"Whatever you do may seem insignificant, but it is most important that you do it”

Posts tagged “Hate Crimes





Wednesday 17th at 14:30hrs a member of our team was visited by the Anti Terrorist Police of the United Kingdom. The allegation that was made (and we know it was), as we hold that evidence, was in relation to our own desperate pleas to bring aid, veterinary assistant, and medication to suffering and starving animals at the Zoological Gardens in Yemen, Taiz. The allegation is listed below for your information based on a communication[s] made public on the 3rd or 4th February 2016. The complaint was picked from Twitter that we have been monitoring for some time. The officer and branch we have not identified in that communication. [See data below relating to that visit, names are withheld]. (Image: Third above party image not-related to I.A.R.F.A)


Image: Malicious complaints published on line, Anti Terror Police had to investigate. 


[Name withheld], [accused name withheld], [officer and dept name withheld]. “Hi I believe that [name withheld]”, is organizing a heavily armed gang of men, or is funding terrorists to commit terror atrocities within Yemen”. Please view the screen shots above that have derived from the complaint that forced officers to intervene despite their being no evidence whatsoever to then leave the note, and follow up with a visit Wednesday 17th 2016. Further to this under no circumstances has anyone of our team been convicted, or charged with ‘arson’, and even if they were how would that then come across to the Police as [concerning].


Image: Note from Anti Terror Police, relating to the allegations above on Twitter.

At approximately 14:30hrs, yesterday, Anti Terror Police visited a member of our team which was a polite visit, and was merely to ask questions. There was no arrests made, no action taken, nor was there any reason really for concern. However, due to the questions asked, and the mannerism of informal questioning from the Detective, related to the Anti Terror Branch, this has seriously impacted on our efforts to push help into Taiz Zoological Gardens. The reasons are set out below.

Yes we could have simply ignored this, and not have printed the above data. However when so called ‘animal lovers’ place legitimate legal operations in danger, they must be held accountable. While we fully support what the Detective Constable had to say, the DC did drop quite a few clangers. Those clangers I.e information which has intimidated a member of our team, has left us to believe [without a doubt], that the Anti Terror Police have conducted their own investigation before visiting, and may still be monitoring our systems. All of which is totally unnecessary!

Certain questions and remarks that were verbally communicated directly inform us that the Anti Terror Police have done more than “politely visited’. The visit in our opinion (was a mere gesture of letting us know they are watching us), or have been for some time. Below we have printed our response in relation to calling this project off. I.A.R.F.A of which has various skills in this area of rescue are deeply saddened.

  1.  We believe that whatever help we offer or communications we publish, will be monitored.
  2. We believe that due to the interference from the two individuals that reside in the UK identified as Ms Cole and Ms McCusker that any actions we take, or data we publish could place our own team in danger, via the communication of malicious time wasting Police complaint[s]. A crime known as [Perverting the Course of Justice].
  3. Due to these [malicious communications], we have strong reason to believe that should we push help into Yemen, these two individuals could place peoples lives in danger via communicating their names, our project[s], or other, via further unproven, and more than inaccurate reports.
  4. We have strong reason to believe that should we ‘organize a team to move into Yemen’, which isn’t actually a criminal offence. The team may themselves come under Anti Terror Police scrutiny, investigation and/or questioning. Such reports could result in their names being published within media and press, which in turn could if they were allowed to move on into Yemen then seriously place their lives in danger of attack from terrorists. We simply cannot allow that, nor will we place environmental, veterinary or aid workers in danger of attack.
  5. Despite the fact we have been the ‘victim of false allegations’ you the [public] can still donate hereto https://www.generosity.com/animal-pet-fundraising/help-starving-animals-in-abandoned-yemen-zoo-now-2

The allegation made was indeed very cruel, and has unfortunately resulted in us pulling any help from Yemen, or even organizing via self funding a team to move into Yemen to help these very distressed, starving and sick zoo animals, (all of which is legal). The help was carefully organised of which we were deeply concerned that placing our ‘own funding’ to unknown individuals could result in that funding being sent to criminals to commit terror atrocities. Due to past issues with zoological gardens we decided to stick to our protocol of which was to visit, treat, and then find one out. All of which has been [ruined by malicious complaints and twisted so called animal lovers].


Image: Lion has since died, from starvation hence why we had to act to save others. 

A meeting offline was organised today on behalf of the CEO. The CEO didn’t attend. The CEO and ourselves believe that under the current circumstances, and the fact further malicious complaints could be reported, down to innocent people being questioned. Then regrettably we have no other option but to quit this project and cease all communications to the United Nations, and further foreign individuals. Please do note though -  there is a funding link above that you can send a donation to, which is UNRELATED TO I.A.R.F.A.

While we accept the current ‘concerns’, and why the Anti Terror Police did conduct an informal interview, after ‘some days of monitoring our own online activity’. There are many aid workers and rangers working in much dangerous countries than Yemen today as we speak. We know that our systems have been looked into, we even know that some of own emails and data online has been scanned by (Anti Terror Police).


Image: Yemen Zoo animals are fed when aid can reach them. 

Anti Terror Police must satisfy themselves that no crime is being committed such as funding of terrorists to commit terror atrocities overseas, which we fully acknowledge, and do not blame them for conducting their investigation.

As of today we will no longer be conducting research into this zoo, nor will we be funding any operation or individuals whatsoever to move in. We are saddened that so called “animal lovers” have propagated such malicious complaints, and we are frustrated that so called animal lovers have since placed the lives of many innocent animals in harms way from real terrorists, and armed forces from Houthis and Islamic State. Not forgetting bombing raids conducted my the Royal Saudi Air Force.


Image: The zoo receives under $400 a day, many animals need help. 

We are also ‘angered to the core’ that the British Anti Terror Police conducted an online investigation, monitored our systems, and “we believe placed spyware onto our systems to ensure that we wasn’t working with terrorists”. We do not under any circumstances accept that the Detective Constable simply wanted to “have a quick and polite chat”, we do accept that the constable was basically warning us that they are watching us, or would be. Although this is simply speculation, we will not, whatsoever tolerate an invasion of our privacy by UK and/or US Anti Terror Police.


Image: Fact-finding mission report: Number of animals in Taiz Zoo.

A polite email would have been suffice. further to this, the communication that was printed online clearly provides our details and whom we are (hardly terrorists), and what we were asking for. Lastly, if we were recruiting terrorists - we’d most certainly not be advertising about such monstrosities online via a pubic server, supported by over half a million people alone.

Today 18th February 03:18 local time, we now withdraw our help, and please advise the public to refrain from communicating emails to us regarding this zoo. We had only one further hurdle to overcome. Unfortunately that has been destroyed by evil, twisted and deranged cyber trolls. We simply cannot place peoples lives in danger in such ‘sensitive environments’ as explained. The zoo requires an estimated $700USD a day, however while we were prepared to fund, even send veterinary assistance within the zoo, we are not risking this, while other animals require our help. Further to this we simply cannot place wildlife crime investigations in danger of being ruined, or even delayed.

International Animal Rescue Foundation is not a terror organisation. We help many poorly equipped, underfunded, and damaged zoological gardens around the planet. We undertake various wildlife investigations providing INTERPOL, international and local police with our findings, yet we are being harassed more to say by the very people that were helping. Sadly we withdraw our help in relation to this zoo.

We apologize for the upset caused. We haven’t received an apology from the Police or what gave them [very good reasons to scan our systems, data, emails and more online].

Should you wish to fund this zoo yourself, then you can by clicking the image link below. While we ourselves support such funding operations, and have been provided with ‘more than enough data’, our main aim was to send veterinary assistants to the zoo, view what is required rather than provide funding to a cause.

You can place a donation hereto via clicking the link below in the image article.



Board of Directors. 






Hi, my name is Dr Jose C. Depre. I run the International Animal Rescue Foundation, which is a self funded organisation founded by myself, and other [unnamed] environmentalists from around the globe. International Animal Rescue Foundation doesn’t ask for donations, however there are links upon our Facebook pages, and websites of which the public can send a donation. All donations go to good causes. Meanwhile, when or if we do urgently require donations, they are banked for anyone of the projects that we require urgent financial assistant for. Donations are then used for that particular [emergency animal or environmental project that we are trying our hardest to resolve], within some of the most hospitable regions on the planet.

Unfortunately even when we show evidence of expenditure, or projects that we have worked on to improve animal welfare past and present, we occasionally fall under some pretty nasty, and at times derogatory criticism from so called animal rights activists. The Vietnamese project of which we are still [self funding], and relying on public funding to establish this rescue has attracted some pretty nasty criticism, and lies from online cyber trolls. This particular project that is ‘now being fronted by the Anti Pet & Bush Meat Coalition has been attacked so much’, we have been forced to stop publishing help links online.

The reasons why we are asking for the public to fund this particular project is due to the fact that we run an [anti wildlife trade and environmental investigations organisation], and not an anti pet meat organisation (as a whole). Meaning that our main focus is that of environmental crimes and, the illegal. wildlife trade.  From 2014-2016 we raised an ‘exact’ total of $2,141, which myself the CEO estimated from many banking records and electronic receipts a total of over $3,600 (EST). Regrettably due to the staggering abuse vomited at Intentional Animal Rescue Foundation when we parted from the organisation, (due to unprofessional misconduct from the founder Ms Brown) identified as (Say No To Dog Meat.Net). There hasn’t been a single donation wired to us from June 2015 to January 2016 of which is required to establish a veterinary center, rescue and rehabilitation clinic.

Since November of 2015 when I walked away from Say No To Dog Meat.Net I have been the ‘victim of harassment and cyber stalking’ by a woman identified as Miss Clodagh McCusker, from Belfast, Northern Ireland, that has taken cyber stalking, harassment, bullying and ground stalking to all new levels. Normally these special breed of people I ignore, I haven’t the time, nor day to explain myself or entertain cyber trolls, or respond to them. Miss Clodagh McCusker though has overstepped the mark. Miss McCusker has launched a ‘campaign of systematic abuse aimed at myself, my partner, my friends and even my own family’. Furthermore I am not the only victim of this woman’s anti-social cyber abuse. A Belfast citizen identified as Miss Helen Madden was also a victim of this woman’s vile, despicable online abuse. Please view the screenshot below from Helen Madden.


Image: Helen Madden names the online bullies that have made her life hell. See link.

I have no relation to Ms Helen Madden whatsoever, I do not know this woman however I was made aware that this kind, gentle and caring young lady helped out at a demonstration that I myself and my then ‘co-founder’ organised for the organisation Say No To Dog Meat.Net. Further to this Helen Madden was friends with another woman that helped at the Belfast demonstration back in April of 2015 identified as Ms Clodagh McCusker. When the Belfast Telegraph printed their story relating to the ‘alleged bullies’ above hitting on Miss Helen Madden, Miss Clodagh McCusker then replied with the comment below. I was of course shocked, and found this rather upsetting.


Image: Clodagh McCusker blames me for trolling/bullying a woman I don’t even know?

The screenshot above I actually found quite upsetting. I have never in my life met Miss Helen Madden, nor have I ever verbally spoken to this kind woman, apart from last week after the Belfast Article was published. So it kind of came as a shock to then see my own organisation, and myself (being named as the aggressor). Yet Miss Madden whom has some learning difficulties, then name and the individuals above (within the screenshot). The only comment that myself am guilty of is the article that was printed on our main Facebook page; International Animal Rescue Foundation Africa, with a further story hereto.

Despite the fact (I actually believed Helen, along with countless other people relating to ‘Helen Maddens allegations’ she then contradicts herself within the screenshot below. So the only person whom is lying here is not myself, but Helen as one can clearly see above (screenshot). I personally believe that Helen was lunged down on two of the cyber trolls above, and ordered to redact her statement. Helen doesn’t know myself, like I do not know Helen. However a certain individual I.e Clodagh McCusker, Anne McKinney, Etc do know myself (indirectly). From viewing the screenshot below, Helen has been asked/ordered to speak this utter nonsense, or Helen Madden has basically lied to a press officer.  Either way, I want no part in these childish games, and will most certainly not, after trying to help this woman, then have my name slandered online.


Image: So either that are bullying you, or there not, and my involvement in helping you Helen is harassment? I think you need to step back, take a look at yourself and the damage that your causing. I for one know that Clodagh McCusker isn’t just a bully, but an obsessive lying fantasist. 

Since November 2015 I have come under some pretty heavy, and at times disturbing trolling, all of which has been reported to my local British Constabulary, and the Police Service Northern Ireland Belfast. A further complaint was sent to Miss C. McCusker’s (ISP) Internet Service Provider, Gmail, and the Hate Crimes Unit. Lastly numerous cease and desists were electronically communicated to Miss McCusker asking her directly, yet politely to cease and desist, and refrain immediately from harassing me online. Please view the image screenshots below for your immediate information.


Image: Final warning to cease and desist sent via myself to C. McCusker  

MAJORTROLL19Image: Final warning to cease and desist sent via myself to C. McCusker  


Image: January 20th 2016, yet another polite warning sent to Miss McCusker 

Despite my repetitive attempts of which I politely asked this woman to cease and desist, refrain from communicating to me, even down to blocking her on Facebook, Twitter, and blocking her Internet Protocol Address [IP]. Miss McCuscker then drops a clanger, the clanger is that big, it left me with no other option but to then contact the Serious Crime Agency (SCA) commonly known as (SOCA), IC3, my own constabulary, and the Police Service Northern Ireland. The email below is in response to my polite emails above (two of many), do you the reader believe this to be from a responsible. mature, and adult person?

Miss McCusker threatens in one sentence: “I am looking forward to your move too Belfast, and a lot of people are awaiting your arrival, but don’t be expecting a welcoming party, and that’s a fact”

Miss McCusker then states: “I have never harassed Bethany, (that actually refers to my daughter). Miss McCusker then threatens: “I have form for contacting whoever Jon”.

Miss McCusker then threatens: Now how would you like it Jon if I contacted your mum from the UK, Christine, or Michaela.

Who in their right-mind goes after someone else’s innocent children (or family) just to troll another individual online? Firstly my name is Jose, and not Jon. Secondly my daughter has categorically stated that if Miss Clodagh McCusker contacts her she will be seeking an injunction against her. My own innocent daughter has also been forced to conceal her own identity in fear of her being exposed with lies. What type of (strange individual) goes after other peoples children (or family), whom they are not related too, to strike up a ‘very good relationship with’? Not only is that bordering child abuse and grooming relating to my own child, its also mind-controlling, unwanted, outrageous and totally inappropriate.

At no point have I nor anyone for that matter sought this woman’s parents, or threatened to contact them. However if this unwanted trolling continues, every-single communication will be sent to the parents should they be located, in the hope that the parents can help this rather disturb woman.  (Please see the email below from Miss McCusker).


Image: Clodagh McCusker communicating threats to me and my family 

Back in January 2016 I was THEN paid a visit by the local Police, to my temporary home that I am currently staying at before, hopefully, my final move to Northern Ireland. On the 24th January at exactly 20:00hrs I was visited by two members of the Norfolk and Suffolk Police. On allowing the Police officers within my home, I was told that the officers had been communicated a complaint from a Miss Clodadgh McCusker, Belfast, via the Northern Ireland Police Service. I was utterly flabbergasted, and shocked at the sheer fact the woman was now, not only communicating lies about me online, making threats to contact my family, but was now wasting police time via concocting malicious complaints..

A PC and PSCO then asked me to consent [voluntary] a search of my home, of which they were looking for ‘evidence relating to money laundering and serious fraud’. I verbally communicated to the Police that this was the second such time my premises had been [searched], on the orders of other Police Departments, relating to ‘fraud’, via malicious complaints. Further to this I instructed the Police to contact the HMRC, and the Serious Fraud Agency, which would have proved my innocence.

The Police were looking for ‘fraudulent banking papers, and anything that would have proven I was indeed guilty of a crime. The images below clearly show [no evidence was located], yet the Police didn’t even bother to arrest this disturb woman for communication of a malicious time wasting complaint. So not only am I being threatened, trolled, my family now the victim of this ‘mentally deranged psychopath’, I am now fearing my door being kicked in from the Police via the communication of (false and unproven lies). I mean, who does that, who wastes Police officers time, who in the ‘animal rights community’ makes up such absurd lies, then basically admits to them in her Gmail emails. Clearly this woman, who craves attention!


Image: Search Warrant: No evidence of wrongdoing located (malicious complaint) 


Image: If I had anything to hide I.e Paper money trails, I’d not have consented to a search 

But what does all of this have to do with animal rights?, good question. It seems that within the animal rights forum of which I am not nor will I ever be a member of, there is this [egomania issue]. Leaving aside Clodagh’s attraction to myself, which is the reason for all of this above, and not fraud, deception, or womanizing. Anyone that is seen as being successful, is either attacked, belittled, or slammed down by [cyber trolls].

In the case of Clodagh though, she is simply jealous that I am in a relation with a super stunning woman, whom she stated to me numerous times (to stay well clear of). Fortunately I do my own thinking for oneself, and if I see danger, then I will jolly well stay clear of it. Clodagh on the other hand has this fascination with myself, which I can kind of see now why. I complimented her on her looks (out of politeness), and generally spoke to her (giving her attention which clearly someone is not providing). Upon me leaving Say No To Dog Meat.Net, and then my blocking of this woman from my Facebook profile I was then set upon by her and her dog Anne McKinney, (another woman that I have never met or spoken too).


Image: I blocked Clodagh on Twitter, and Facebook, yet this is the reply given?

Despite blocking this woman on various platforms and trying to ignore her, she continues her utmost best to still tag me even on Twitter where I have her blocked. @JoseDepre11 is my Twitter name. One thing I point to here, is how is this woman able to view my profiles, when I have her blocked? Ms McCusker states that I am harassing her, yet clearly in the images below, one can see otherwise. Surely if someone is being harassed, then why continue to indirectly, and directly harass myself, my friends, my family, partner and communicate false malicious police complaints?


Image: Intimidation aimed at myself via allegedly contacting my daughter of unknown origin. 

The image above was posted by Anne McKinney, made my Mr Price. As one can see they have been trolling my Facebook platform, despite the fact both of them are blocked. They then go on to state that my daughter [unnamed] states I have been in and out of prison. I can rightly now obtain a Police record that clearly shows I have never been in prison. Quite obviously they know diddlysquat about me, yet are acting so immature as to incite hate, thus making me appear to be some type of arsonist, that goes by the name of Jon (who hates his children)?. “I’m always in prison”? Who in their right mind, at the age of 36 and 51 years of age deliberately concocts such utter childish drivel? (Attention Seeking, as this is what some of the so called Animal Rights Activists do, or should I say, they have nothing better to do than talk utter waffle all day). Further to this - such malicious communications on line can lead to me or anyone innocently being labeled ‘beaten or killed’, how would these two so called women feel then with a murder/manslaughter charge on their head?

Since November 2015 to date I have complained to Facebook and Twitter. Furthermore the Police and other agencies that are now taking these allegations very seriously. Unfortunately the issue with Facebook and Twitter is an ongoing battle. The evidence below clearly shows just how many times I have reported Miss McCusker, and still she continues. In total 19 removals of my images, and more, below are just a handful of screenshots.


Image: Miss McCusker’s Facebook page, I had to report on at least 19 separate occasions for theft of my own data, images and posting sensitive materials. 


Image: December she re-posts further libel. 


Image: December 16th - further theft of my images removed

So Miss McCusker and her chums have moved on to Twitter, where they seem to think that posting on this platform grants them immunity. Which for now it may well do. Unfortunately regardless of how much nonsense she Tweets, the fact of the matter here is that she is committing a crime. So what next? 

The law is next, and since December I have now logged over 308 separate (evidence screenshots) of (direct cyber harassment, unwanted communications, libel, threats, indirect harassment, communications sent to relatives, and direct inciting of violence/and/or/hate onto Twitter and Facebook, down to Gmail). There’s more too.

The Protection from Harassment Order 1997 (Northern Ireland) is similar to the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 (England and Wales). To view the legislation is Northern Ireland visit http://www.statutelaw.gov.uk  and search under Protection from Harassment Order

I am being harassed by some narcissistic lunatic, and if you think the data above is (tame or even concerning), you’ve not seen nothing. The vicious and outlandish communications this troll has sent me directly and indirectly via the [animal rights movement] is outrageous. Lastly what TYPE of so called ACTIVIST intimidates CHILDREN and HARASSES THEM? Clearly those with nothing better to do, living in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

I will continue to ignore this troll, which is the only thing one can do. However documenting on her behavior is critically important. If my life is placed in danger via inciting hate, inciting violence, stating I am an abusive father, or anything other - you’ll sure to hell know if I am to vanish, this is whom is to blame. I have asked repeatedly for this troll to leave alone.. Sadly she’ll not stop until someone is seriously hurt, and here’s me thinking that animal rights activists are not not into [violence] sigh.

UPDATE: 17.02.2016

Despite trying to do my job accordingly all of which is funded by myself. I now have Ms Clodagh McCusker and her new found chum Miss Karen Cole stating that I am recruiting an ‘armed and dangerous gang’. The very armed and dangerous gang that hopefully will be shielding teams of vets, environmentalists, and carers from being attacked by terrorists. Please view the screenshot below [clearly this woman also like Miss McCusker has issues].


Image: Karen Cole runs the Twitter account for NotForMeat 

What is Karen Cole and Miss McCusker speaking of though? Lets take a look at how lurid, immature, and utterly pathetic these trolls are dropping too. Further to this allegation, its allegations such as this, that if aimed at the Police would unfortunately the [via malicious time wasting allegation] see Police act with an [armed response unit], at myself, in the belief that I am in some way recruiting terrorists for overseas illegal actions. (And here is me believing this woman is SANE). Please view the screenshot below that was posted by myself in relation to the ongoing situation in Taiz, Yemen, Zoo.


Image: Why would a so called animal lover Karen ‘stalker troll’ and Clodagh McCusker NOT want us to fund a volunteer unit to help these animals and save innocent people from being murdered. Do these two girls honestly think that Taiz, Yemen is some kind of playground? Looks that way. What Karen Cole and Clodagh McCusker are trying their utmost hardest to do, is to have me arrested, via concocting MORE complete crap, false Police complaints of which the Police if not provided the truth from the (source), would see this as me training armed gangs. Not much of an animal lover are you Ms Cole or McCusker. Please click the link below. 



Anne McKinney: https://twitter.com/Annemck0 (Belfast)

Clodagh McCusker: https://twitter.com/clodaghmccusker (Belfast)

Karen Cole: https://twitter.com/SaveStBernards (France)

Karen and daughters Twitter account: https://twitter.com/_AnimalBuddy (France & UK)

Thomas Price: https://twitter.com/canklehunter/with_replies (Australia)

Thomas Price: https://twitter.com/GelatiJam (Australia)

Robert Lyons: https://twitter.com/Robertlyons1902 (London)

Dr Jose C. Depre


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