Travels With Lili - Compassionate animal welfare publication for children 6+
Recently we had the great pleasure of speaking to an inspirational American book publicist, Mr Carl Delvic from the United States that has published an exciting 128 page easy reading fictional children’s book called Travel’s with Lili that is currently on sale at for $9.00 plus postage and packaging.
Carl Delvic based in Dallas, Texas, published the children’s book to highlight the importance of caring for animals within our domesticated and environmental world to the younger generation which is informative, witty and fun, and a great all round read for all budding young book worms from around the world.
We have read extracts from the book and I myself asked my own children what they thought. Their comments were Mum please, pleaseeeeee buy it, I love animals, with my younger daughter of the brood bubbling away at the pictures and smiling like a Cheshire cat.
Travels with Lilly is a must have in all children‘s libraries and upon bookshelves to night time reads too. Fun for both the budding young reader and parents wanting to teach their children both literacy as well as compassionate love for animals, Travels with Lily I and the team here recommend to all parents with children and schools too for furthering animal love, education, literacy and learning, species identification, to education on the importance of animal welfare
The proclaimed author explained to us that he was aiming his book at younger reader’s because he wants to see the next generation mature with a sense of compassion for animals and zero tolerance for abusers, of which we had to find out more about this appealing and very impressive glossy publication.
Travels with Lili is easy reading, filled with showy picture’s of many animals from duckling’s, Lili the authors cat, Chimpanzees, Skunks and many more species of domestic and wild mammals. Eye catching, informative, as well as educational at all reading level’s with easy species identification this is an all time good read for all age groups. Even adults. Small and exciting chapter’s easy to read words, understandable it’s one we most certainly agree is an all rounder.
Split in to easy to read short chapters and pictures we highly recommend this book to the individual reader, to schools and colleges, and parents that want to educate and demonstrate to their children easy reading and the importance of compassionate animal welfare, with a twist of fun and humour.
Travels with Lili doesn’t have long and hard to understand word’s but more the opposite from which also helps children with their reading, punctuation, grammar, whilst understanding ethical care of animals within the modern society that we live within.
Funny and heart touching, Lili the main lovable character takes you on an adventurous ride helping and rescuing her other furry animal friends, within the book Lili as Carl Delvic explains almost gives up the fight, heart touching and emotive she continues though and lives to tell the tale, but that’s all were saying as there is 128 pages of fun, exploration, challenges, and adventure, problem solving but most importantly love and lots of compassionate education. Have no worries too, this book is not extreme, and nor does it have extremist imagery or photographic pictures. Suitable from the ages of 6+
“Lili is a fighter taking no nonsense she save’s the day of many furry friends and fills you the reader with an abundance of joy, happiness and want for more of Lili’s adventure’s”
Here’s Lili

My name is Lili, you can read my adventurous travels, friends and much more within the main book by clicking on me. Hope you enjoy as there are going to be many more stories coming. Available on Kindle at Amazon too.
We interviewed the Author Carl Delvic, regarding his recent children’s publication of which his pet cat Lili is the main inspirational witty feline character that’s intelligent and adventurous. Please take a moment to click on the link above to view Travels with Lili available only at Amazon at a special low price and well worth the read.
Below is an extract from the interview from which we asked Mr Carl Delvic a native from Central Florida, and a graduate of Central Florida Metropolitan University what inspired him to write Travels with Lili and what he aims to gain from his publication. We also asked an of topic question that bugs many children that have been abused as children.
Carl, what inspired you to write the book Travels with Lili ?
Author - Carl Delvic;
What inspired me to write Travels with Lili was first of all I have a cat named Lili who is very intelligent and adventurous. I was explaining to some friends about some of her exploits and one of them suggested that I write a children’s book about her. Which I did and embellished it for literary purposes. I have always been an animal lover and I have a passion for animal rights and protection of animals from abuse and mistreatment.
Why did you chose to aim your book at the younger generation for?
Author - Carl Delvic;
I am aiming at younger readers because I want to see the next generation grow up with compassion for animals and zero tolerance for abusers.
What do you want to achieve by writing and selling your book?
Author - Carl Delvic;
I am hoping to eliminate animal abuse and exploitation within a single generation and create a safe environment for animals and also an appreciation of the capabilities that animals possess. I don’t believe in the misconception of “dumb animals”. I believe that animals possess a type of intelligence that may differ from ours but is in no way inferior.
Why did you choose Lili the cat to be the main leading figure within the publication and can you describe one of Lili’s most positive moment’s and sad moment’s within the book itself?
Author - Carl Delvic;
I chose Lili because she displays the qualities of intelligence, courage and kindness that are portrayed in the book. Within on of the chapters she rescues a small toad from oncoming traffic and treats him with kindness and compassion. There is also a scene where she is very close to death and it seems like there is no hope. Then there is a resolution and lili becomes stronger than ever.
The chapter from which Lili is close to death yet fight’s on to tell the tale read’s like a perfect thriller, will you be writing any other books in hard back or soft back to narrated DVD’s based on subjects such as animal and environmental abuse?
Author - Carl Delvic;
I am planning to write sequels to this book involving Lili. I am also planning to devote several book’s to other characters who are in this book too.
In your own word’s Carl, what’s your own thoughts on the modern conception and mislabelling of children that are abused at a young age, that then “may” later turn out to be an abuser of animal’s, to rapists and paedophiles? I wanted to ask you this question like I do many people as some doctors and criminal prosecutors to just members of the public automatically believe that if a child has been sexually or physically abused they then later abuse an animal which is not fundamentally factual. Proven by many Doctors and adolescent therapists. Kind of a taboo area however one we should all clear up within today’s modern world as it outcasts many children and teenagers as not every child that’s abused turns into an abuser which is common fact.
Author - Carl Delvic;
I have heard that rapists and paedophiles were themselves victims of abuse and many of them start out torturing animals. However I do believe that a fundamental concept of enlightened jurisprudence is the principle of
innocent until proven guilty, which is a tenet of any civilized society.
Can you detail a small area that’s exciting within the book to a humorous part too, to our younger readers?
Author - Carl Delvic;
There is a humorous scene involving a chimpanzee driving a bus and crashing it into a liquor store, a must read.
Carl, thank you for taking the time to provide to us and our supporters an insight into Travels with Lili, it reads well and is a fantastic book. Again to all of our supporters and viewers you can purchase Carl Delvic’s book (Travels with Lili) at Amazon by clicking this link
Carl, do you have any plans to promote your book at book fairs, asking major public and private book clubs to schools to look into purchasing Travels with Lili and any near future publications that you explained regarding the other character’s in the book?
Author - Carl Delvic;
I haven’t no plan’s for book fairs at the present but I will not rule out any future ones.
Thank you Carl for the insight into Travels with Lili.
Travels with Lili is child friendly and easy to read with pictures and easy print available in English only on lightweight paperback that weighs only 13.9 ounces, Lili’s adventures is easy it fit into any budding young readers school back pack and on bookshelf’s.
Lili’s adventure’s can be purchased on Kindle gclid=CPaiwobxo7cCFc3HtAodkwYAYA
Travels with Lili is now available in Kindle format on request at Amazon. We will also be asking Water Stones and Riverside internationally renowned book distributors to push the book further as this is a rather good and informative fun, and adventurous read as well as being a good all round night time bed time story too.

Visit Carl Delvic the Author on Facebook.
Author Carl Delvic quotes;
“Travels with Lili is an exciting tale of a heroic and compassionate cat who travels across country rescuing her fellow creatures from abusive and distressful situations. This book is both informative and entertaining. It raises awareness of some of the suffering animals endure but it also has a touch of humour here and there in the chapters”
Carl Delvic has given us permission to publish his photographs, context and advertise his written book of which all rights and text to pictures are copyright protected under the Digital Millennium Copy Right Act 2008.
No unauthorised copying and/or distribution of pictures sent to ourselves is authorised without the author Mr Carl Delvic and our permission.
Travels with Lili is priced at $9.00 plus postage and packaging, free shipping on orders over $25.00
Paperback: 128 pages
Product Dimensions: 11 x 8.5 x 0.3 inches
Language: English
Currently in stock
You can view through some of the “brief highlights of the book below.
Please note that videos published below are not part of the book but for our own child awareness education of compassionate animal welfare;
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