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Posts tagged “captain paul watson

Boycott all Costa Rica’s Produce (Should Paul Watson Be Extradited)

Boycott Costa Rica's Produce should Paul Watson be extradited ?

Before you vote please view the truth, thank you.

Please support Captain Paul Watson, he is to be released now, Monday in Europe at anytime [on paid bail bond]. Please answer the poll. Should Costa Rica be boycotted for their role in a phony arrest warrant over 10 years old. Please do not place any negative comments on the page we have placed a comment [other] in the poll. Along with the option of others viewing this too.

Should you like some YouTube viewers decide on abusing the poll then we will bar you from the site. Should Paul Watson be sent to prison then a full boycott must be adhered to, to enforce the support of Paul and place economic restrictions on the Presidents country Costa Rica.

The longer Paul is kept behind on land the longer his operations at sea are being jeopardized and marine life being endangered. Please support the best answer.


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