"Whatever you do may seem insignificant, but it is most important that you do it”

Adapostul de caini din Baia Mare - Please Help.

YESTERDAY we was made aware of Adapostul de caini din Baia Mare a stray dog facility that has been established as a non-profit in Romania. We were somewhat annoyed when reading that this incredibly underfunded organisation was promised so many things by UK Charity World Protection for Dogs and Cats in the Meat Trade formally known as No To Dog Meat that is headed by Ms Decadent

Promises of blankets, financial grants that would span the year to help purchase building materials and more was not kept too. In a cruel twist of ego-driven minds World Protection appeared to use Adapostul de caini din Baia Mare to promote their own charity. The three ladies from Adapostul de caini din Baia Mare were asked to don T-Shirts and say good words about the charity. Although a e300 donation was provided after their New Year Raffle that was it. Adapostul de caini din Baia Mare had written a good reference and wore the No To Dog Meat merchandise very excited in the hope they would then be receiving help much needed from this British Charity.

Adapostul de caini din Baia Mare were indeed a bit disappointed about the No To Dog Meat situation but in a weird way, and this is because of the general attitude towards dogs in Romania, they didn’t expect anything too amazing to come out of it. So its down to others to now repair this damage and loss of faith. Just think had the Adapostul de caini din Baia Mare exhausted all their funding in the hope they were going to receive six down payments and blankets plus a visit also promised that never materialized what would have happened to the dogs and cats? This is why many organisations take a very dim view on this very unprofessional behavior.

An investigation started with No To Dog Meat because they promised 6 months of rent, 250 euros x 6 months, which they asked people to donate to them, and money Adapostul de caini din Baia Mare never received. Plus they said on their page that they sent us many blankets in the past winter, and again those we never received nor did anyone from NTDM ask us if we need them or where to send them. Adapostul de caini din Baia Mare did receive the three hundred euros. They were also thankful of this however again what if with promises such as this would have hapepend had Adapostul de caini din Baia Mare spent the reminder of their funding on other organisation needs. Such as food but not blankets, Can you see where we are coming from? Please never promise something and use an impoverished organisation to better your own as that is immoral and bordering corrupt.

So as the news trickled in we decided to provide Adapostul de caini din Baia Mare with a $300 grant from our non-public private fund and so did the amazing Animal Buddy. Animal Buddy granted a $200 grant from their own back pockets.

The Chief Environmental Officer has as of today granted permission for International Animal Rescue Foundation to help the Adapostul de caini din Baia Mare organisation. This permission was granted after the Board of Directors witnessed with their own eyes the many ill, diseased and dying dogs that this wonderful Romanian organisation is working to help. Problem is Adapostul de caini din Baia Mare receive little if any public funding. To be precise they receive probably no more than ten to twenty euros if that a week. We hope our readers now understand why we and our Chief Environmental Officer and advocates at Animal Buddy were frustrated, saddened and angry that a British Charity had pledged to help them with blankets and funding to help with building materials that was never seen.

We are thankful that World Protection had granted a three hundred euro grant. However we will not tolerate “any” charity, or “organisation” that makes promises goodwill to very impoverished European organisations getting their hopes up to then see later on that it really was just a ploy to “promote No To Dog Meat” and to write a few good words for them in the hope No To Dog Meat would be chosen as a “Leading UK (political) charity registered with the Charities Commission. Political organisations are also in violation of the Charities Commissions as stated in the Terms and Conditions of registration.

Picture - 1 10.11.2013

Dog with distemper taken from the Costanza dog pound - he was just a baby. He died a month after Adapostul de caini din Baia Mare removed it. I’ve done a complete analysis Adapostul de caini din Baia Mare quoted, he didn’t gain more weight no matter what he was fed. In recent days, could no longer stand his feet. Sadly this poor pup had to be humanely euthanized.


So we hope our readers can understand our frustrations and that of International Animal Rescue Foundation and Animal Buddy of which are not related or affiliated to the Icelandic Registered Company (2010).

International Animal Rescue Foundation has a strict code of mission and conduct. International Animal Rescue Foundation works primarily in conservation preservation. However and as explained on our last blog roll the organisation established its private grant mission when founded. This is to ensure the organisation continues to run effectively yet professionally. Investigations and welfare demands are met when needed and to fund all work carried out by the organisation. INTERNATIONAL ANIMAL RESCUE FOUNDATION WILL ONLY TAKE PUBLIC FUNDING in dire need of emergencies. See update on Funding African Wildlife Survival.

IN A MEETING today within France the organisation has decided that more help must be granted to the Adapostul de caini din Baia Mare. A few donations here and there is just not good enough. Have you ever visited Romania in the Winter? (click link)

International Animal Rescue Foundation France from its private non-public trust fund will be providing help to Adapostul de caini din Baia Mare to help purchase;

  • Bedding and blankets for strays taken of the streets 
  • Building materials to help construct the shelters and keep dogs and cats safe and secure warm and disease free 
  • Food to help fight infection, reduce malnutrition and increase overall health of dogs and cats rescued of the harsh streets of Romania
  • Medications to alleviate infectious disease and help with veterinary care 

Picture 2 - 1/11/2013 Dog taken of streets of Romania Adapostul de caini din Baia Mare helped. This poor little pooch had a serious eye infection of which the eye had to be removed. Thankfully and with the only three women that run Adapostul de caini din Baia Mare this dog was saved from a very near death.


Winter is only just around the corner in Europe and from forcasts and model data we are set for a rather harsh one. Please be most kind to place a donation the Adapostul de caini din Baia Mare here;

PAYPAL: adapostuldecainibaiamare@yahoo.com
RON: RO 49 BTRL RONC RT02 4689 8501
EUR: RO 96 BTRL EURC RT02 4689 8501

Your donation will help dogs like this below;



Find a loving and ever happy home. Plus your always kept up to date with news here via their Facebook page


Thanks for reading everyone. Please share this article and please donate what you can.



Francis Mayel

Environmental News and Media.  

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