’s powerful book against animal testing, Victims of Science.

These incidents provoked strong and violent backlashes from animal rights activists, and with the imprisonment of two such figures from the Animal Liberation Front, a new chapter in animal rights law would soon open.

As for Mary Beith, she won an award as campaigning journalist of that year, ironically for the reporter best remembered for an anti-tobacco story, she was a lifelong smoker and died soon after, after a long battle with an aggressive form of lung cancer.


Due to acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which are often associated with respiratory infections, are defined as a worsening of symptoms that require a change in medication.

Exacerbations are characterized by a reduction in lung function, quality of life and are associated with increased pro-inflammatory mediators in the lung. The aim was to develop an animal model to mimic aspects of this exaggerated inflammatory response by combining key etiological factors, tobacco smoke (TS) and bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The animal models were rodents that are still used to this day along with canines and Rhesus monkeys.

The conclusive results where;

Rats were exposed to TS for 30 min twice a day for 2 days. On day 3 animals were exposed to LPS for 30 min followed by exposure to TS 5 h later. Inflammation, mucus and lung function were assessed 24 h after LPS.


Neutrophils, mucus, oedema and cytotoxicity in lung and/or bronchoalveolar lavage was increased in animals exposed to combined LPS and TS, compared with either stimulus alone. Lung function was impaired in animals exposed to combined LPS and TS. Inflammatory cells, oedema and mucus were unaffected by pretreatment with the corticosteroid, budesonide, but were reduced by the phosphodiesterase 4 selective inhibitor roflumilast. Additionally, lung function was improved by roflumilast.


We have established an in vivo model mimicking characteristic features of acute exacerbations of COPD including lung function decline and increased lung inflammation. This model may be useful to investigate molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying such exacerbations, to identify new targets and to discover novel therapeutic agents.

Still fancy a cigarette?




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