"Whatever you do may seem insignificant, but it is most important that you do it”

Archive for April, 2013

Environmentalism - Chapter 41 - The Lions Last Breath


The Panthera leo more commonly known as the king of the jungle, Lion king or just the Lion that is now under serious threat of endangerment of which if the depleting populations of Lions doesn’t cease then we will see the Lion possibly in five to ten years if less pushed to extinction which will affect the African ecosystem gastronomically.

The King of the jungle of which its own roar can he heard from up to five miles away has roamed the African, Asian, American and European continents for over thirty two thousand years which its name the “king of the jungle” derived from BC (Before Christ) the Greek storyteller Aesop, the lion was also referred to as the “king of the beasts” and there is no mistaken why.

Lions are super camouflaged carnivorousness hunter’s that live within a pride, hunting within the night and morning of which both female and male are sexually active mainly during night, the most dominant male will fend of others in order to gain it’s desired mate the Lioness.

By the age of “four years” old most Lionesses’ will have reproduced on average a total of sixteen cubs within that four year time frame, the Lioness will produce four to five cubs a year with a possible three only surviving as of other predatory attackers, or the male Lion becoming aggressive to hunters and farmers that steal the cubs to use within the canned hunting business. The average healthy female Lioness will normally have a ratio of four to five cubs per litter.

Related to the Jaguar, Leopard and Tiger the Lion has evolved within Africa and is most certainly endemic to the African continent which it is suggested that the Lion species Panthera leo is roughly around 800,000 years old, although some speculators state their species can be located as far back as one million years.

Living within groups of around ten to fifteen cats the pride can normally host around forty felids or less although this is dropping as of adverse climatological atmospheric disruption and disease, habitual carnage, farming, poaching, pseudo hunting, canned hunting, human species conflict and regrettably like the Rhinoceros yet again the Traditional Chinese and Indian medicine markets.


Lion’s, Clouded Leopard’s Ocelot’s, to Jaguar’s and Puma’s both distributed over large swaths within Asia and Africa with the exception of the Lion which are illegally hunted or hunted from which their bone’s or whole carcass are used as a substitute for the most expensive Tiger bone wine that can fetch for one bottle or customised case within China, Vietnam, and Thailand up to but not over $10,000. The hunting and exportation of Lion bones is not though “illegal” and this is concerning us.

The skeletal bones of lions that are legally hunted or naturally die are also sold on to Asian continents mainly being China to make pseudo pharmaceuticals that have no curing properties to the human at all. Exportations of Lions from our beloved Africa are also on-going depleting the populations more.

In prides the females do most of the hunting and cub rearing. Usually all the lionesses in the pride are related mothers, daughters, grandmothers, and sisters the Lion is one of twenty seven extant species of wild felid that is crucially important to keep within the ecosystem to preserve Mother Nature.

Should we lose this main African predator then their prey being mostly the Antelope, Buffalo, Zebra, Wildebeest and Waterbuck that make up the bulk of their diet along with Springbok and small to large rodents will then overpopulate the African grasslands and forests to fields a like thus placing farm’s and other highly important ecological areas in danger of species over population.

Farmland over grazing will increase that will result in crop loss and damage, and areas of high botanical, forestry and agricultural importance will be placed in jeopardy. Destroying the species of Panthera, formally identified in 1758 through human want and greed would be a complete environmental nightmare which would eventually have a colossal knock on effect to many other species to even species encroachment within human residential or rural areas that would then result in more culling, and hunting.

We simply cannot afford to allow this to happen and nor will allow such a majestic wild cat be pushed to extinction.

Back in the 1940’s within Asia and Africa the estimated population of Lions stood at just under five hundred thousand species of both African Lion and Asiatic Lion, it is now known that the species of Asiatic Lion only resides within Zoological Gardens and the numbers are not even within the hundreds. Populations of the Lion species have deteriorated so rapidly that from 1950 to 1990 we saw a gargantuan decrease of around 200,000 Lions just within these two continents.


Click the image above for more information

The Panthera leo’s last stand is now within Africa and their fight for survival now lies within ours and your hands from which the numbers stand a mere thirty two thousand if that (that’s correct just 32,000) and most of these lions are male. The female species can only mate when she is ovulating similar to the domestic canine and non-wild feline “not felid” species.

Gestating at a rate of only one hundred and ten days the populations cannot simply keep producing with the on-going spurge of many threats that are listed below for your information.

  • Climate change
  • Disease such as distemper can cause death in just under a few days and once a pride is infected the likelihood of their survival is slim unless veterinary attention is sought. Distemper hit many Lions from 1991-1994 and although it is seen a rarity it can still affect the species. With populations being so small it then makes the veterinary officer and rangers job more difficult to monitor and locate.
  • Drought can affect many species of animals and not just the Lion. From the late 1990’s to 2000’s droughts brought on by carbon pollution and high intense summers had  a severe knock on affect for the Lion that was also linked to distemper.
  • Drought can also have a disastrous effect on the Lions prey thus moving prey on that then result in food shortages. Should a further severe drought during the gestation period of which the Lioness is the most predominant hunter then we could view a massive decline as the mothers cannot simply move from the den to rehouse during gestation to follow prey which in turn would equal Lion depletion.
  • To date more than 680,000,000 humans reside within Africa with South Africa, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria and neighbouring nations around the Democratic Republic of Congo gradually increasing. The estimated birth rate of humans per nation is thirty two a second with over 300,000 (estimate) to the nearest figure born internationally a day. Overpopulation is a serious international threat to our 8.1 billion species of mammals, aquatics, reptilians, anthropoids and botanical species. At such large numbers this then reduces land mass, thus reducing the species of Lion and pushing it onto other lands.
  • Human and Species conflict is again another problem mostly caused 9/10 times by overpopulation. When the land Lions resided on is then overtaken by humans and cooperation’s, Lions need to locate food rapidly. There are many reports of which Lions have invaded farm land which tragically see’s the farmer shoot the Lion dead.
  • Hunting and canned hunting (canned hunting is more or less the same as hunting) the Lion though is not given a fair chance to escape. Hunting is not playing a pivotal role within conservation upkeep or preservation of the wild felid species. Canned hunting has to be the most grotesque sport that see’s the Lioness bred like battery chickens. Her cubs are then ripped away from her thus then used as a human petting option for safaris. Once old enough and fed well the 1-2 year old Lion is shot dead in a cage type hunt by careless hunters that lack empathy and thought for the conservation world not even realising the dangers they are placing our wild felids within. Once both the Lion and the Lioness have been used and abused they are then shot dead at a discount price of around $20,000+ the fresh caned hunted mature cats usually sell for $40.000 to $50,000 maximum.
  • Poaching is a major concern from which the Lion bones are used within Traditional Chinese Medicine as a substitute for Tiger bone wine. Many reports are flowing into us weekly regarding Lions that have been located dead in the trunks of vehicles that Mozambique’s have hunted thus supplying the syndicates and kingpins with the carcass and bones that are then used as substituted Tiger bone wine. Lions found skinned and deboned, to cubs that have been stolen from the prides den with both mother and father shot dead by the poacher[s] have also been reported.
  • Poisoning is again another great concern that is also laid to keep many species of animals out of farmers land, inhumane steel traps and trap cages are also used to catch the Lions or other species that wander onto farms or ranchers. Should the poison or traps not kill then the farmer or rancher with the gun will most certainly kill to protect his/her crops and cattle.

Defenders of Wildlife stated of which we International Animal Rescue Foundation Africa © have been quoting for a long time now.

The steepest challenge that lions currently face is that farmer and ranchers have no economic reason for not poisoning or killing them. Conservation groups are working to develop strategies such as lion proof bomas, which are natural thorny enclosures where ranchers keep their livestock at night, and prevent livestock deaths, reducing or eliminating the need to kill lions because of livestock depredation.

Lions are also becoming more economically viable as a tourist attraction, bringing in revenue to these countries. Conservation groups are using the rising tourism to see if they are able to allocate ranchers a percentage of this tourist money as an incentive to let lions continue to roam and flourish once again.  

Tourists please watch the video below - When you travel to South Africa or any nations within Africa that have “any Lions” that you pet or view in a cage you’re not viewing what your lead to believe. You’re viewing a canned hunting farm of which “some or many” are now named as “safaris” that you provide money to. Please don’t support this - Please view the video’s and educate yourselves and others. 

Will the rise in tourism and percentage of revenue given to ranchers and farmers to reduce the Lions death work? Yes we believe so, Boma’s have also been proven to work in more similar methods/practices across Europe, Asia and America regarding other species of predatory mammalians.  A Lion Proof Boma is more or less similar to a natural controlled cattle “safe spot”.

Boma’s have been used successfully within Kenya that saw before they were implemented angry and frustrated farmers, ranchers and villagers placing inhumane traps and poisons down that the Lion would then consume from a dead carcass “its favourite food”.

Subsequently the cat then perishes a horrid and painful death or worse in worst case scenarios the gestating mother that normally forages for food within her mating season would consume the toxins thus sadly killing her and the unborn cubs.

Description of a Boma

A boma is more or less a safe area that the rancher and farmer can use to keep their cattle safe at night thus reducing to halting predatory attack. The boma consists of a wired fence with strong thorn brambles around the side of the fence that acts as a double measure in keeping not only the Lion away from the fenced area but also the cattle too thus creating a “safe barrier” within the boma reducing any potential attack.

Regrettably though with poaching and canned hunting on the increase that we are working on to ban the substituted Tiger bone wine trade then unfortunately we still have a long way to go.

It does at times feel as if we are all fighting one battle after the other however there are many other environmental organisations and AVVAZ a collective community of many millions of people that now want like ourselves and other wildlife institutions Lion hunting banned and bone trade “banned”. You can sign their petition here https://secure.avaaz.org/en/stop_lion_slaughter_for_sex_aides_d/

Lion bone wine trade

Breeders and hunting operators who offer trophy hunts for lions are reportedly, in addition to a R100 000 fee paid by hunters for the shooting of one lion, fetching R1500 per kilo by selling bones to Chinese dealers.

After a dramatic decline in tiger numbers in Asia, traders have turned to selling lion bones for medicines in the form of soups, teas and powders.

Drinking tiger bone wine is thought to enhance sexual prowess. But because there is no perceivable difference between tiger and lion bone, Asian users are now turning to lion bones to satisfy the high demand that exists in these countries. The bones are also believed to cure conditions such as rheumatism, cramps, stomach aches and malaria. This has never been proven and is complete and utter nonsense exactly the same as the illegal Rhinoceros hone trade.

Conservationists are trying to stop the decline in lion numbers by 2015 and gradually restore the population to at least double the present level, which currently stands at an “estimated” 30,000 lions, down from 100,000 just 50 years ago.

Andrew Parker, CEO of Sabi Sands Game Reserve in Mpumalanga, said that he believed trade in animal products should be limited to animals which had died from natural deaths. However we believe no trade should be given the go ahead as this creates demand thus increasing want for more that consequently then ends up with poaching and corruption that increases the market potential.

It is unacceptable to kill animals in order to trade in their parts. Unfortunately rhino poaching has started a trend and opened up well established channels to markets. The Sabi Sand’s Game Reserve believes the market should be opened up for animals that have died of a natural death.

We will though categorically disagree with this and will continue to stride forward for a full trade ban, or, moratorium on hunting near threatened or vulnerable species that are in danger as well lobbying for sanctions to be implemented against the offending and repeat offending nations.

Trade in lion bones is currently legal in South Africa, with authorities issuing permits allowing breeders to kill lions, turn them into bones and export them to the Far East. This needs to be stopped and nipped in the bud sooner rather than later as it is creating a “market” and evidence in most if not all illegal wildlife trade has proven time again  that while there is a “market” and buyers are purchasing into it then the more “desire for want and demand” is there. We’re trying to stop the bloody demand not keep it flourishing.

Official figures show that more than 600 lions were killed by hunters in 2012 and that there have been 92 carcasses exported to Vietnam and Laos alone since 2009.

In South Africa recently, the authorities in one province issued permits for a farmer to kill 44 of his lions and turn them into bones (This is just bloody disgraceful).

In 2010, international civil activism organisation Avaaz appealed to President Jacob Zuma in a petition to ban the trade of lion bones of which the petition is listed above. We ourselves have petitioned the South African government 2012 from which the president has neither acknowledged the petition or even the points within it. - http://www.sahunters.co.za/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=210:media-release-by-the-south-african-hunters-and-game-conservation-association-on-measures-to-stop-rhino-poaching&catid=87:press-release&Itemid=288 - http://www.iol.co.za/dailynews/news/boycott-threat-to-save-rhino-1.1215893#.UXttX7Usm1U

Dr Herman Els, manager for conservation at SA Hunters challenged us quoting;

We challenge the International Animal Rescue Foundation to ask the alleged 11,500 signatories of their petition against trade to donate US$100 each to reimburse South African conservation authorities for some of the expenses incurred in the anti-rhino-poaching effort. This can generate R9,2 million for the noble cause for which they have yet to make a financial contribution,’ said Dr Herman Els, manager for conservation at SA Hunters. –

What Dr Herman Els is forgetting that even before this petition was launched and consequently ignored that the Rhinoceros and Lion was already in vast danger with predictions set for a massive poaching increase for 2012 and now 2013 seeing a possible 1,000 poached dead.

We have yet to view any form of “hunting activities whether it be taking out species of mammalians or funding to preserve our Rhinoceros and Lion population”. As we are not as vast and spread out as the hunting fraternity then this argument or challenge is utterly pathetic that PHASA (Professional Hunting Association of South Africa) could have achieved more with their lousy $10 voluntary donations.

“We are asked to present $100USD though? The hunter still cannot acknowledge that (overpopulation) is the main issue that’s killing our species. PHASA was also emailed by ourselves twice from whom we pointed our many wrong doings, and wildlife violations with regards to their terms and conditions and environmental violations, on emailing they changed their site information one month later and seem to have “broken more rules”.

I challenge Dr Herman Els to provide to me in writing a full manuscript informing me of how much funding per year has gone into conservation preservation, and exactly what was undertaken to obtain them funds. I am sure that no more than five paragraphs of simple English can answer his email when I view it upon one’s desk.

Moving on-

The email that AVAAZ currently has running quotes “as citizens with great respect for South Africa, we appeal to you ban the cruel and senseless trade in lion bones, which is encouraging an industry that could drive lions to the brink of extinction,” the petition stated.


Click the poster and please sign the petition - Donations are needed for more posters such as these in international and local airports and shipping ports - postcards and more to get the message across that we will not tolerate this utter disgrace that President Zuma is allowing within his nation of South Africa -

The lobbying movement has attracted over 753 917 signatures to date 27th April 2013 10:57 ZA time.

There is an overlap between people who trade lion parts and those who trade in rhino horn illegally, and the end user demographic in Asia is also the same. I am in favour of the South African government as quoted.

Thai rhino horn trafficker, Chumlong Lemtonghai, who was sentenced to 40 years in prison last November, admitted in affidavits that he had planned to purchase 300 sets of lion bones on his next trip to South Africa.

Professor Pieter Potgieter, chairperson of the South African Predator Breeders’ Association defended the industry in a LionAid blog, by saying that there is little difference between the killing of lions and killing of other animals.

Breeding animals for human exploitation is a natural human process. A sympathetic myth has been created about the lion as the king of the animals,” Potgieter said.

“It would be better to let us cater for growing demand. Chickens are killed by humans. How are lions different from them?” he asked.

What Potgieter doesn’t realise is that there are more chickens than there are Lions on the planet the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations estimated that in 2002 there were nearly sixteen billion chickens in the world, counting a total population of 15,853,900,000.


The figures from the Global Livestock Production and Health Atlas for 2004 however there are a mere 30,000 Lions with only 15,966 Rhinoceros. (Potgieter’s argument is seriously flawed and not worth the paper one has written it on). In 2009 the annual chicken population in factory farms was estimated at 50 billion. With 6 billion raised in the European Union, over 9  billion raised in the United States and more than 7 billion in China.

To compare livestock bred on a gastronomically high level to Lions or even Rhinoceros or other species of wild animal that is under serious threat from poaching, hunting, poisoning, and climatological atmospheric destruction then we have problems with education and awareness or is it just one want’s to ascertain more pocket money to supporting the hunting murderous fraternity.

The Lion and the Rhinoceros is in great danger and we need your help. You can fund many organisations of which Born Free and many other welfare organisations are doing a fantastic job in now helping to purchase fencing and boma’s.

You can also donate to our main African/European wildlife preservation within the link below that goes straight to Funding African Wildlife Survival our second emergency funding operation African funding scheme of which all donations will be used to fund and secure farming land, to purchase more Anti-Poaching equipment, cattle security, informing networks, and pushing more Anti-Poaching Personnel into the field. For more information please contact Jenny below African Affairs officer of environmentalism and wildlife preservation operations.


Your donations will purchase;

  1. African anti-poaching equipment
  2. Fencing and security for farmers and ranchers to sustain our Lion populations
  3. Emergency veterinary medications and help for injured/sick Lions
  4. Education and awareness posters

We must preserve the Lion species, should we fail we will see them pushed to extinction within ten years if that. African wildlife is under serious pressure, we haven’t time to wait or debate anymore we must strive forward and do our utmost best professionally and constructively to preserve our species now rather than later. Your help is much appreciated.

Donate to funding African Wildlife Survival

Thank you

International Animal Rescue Foundation

Board of Directors

View our Facebook page for more updates


Please note that International Animal Rescue Foundation © and Speak up For the Voiceless © is registered under the DMCA 2008 Act. No unauthorised copying of our name[s] is permitted without the permission of the rights holder that would hinder operations or staff protocol. Copyright theft we now take seriously by removing our work thus abusing, slandering, or defaming is a criminal offence under Section 512(c) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”). Registered and Owned to the within the (N) European Union 3:11

Please help us all save them - Funding African Wildlife Survival - Thank You


Environmentalism - Chapter 40 Chemtrail Exposure Part 2


Just as we believed and predicted although cannot prove on publishing the first document 20th April 2013 with regards to our own concerns with chemical trails a document was released by the American government stating that chemtrails were nothing to be of any concern and all the hype was over a few misconceptions and ill-informed individuals that were “paranoid”.

However the United States Government and the Environmental Protection Agency along with NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) and High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) still refuses to acknowledge why they feel it is necessary to pollute our skies with more toxic chemicals that have been proven past and present to be harmful to one’s health, and environmentally damaging although yet again this is still to be ascertained.

Within the team at International Animal Rescue Foundation © all staff paid and voluntary have extensive educational and professional backgrounds of up to forty to fifty years and are now in the process of challenging all governmental environmental agencies (within this training programme)  into providing validating information via the freedom of information act on the usage of over forty chemicals.

Forty chemicals that are frequently sprayed from military tanker planes over America and Europe, why they are spraying, why they have lied to the public as seen within the video of our first document paragraph (16) first video 20th April 2013, why they stipulated at first that chemical trail programmes were part of weather pattern modifications to now being used as stated within the first video for military training programmes.

We are fully aware that obtaining this valuable yet crucial information is going to prove extraordinarily difficult so we have asked our own environmental, climatological and marine biology researchers within continents that are being sprayed to gather after spraying has been viewed water, soil, air and live botanical samples to establish exactly what other chemicals are being used and what dangers these could pose to human, animal and aquatic life.

The first nation we have already approached of which we are now releasing this information is the United Kingdom under section 2000 of the Freedom of Information Act.

The reasons for this request under Sec. 2000 of the FOIA Act are listed below;

  • Chemicals that are being sprayed.
  • Why these chemicals are being sprayed
  • Any proven evidence to establish if these chemicals pose a health risk that could reduce fertility, increase or bring on the onset of neurodegenerative diseases, environmental pollution to marine and land mammals
  • Evidence to prove that these chemicals are used for weather modifications
  • Confidentially and secrecy involving weather modification
  • What companies are involved and who is providing these chemicals
  • Why are military jet liners undertaking these missions with global positioning systems disabled within civilian airspace
  • Biochemical species experimentation

We are more than aware that the questions and concerns raised will most likely not be acknowledged so, because the United Kingdom falls under one of the nations that are being sprayed then we have contacted as of the 16th April 2013 other organisations/companies of which should we be refused this information that in theory should be placed within the public domain then we will use these companies at our disposal as well as other individuals that we are not naming for privacy, confidentially and security reasons.

Within paragraph 16(first video) one American scientist blatantly admits that the chemicals that are being sprayed at an altitude of just under 40,000 feet “have not been researched on whether they are a danger to public health” so for that reason the public under section 2000 of the FOIA Act has every reason to be informed on the short term or long term health risks of such chemical trail exposure - exposed to them.

Conspiracy theories are and have been circulating the World Wide Web along with much misunderstanding and governmental cover ups to corruption and wrong data published on many sites that show many misconceptions and errors to non-proven factual evidence. International Animal Rescue Foundation © must and will only under our mission statement provide the truth and only factual data and not theories, maybe’s, if’s or buts.

As stated in part one of the chemtrail exposure we briefly explained an operation named as Operation Black Swan of which much if not most of this data has vanished or been removed from Google, Facebook forums, to private forums and YouTube videos with no reasons made public as to why the content was removed.

Normally when content is removed one has to provide to a “company” although it’s not legally binding in Europe or America [as such] a DMCA: Digital Millennium Copyright Act notice, “WIPO Copyright and Performances and Phonograms Treaties Implementation Act of 1998, “Online Copyright Infringement Liability Limitation Act.

The law creates limitations on the liability of online service providers for copyright infringement when engaging in certain types of activities, “Computer Maintenance Competition Assurance Act,” creates an exemption for making a copy of a computer program by activating a computer for purposes of maintenance or repair.

There is also Title IV that contains under the Clinton Treaty 1998 six miscellaneous provisions, relating to the functions of the Copyright Office, distance education, the exceptions in the Copyright Act for libraries and for making ephemeral recordings, “webcasting” of sound recordings on the Internet, and the applicability of collective bargaining agreement obligations in the case of transfers of rights in motion pictures. ! Title V, the “Vessel Hull Design Protection Act,” creates a new form of protection for the design of vessel hulls.

When we viewed all information on Operation Black Swan thus then reporting on this coincidentally “although not evidentially proven” our own information then other’s was removed immediately without warning.


As stated in the 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act notice the company that removed[s] must provide information on who removed that data and the informer[s] name be published whether it be a court order, complaint or simple removal for theft of materials should there be a specific order placed that states no name is to be provided then under international law this indicates that the informer and/or company/organisation/government maybe a high profile figure that has to be subject to a secrecy gagging order.

As explained though this does not imply to every one of which we do believe the government are exempt which is why we are extremely suspicious. The content that was removed derived from “American sources”.

The subsequent information that was published on Operation Black Swan that involved millions of animals both land and marine being washed up and located dead in mysterious circumstances still remains just that, a complete mystery with many theories circulated and still in circulation although limited to quantity and data “for now”.

The persons that “informed” the domain[s] host[s], company[s] to remove all data from the networks is still as yet non-identifiable. So for that reason we will still formally investigate into and ascertain as to what caused these mass deaths and why no one was accountable or disciplined to no formal data released to what this “phenomena was” or if chemical trail weather modification technology had been used. It is blatantly obvious that this technology is however no evidence as yet can back this up with Operation Black Swan and extremely touchy subject with regards to the United States Government.

We do believe that this was an international military exercise of which all nations that have been implicated in chemtrail usage also saw a colossal death rate of birds, fish, and other mammals and non-mammalians.

We also have a right to be more than concerned because if the governments or whomever was involved within this exercise are spraying deadly chemicals that can on a gargantuan level kill millions of animals then what’s to say they “cannot do the same to human life” which then brings into question as explained in the first video (document 1 paragraph 16)  video (1) that this is a form of “population control and/or new military biochemical weapon being devised” for the use in modern warfare to eliminate an enemy rapidly.

Ruling out all other theories for this moment in time we have placed below evidence of mammal and non-mammal deaths that “could be related to Operation Black Swan” although as yet not proven.

  • http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/06/lake-erie-dead-fish-birds-_n_1860723.html
  • http://www.fourwinds10.net/siterun_data/environment/destruction/news.php?q=1336612320
  • http://www.abcbirds.org/newsandreports/releases/110121.html
  • http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/pages/unexplained/did-HAARP-kill-thousands-of-brids-and-fish.htm
  • http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1343605/1-000-blackbirds-fall-Arkansas-sky-New-Years-Eve.html
  • http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1344913/Animal-death-mystery-8k-turtle-doves-fall-dead-Italy-blue-stain-beaks.html
  • http://www.thestar.com/news/world/2011/01/06/40000_crabs_join_slew_of_animaldeath_mysteries.html
  • http://news.nationalpost.com/2010/12/31/green-chemical-in-b-c-river-not-toxic-study-confirms/ (interesting case as the river turned fluorescent green – then an update stated after a fountain beside the veterans memorial parkway in Langford also turned green) so this was not a natural occurrence and the only way the fountain could possibly had turned the same colour is if  the same chemicals within it and but not connected in “anyway” to the river is if someone or a large drop of chemicals had been placed within it via spraying. Again all cases are reported or noticeable within the early mornings and never in the evenings or night indicating that areas are/or maybe under monitoring by the government of which they know that more reports would come in of odd irregularities.
  • http://beforeitsnews.com/mass-animal-death/2011/01/operation-black-swan-killing-birds-fish-people-352025.html (When we reported on Operation Black Swan our documents and other sites vanished of line along with other mysterious events. The main governmental whistle blower was also found dead along with one other Russian individual – Cause of death’s) – Suicide, many documents and videos where subsequently removed from social media sites, one of our main environmental investigation intelligence sites was shut down immediately by “unknown organisations” of which we was sent a message stating that we had broken the Freedom of Speech Act, to this day we have never known of such law.) – We simply documented on a military operation that had no explanation to conclusive data to explain why many thousands of animals perished internationally. To this day the Government of the United States of America have still refused to acknowledge FOIA’s to even scientific emails from our own environmental unit. International Environmental Investigations Committee (IEIC)
  • http://news.sky.com/story/1067659/thousands-of-dead-prawns-washed-up-in-chile
  • http://theextinctionprotocol.wordpress.com/2013/04/04/china-reports1-fourth-death-from-h7n9-mystery-deepens-on-how-virus-is-spreading/
  • http://beforeitsnews.com/mass-animal-death/2012/08/900-white-tailed-deer-across-eight-michigan-counties-this-summer-600-more-than-last-summer-2430224.html
  • http://www.thetelegraph.com/news/local/article_bb5e589d-61b8-5a05-985b-c63f00f49329.html
  • http://abcnews.go.com/US/dead-blackbirds-fall-sky-beebe-arkansas-years-eve/story?id=15269793#.UXSpALUsm1U
  • http://abcnews.go.com/US/bird-deaths-louisiana-911-calls-released-arkansas-blackbird/story?id=12544093#.UXSpGLUsm1U

The list of mysterious environmental animal deaths have gone fairly unnoticed to the international public, however some cases as stipulated by federal investigators and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that’s coincidentally working with (HAARP) have been reported to have been started deliberately by agriculturists administering ground poisons all of which the cases were mostly within the early mornings.


This would give us reason to believe on a professional status that should the governments of the United States and Europe be using some form of High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program technology, then the most likely time of day to be conducting experimental frequency research would be early morning when more animals are mostly active and members of the public can report thus then informing environmental agencies that consequently then report to (HAARP) High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program Unit in Alaska of the outcome of such environmental experimental activities.

Any furthering investigations by members of the public or questions/debates on why such events are occurring have been placed down to “disease or human/species interference” from which no evidence is placed within the public domain.

It is not the first time mass birds deaths have occurred on American soil.

Just before the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve 2010, thousands of birds started to rain down on the small town of Beebe, Arkansas. (Would this be because of the party celebrations increasing noise pollution of which if (HARRP) did fire the high frequency fields up then no one would be none the wiser)?

Up to 5,000 red-winged blackbirds fell in a short stretch no more than 800 yards wide, sprinkling roads, rooftops and lawns. In some places, the ground was turned almost black. Officials initially blamed high-altitude hail or lightning hitting the birds.

Then preliminary lab tests concluded they had died from ‘multiple blunt force trauma’, implying they had flown into something. (Birds don’t just fly into blunt objects and it is very rare for any species of blackbird to be flying to at night FACT) The black birds are not nocturnal hunters and feed mostly of insects, small tree fruits and seeds to worms and snails. (Why was there no predatory birds found dead)?

The prime suspect was New Year fireworks, which could have startled the birds from their roosts thus sending them crashing into houses, trees and each other. (Non-proven) The U.S. Geological Survey has said it knew of 16 cases over the past 20 years of large numbers of blackbirds dying at once. Investigators admit they may never ­discover what happened.

Within our mission statement we must provide factual evidence and not “theories or conspiracies” as by doing this it misleads the public and thus creating panic and misconceptions. HAARP is of a concern to us and we have raised the following questions;

  1. If HAARP was being used to for environmental protection then why has climate destruction disaster increased from a rate from 1980 to 2011 skyrocketing from $100 billion USD to over $400 billion USD that’s gradually increasing yearly with more cyclones, typhoons, hurricanes or tropical storms, extensive catastrophic flooding, and some of the most harshest winters and summer’s and extraordinarily unpredictable weather patterns?
  2. America and Europe have both been implicated in using High Frequency Active Auroral Research technology HAARP, so if we look back at the recent firestorms and damage created if HARRP was being used to alter weather patterns thus moving clouds then why did we not see this technology used within America and Europe within 2011, 2012, 2013 when summer fire storms hit the many continents. Surely HARRP would then use this so called weather adapting technology to then erase these colossal fire damaging storms thus decreasing government expenditure, economic crisis, and insurance claims and death?
  3. It was quoted - HAARP would be the largest ionospheric heater in the world, located in latitude most conducive to putting Eastland’s invention into practice.” Furthermore, from this northern latitude, the energy could be aimed into the ionosphere so that it would bounce back down to the earth so it would come down wherever the scientists wanted it to come down. The secret was to learn how and where to aim it to hit the earth where they wanted it to hit creating the type of disaster or whether they desired. So if they can and most certainly have manipulated the weather then why has Africa been hit by vast drought effecting millions of citizens, claiming animal and people lives, displacing individuals too. HAARP is present in the US, UK, Canada and Europe to Russia and China so looking back at the United states of America from 2011 and 2012 of which saw some of the worst heat waves and “tropical type storms” then why wasn’t HARRP used to manipulate these climatological high and low pressure fronts that subsequently if used moved cloud formations in the stratosphere over these affected states thus providing rains?
  4. Weather manipulation has been used as far back as 1969 as described in [part 01] of chemtrail exposure presented by www.infowars.com narrated by the first ever military weather manipulator from Western Texas – United States of America – retired Pilot Captain Ben Livingston from the United States Air force (USAF) that stated categorically he was able to manipulate cloud formations over Asia within the stratosphere that caused extensive wind and tropical hurricane damage, washing away bridges, resulting in flooding causing many deaths. This technology Captain Livingston used placed chemical liquids within the clouds to freeze them thus forming the “cloud or better known as the eye of the storm” the first ever pilot to view and alter Mother Nature. Why then has HARRP been implicated in weather adaptions utilising High Frequency Active Auroral Research technology with the  “United States Air force” military tankers still seen within the stratosphere spraying chemicals? Surely we don’t need both? Or is it factual that HARRP is using the United States Air force base that is using High Frequency Active Auroral Research technology as a high grade weapon of mass destruction? But then why allow others such as the Americans worst enemy Russia and China to the use “similar technology”?


What is HAARP?

The following is purely based on HAARP’s “about section” which we do not accept as factual or non-factual at this moment based on many climate issues from renowned physicians, environmental critics, and investigative media.

HAARP is a scientific endeavour aimed at studying the properties and behaviour of the ionosphere, with particular emphasis on being able to understand and use it to enhance communications and surveillance systems for both civilian and defence purposes.

The HAARP program is committed to developing a world class ionospheric research facility consisting of: The Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI), a high power transmitter facility operating in the High Frequency (HF) range. The IRI will be used to temporarily excite a limited area of the ionosphere for scientific study.

A sophisticated suite of scientific (or diagnostic) instruments that will be used to observe the physical processes that occur in the excited region.

Observation of the processes resulting from the use of the IRI in a controlled manner will allow scientists to better understand processes that occur continuously under the natural stimulation of the sun.

Scientific instruments installed at the HAARP Observatory will be useful for a variety of continuing research efforts which do not involve the use of the IRI but are strictly passive. Among these studies include ionospheric characterization using satellite beacons, telescopic observation of the fine structure in the aurora, and documentation of long-term variations in the ozone layer.


How is HARRP related to Chemtrails?

HAARP has been claimed to be a weapon of mass destruction.

Radio Waves strong enough to cause earthquakes are controlled by the U.S. military. It’s the largest ionospheric heater in the world capable of heating a 1000 square kilometre area of the ionosphere to over 50,000 degrees. It’s also a phased array. Which means it’s steer-able and those waves can be directed to a selected target area. What they have found is that by sending radio frequency energy up and focusing it, as they do with these kinds of instruments, it causes a heating effect. And that heating literally lifts the ionosphere within a 30 mile diameter area therein changing localized pressure systems or perhaps the route of jet streams. Moving a jet stream is a phenomenal event in terms of man being able to do this. The problem is we cannot model the system adequately. Long term consequences of atmospheric heating are unknown. Changing weather in one place can have a devastating downstream effect.  And H.A.A.R.P. has already been accused of modifying the weather.

HAARP has been implicated within the following;

Create Earthquakes on demand wherever and whenever you wish on the earth. However, the military discovered, by accident, how to create earthquakes using slightly different technology (this is a blatant lie as this technology was devised from oil rigging companies in the 1960’s)

The planetary-scale engineers tried to replace a ten by forty kilometre section of the ionosphere with a ‘telecommunications shield’ of 350,000 copper needles tossed into orbit … when the military sent up a band of tiny copper wires into the ionosphere to orbit the planet so as to ‘reflect radio waves and make reception clearer’, we had the 8.5 Alaska earthquake and Chile lost a good deal of its coast. That band of copper wires interfered with the planetary magnetic field. (Does this sound NORMAL and SAFE to YOU?)

Magnifying and focussing sunlight, called ‘Sky busting. This process could burn holes in the protective ozone layers, thus allowing intense sunlight to pour through, burning mankind severely.

(For this time being we are leaving out mind control theories and conspiracies) that have been placed before the European Union Courts of Justice and have been shown to work, however as yet have not been implicated within any form of technology at the Alaskan Air force base that has some extreme security for a so called “climatological research station” of which the locals that are living within the village will not speak about HARRP which explains to us that they have either been approached by federal agents and forced to sign documentation or something more sinister.

Barium – what is it?

Barium is a chemical element with symbol Ba and atomic number 56. It is the fifth element in Group 2, a soft silvery metallic alkaline earth metal. Because of its high chemical reactivity barium is never found in nature as a free element. Its hydroxide was known in pre-modern history as baryta; this substance does not occur as a mineral, but can be prepared by heating barium carbonate.

The most common naturally occurring minerals of barium are barite (barium sulphate, BaSO4) and witherite (barium carbonate, BaCO3), both being insoluble in water. Barium’s name originates from the alchemical derivative “baryta”, which itself comes from Greek βαρύς (barys), meaning “heavy.” Barium was identified as a new element in 1774, but not reduced to a metal until 1808, shortly after electrolytic isolation techniques became available.

Barium has been implicated within the usage of chemtrails that we ourselves find slightly nerve-racking and worrying because of such environmental use it could also be used to excite the molecules within the atmosphere thus when charged with an electromagnetic force alter or excite fields of energy to become erratic. This then places the HAARP and weather modification within the field of suspicion and if one is spraying this chemical then they must inform the public.

The following highlighted information extracted from Wikipedia is most concerning;

Barium has only a few industrial applications. The metal has been historically used to scavenge air in vacuum tubes. It is a component of YBCO (high-temperature superconductors) and electro ceramics, and is added to steel and cast iron to reduce the size of carbon grains within the microstructure of the metal. Barium compounds are added to fireworks to impart a green colour. Barium sulphate is used as an insoluble heavy additive to oil well drilling fluid, and in purer form, as X-ray radio contrast agents for imaging the human gastrointestinal tract. Soluble barium compounds are poisonous due to release of the soluble barium ion, and therefore have been used as rodenticides.

Keeping conspiracy theories and he said this they done that “out of this second part documentation” the above [has] been implicated within chemical spraying which then takes us back to the following points that one has raised.

  1. Barium is toxic to rodents and has been used as a poison – could this be a reason why so many small species of mammals and non-mammalians have perished in fourteen separate continents of which no formal autopsy results have ever stated factual autopsy results.
  2. We know that the technology HAARP used was not formulated by them originally it was in fact drawn up by oil well drilling companies that the United States Military then purchased all plans, so is it a coincidence that barium has again been implicated within protect HAARP?
  3. Barium has been used within pyrotechnic displays - Barium compounds are added to fireworks to impart a green colour is this coincidental then that HAARP that is firing into the atmosphere via the Alaskan military site and by chemical spraying planes barium to form what has been stated by many people “glowing skies of green, red, black, and rose colourisations?. http://transmissionsmedia.com/haarp-creates-artificial-aurora-lights-up-the-sky/

Moving back to the aerial chemical trail’s that are frequently spotted all over the states of  America is Barium being sprayed on the people of America from which the American government claim is weather modification. There are many other compounds that can react in the ways described above however the pinpointing evidence clearly states that;


  • The metal is being used as a (high-temperature superconductors)
  • Has been and still is used within fireworks to impart a green or other colour
  • An insoluble heavy additive to oil well drilling fluid of which this technology “to a degree” as stated in video documentaries on part one of chemtrail exposure clearly states that the USA government purchased the technology that was used by oil drilling companies that then subsequently established into HAARP - High Frequency Active Auroral Research technology, could this be just coincidental too?
  • Soluble barium compounds are poisonous due to release of the soluble barium ion, and therefore have been used as rodenticides – Barium can and will kill rodents however is it factual that barium can kill other mammalians http://rense.com/general21/tox.htm http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20807132 http://www.epa.gov/iris/subst/0010.htm
  • The Environmental Protection Agency quote “Barium used over a long period of time is not a risk to humans” http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2185434/Top-doctor-tried-poison-wife-FIVE-MONTHS-putting-barium-morning-coffee.html

Barium is just as dangerous as arsenic, mercury and lead.  It shows up regularly in public water supplies and yet there is almost no awareness of it.

Exposure to small amounts of barium, dissolved in water, may cause a person to experience these problems:

1. Breathing difficulties

2. Increased blood pressure

3. Heart rhythm changes

4. Stomach irritation

5. Muscle weakness

6. Alterations in nerve reflexes

7. Damage to your brain, liver, kidney and heart



Although there is much evidence to read through as an animal and environmental programme/investigative unit we have to be seen to show the factual evidence and not conspiracies and/or lies.

This would be detrimental to our mission statement, could or would misguide the general public, could or would be open to a law suit from the government, to creating many misguided misconceptions of the truth and what we really need to obtain to and that us why HAARP and the United States Government and European Union feel it is relevant to spray the harmful chemicals within the ozone to conducting stratosphere and aerial bombardment exercises.

We have to ask ourselves the following the questions;

  1. If weather modification is being undertaken via the air force using tanker planes internationally then where does HAARP come into the equation?
  2. Is HAARP really being used a weather modification site?
  3. Are the scientists at HAARP really making a weapon of mass destruction?
  4. Has HAARP really been used to create earthquakes, cyclones, hurricanes?
  5. Should HAARP be shut down?

The institute of High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program Unit in Alaska are concealing much information based on weather modification and exactly what they are undertaking at the Alaskan Air force base.

Surely if HAARP was just simply helping to solve weather problems or better them then why have we not seen any changes within the African or other continents where millions are perishing and/or being misplaced by famine brought on by environmental climatological change? Why within the states of America has environmental destruction skyrocketed from $100 1990 billion to over $300 billion 2011 in damages as published in many environmental journals? Surely HAARP and chemtrail technology would have decreased this?

Stay tuned for more in-depth scientific analysis – Many questions unanswered and many worried citizens internationally.

Board of Investigative staff – Ukraine and Moscow

Conservation Investigations Crime Unit (CICU)


Environmentalism Chapter 39 - Chemtrail Apocalypse - Part I


Chemtrails better known as chemical trails and the theories to conspiracies have been circulating the networks now for some years, however documentation on these “governmental training exercises” didn’t really pick up until around 1996 when many people, mostly environmental activists, animal welfare activists and members of the public became extremely concerned as to what these chem trails were and why many governmental organisations failed to give reasonable explanations as to why they felt it necessary to spray over civilian airspace and sensitive aquatic and land regions too.

International Animal Rescue Foundation’s © Animal Protection Front documented on this case in 2011 of which within literally three hours the entire forum and documents were removed, which was documented under (Operation Black Swan) that we are not going to document about on this site. You can Google Operation Black Swan and analyse whatever data you may find if it is still present however we must warn you that you may be subjected to a removal order without notice.

Operation Black Swan an international military governmental operation lasted two to three years of which chemicals were sprayed from military and “some” adapted passenger planes that involved over twenty seven nations globally.

Although not proven to a degree millions of aquatic life, avian life, reptilians, large marine and land mammalians were washed up dead within the oceans or fresh water streams, land mammals found dead with no official conclusive autopsy results ever released or located, and what was vaguely recorded pointed to apparent natural occurrences to pollution or simply overhead jet liners flying below normal altitude levels causing noise disruption.

Chemtrails are causing much concern internationally and the governments that are releasing these chemicals have still yet to acknowledge Freedom of Information Requests [FOIA] as to why they had been flying military tanker jets in civilian airspace at just below or at cruising altitude that civilian aviation companies never knew had been in the airspace.

Questions raised as to what chemicals the governments were using, why they were spraying thousands if not millions of litres of [unidentified] toxic or non-toxic substances within the atmosphere, to not informing civilian airspace of such exercise’s that has resulted in now some thirty five passenger and military avian near misses at altitudes of over or just under 25,000 feet that could if the plane’s both collided at some hundreds of kilometres an hour caused catastrophic death and pollution.

We have been watching many forums of which we have viewed many photographic evidence of jet liners flying with civilian aerospace, along with some confusion “not all” of which members of the public have mistakenly identified cloud formations, contrails to jet [stream’s] as actual chemtrails from which I have formally identified the difference below so that you can log and document actual chemtrails in the hope that we can all finally get to the bottom of why governmental aviation tankers are releasing millions of litres in colossally large payloads over land and sensitive marine biodiversity areas.

Identification of a jet stream;

Jet streams are fast flowing, narrow air currents found in the atmospheres of some planets, including Earth. The main jet streams are located near the tropopause, the transition between the troposphere (where temperature decreases with altitude) and the stratosphere (where temperature increases with altitude)

Jet streams are caused by a combination of a planet’s rotation on its axis and atmospheric heating (by solar radiation and, on some planets other than Earth, internal heat). Jet streams form near boundaries of adjacent air masses with significant differences in temperature, such as the polar region and the warmer air towards the equator.

Other jet streams also exist. During the northern hemisphere summer, easterly jets can form in tropical regions, typically in a region where dry air encounters more humid air at high altitudes. Low-level jets also are typical of various regions such as the central United States.

Meteorologists use the location of some of the jet streams as an aid in weather forecasting. The main commercial relevance of the jet streams is in air travel, as flight time can be dramatically affected by either flying with the flow or against the flow of a jet stream. Clear-air turbulence, a potential hazard to aircraft passenger safety, is often found in a jet stream’s vicinity but does not create a substantial alteration on flight times. (Chemtrails can appear as jet streams as of the vast spread and “type” trails they leave behind covering some hundreds of miles.


Identification of contrails;

As explained above we have viewed many forums that have shown much photographic evidence of trails in the skies. However one must not be confused by the “jet stream-chemtrail-cloud formations”  to that of the “contrail” that is naturally formed condensation and/or exhaust vapour only viewed at certain altitudes mostly being 40,000 feet and within changing atmospheric temperature’s, contrails are mostly seen in the summer months too being mainly daytime and never night.

Contrails or vapour trails are long thin artificial clouds that sometimes form behind aircraft. Their formation is most often triggered by the water vapour in the exhaust of aircraft engines, but can also be triggered by the changes in air pressure in wingtip vortices or in the air over the entire wing surface. Like all clouds, contrails are made of water, in the form of a suspension of billions of liquid droplets or ice crystals.

Depending on the temperature and humidity at the altitude the contrail forms, they may be visible for only a few seconds or minutes, or may persist for hours and spread to be several miles wide. Persistent spreading contrails are thought to have a significant effect on global climate. The common “contrail” has been confused by many people as a “chemtrail” which must be ruled out when identifying to presenting evidence to governments in asserting the Freedom of Information Request.

Cloud formations

As an environmentalist and climatologist I never knew myself just exactly how many different forms of cloud formations were in the skies, at what altitudes, what the formations were informing us of with regards to climatological weather fronts of low and high band depressions moving in until qualifying. The formation’s described below are cloud example’s that could/can also be linked to misidentification of “chemtrails”.

The Cirrocumulus formation mostly located at an altitude of 50,000 feet can alternate between pattern formations. Cirrocumulus usually forms in large upright blocks indicating a low pressure that is normally about to move over the atmosphere bringing with it large rain, wind and storm disruptions. However the Cirrocumulus can also at these extremely high altitudes along with the stratus formation can be disrupted by high velocity winds and incoming high/low pressure current thus giving the impression upon cloud dispersal that a “chemtrail” has been dispersed.

I must though also point out that the altocumulus formation mostly located at aviation cruising level can easily be misidentified as a “chemtrail” especially as it has large tail’s and spread over some seven to ten miles that appears to be a “trail” when in fact it is merely a formation of disrupted cloud.

Chemtrails would most likely viewed at these levels too and would most certainly be released at these altitudes due to the altocumulus formation cloud being able to spread over large swathes of land and marine areas.

Most military and civilian aviation aeroplanes, tankers or jets would normally fly around 1,000+ feet above the altocumulus formation of which a “chemical release” would most likely be viewed thus identified correctly.

I would suggest that when one is viewing or searching for chemtrail dispersals that one checks with local or international climatological agencies and weather stations. The altocumulus formation can easily hold and thus disperse these unidentified chemicals once released in minute vapour droplets exactly suitable for mass land coverage once a low depression moves within.

Identification of chemical trails [chemtrails];

There is limited information in terms of why the military government agencies are dropping large quantities of chemicals over civilian and non-populated land, however with regards to identifying and documentation there is much information highlighted although denied to not formally or even informally acknowledged by governmental scientists to provide a transparent response as to why they believe polluting the atmosphere with billions of litres of unknown substances is acceptable.

The most concerning yet “disturbing” issue that we at International Animal Rescue Foundation © must point out that such large dispersal of chemicals at high altitudes is not, based, on our own educations and qualifications in environmentalism, environmental science, ecology, agriculture, climatology and more is that these chemicals are not under any circumstances “safe” and nor are they any form of [direct contact] with any botanical or agricultural plant to animal.

Under the COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) plus other PH1 and PH2 analytic studies we ourselves are more than aware that to apply a “direct contact agent” would have to be dropped at a level of almost 100 feet such as crop spraying by fixed or rotary wing aircraft. Applying direct contact chemicals at this level is considered in the “agricultural and botanical” industry under the European laws of COSHH and the Health and Safety Act to be safe.

Direct contact pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, to fertilisers are normally sprayed at close contact more commonly known as [direct contact chemicals] when no high winds are present as to avoid polluting or harming others and the environment.

Chemtrails though have been around for a long time and not as some members of the public have been led to believe from blogs to other sites simply because these individuals are young or their elders never knew of why such chemtrails were evident in the skies to what the purpose of using high compound chemicals.

cloud_summ_schemThe earliest we knew of such continental governmental military practices was back in the 1970’s just after the Vietnam war ended in 1975, although rare it was believed and still is that these types of aviation atmospheric experimentation’s were being undertaken in the event of a probable Ariel military strike on enemies to subdue them should a direct hit of nuclear, chemical or biological (NBC) warfare be used against Europe or America.

Why chemtrail warfare would be used though when we have fleets of aircraft and underwater submariners that can fire instantly missiles from hundreds of miles away to take out communication, fuel and transport locations thus then moving in ground forces to then illuminate the enemies is baffling to say the least.

The chemtrail conspiracy theory holds that some trails left by aircraft are chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed at high altitudes for purposes undisclosed to the general public in clandestine programs directed by various government officials. This theory is not accepted by the scientific community, which states that they are just normal contrails, as there is no scientific evidence supporting the chemtrail theory.

NOAA http://www.noaa.gov/ publishes a list of silver iodide projects and the companies that perform the atmospheric releases. Reporting weather modification is required by US Federal law. There is no scientific evidence silver iodide leads to chemtrails in the sense that fire would produce smoke but it is the only reported weather modification of significance. http://search.usa.gov/search?affiliate=noaa.gov&v%3Aproject=firstgov&query=silver+iodide+projects+&x=-1091&y=-84

We are aware that NOAA and the other Environmental Agencies internationally have been trying to modify the weather patterns which “could” give reason as to why such chemicals are being sprayed at high altitudes and not via “direct contact” however [why the secrecy]?

Releasing these chemicals within the altocumulus cloud formation to any formation or within atmospheres that have no impending storm surges oncoming doesn’t make sense thus increasing our own professional suspicions.

We was then led to believe that as chemtrails are viewed more within the summer months then maybe they are experimenting on creating rains using high volatile chemicals. However as some may not know in order for that to occur one needs cloud formations.

Many photographic data has shown no cloud formations though, so in theory these chemicals would then be scattered over many nautical land miles via wind dispersal thus ending up inhaled by the public to laying on public or agricultural land, could this be why so many species of animals perished during Operation Black Swan?

We are all looking into the helping the environment and researching more alternative methods of improving atmospheric conditions however what NOAA seems to be forgetting is that the military are releasing these chemicals of which their planes had all GPS transmitting units turned off so that civilian airspace traffic control didn’t know they were within civilian airspace. In 2012 several VERY near misses with tanker planes was recorded by FEDEX and other airliners that had to perform emergency manoeuvres at high speeds to avoid a mid-air collision.

The following was recorded 2012 December;

Two United States Air Force KC-135 Tankers http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:100225-F-3252P-617.jpg spraying thick plumes of material from their wing ducts pass within 2,000 feet of the FedEx craft. The FedEx pilot immediately requests a different altitude from Air Traffic Control, only to be met with a third near-miss collision - with yet another USAF KC-135 Tanker, spewing tons of chemicals from its ducts.

Clearly, Air Traffic Control was oblivious to the presence of these three USAF tankers, which were operating at commercial altitudes. This may have happened if the military planes had their transponders turned off. Also, it appears that the Air Force planes were not detectable by radar.

The shocking episode is followed by footage taken by a passenger of a commercial jet, showing a tanker clearly dumping a thick toxic substance which does not resemble a contrail.  This footage is followed by a sequence of even more amazing shots of unbelievably thick plumes of stuff being dumped by Air Force jets, accompanied by serious daredevil flight manoeuvres.


Following extract from NOAA;

Subject: C4) Has there ever been an attempt or experiment to reduce the strength of a hurricane?

Contributed by Chris Landsea

The U.S. Government once supported research into methods of hurricane modification, known as Project STORMFURY. For a couple decades NOAA and its predecessor tried to weaken hurricanes by dropping silver iodide - a substance that serves as effective ice nuclei - into the rain bands of the storms.

During the STORMFURY years scientists seeded clouds in Hurricanes Esther (1961), Beulah (1963), Debbie (1969), and Ginger (1971). The experiments took place over the open Atlantic far from land. The STORMFURY seeding targeted convective clouds just outside the hurricane’s eye wall in an attempt to form a new ring of clouds that, it was hoped would compete with the natural circulation of the storm and weaken it.

The idea was that the silver iodide would enhance the thunderstorms of a rain band by causing the super cooled water to freeze, thus liberating the latent heat of fusion and helping a rain band to grow at the expense of the eye wall.

With a weakened convergence to the eye wall, the strong inner core winds would also weaken quite a bit. For cloud seeding to be successful, the clouds must contain sufficient super cooled water (water that has remained liquid at temperatures below the freezing point, 0°C/32°F). Neat idea, but it, in the end, had a fatal flaw.

Observations made in the 1980s showed that most hurricanes don’t have enough super cooled water for STORMFURY seeding to work - the buoyancy in hurricane convection is fairly small and the updrafts correspondingly small compared to the type one would observe in mid-latitude continental super or multi cells.

In addition, it was found that unseeded hurricanes form natural outer eye walls just as the STORMFURY scientists expected seeded ones to do. This phenomenon makes it almost impossible to separate the effect (if any) of seeding from natural changes.

The few times that they did seed and view a reduction in intensity was undoubtedly due to what is now called “concentric eye wall cycles”. Thus nature accomplishes what NOAA had hoped to do artificially.

No wonder that the first few experiments were thought to be successes. Because the results of seeding experiments were so inconclusive, STORMFURY was discontinued. A special committee of the National Academy of Sciences concluded that a more complete understanding of the physical processes taking place in hurricanes was needed before any additional modification experiments.

The primary focus of NOAA’s Hurricane Research Division today is better physical understanding of hurricanes and improvement of forecasts. To learn about the STORMFURY project as it was called, read Willoughby et al. (1985).

Operation STORMFURY;

Project STORMFURY was an ambitious experimental program of research on hurricane modification carried out between 1962 and 1983. The proposed modification technique involved artificial stimulation of convection outside the eye wall through seeding with silver iodide. The invigorated convection, it was argued, would compete with the original eye wall, lead to reformation of the eye wall at larger radius, and thus, through partial conservation of angular momentum, produce a decrease in the strongest winds.

Since a hurricane’s destructive potential increases rapidly as its strongest winds become stronger, a reduction as small as 10% would have been worthwhile. Modification was attempted in four hurricanes on eight different days. On four of these days, the winds decreased by between 10 and 30%, the lack of response on the other days was interpreted to be the result of faulty execution of the seeding or of poorly selected subjects.

These promising results came into question in the mid-1980s because observations in unmodified hurricanes indicated:

  • That cloud seeding had little prospect of success because hurricanes contained too much natural ice and too little supercooled water.
  • That the positive results inferred from the seeding experiments in the 1960s stemmed from inability to discriminate between the expected results of human intervention and the natural behavior of hurricanes.

Reference; Willoughby, H. E., D. P. Jorgensen, R. A. Black, and S. L. Rosenthal, 1985: Project STORMFURY, A Scientific Chronicle, 1962-1983, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 66, 505-514.

One can view past and present on-going atmospheric and storm research experiments here http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/hrd/programs_sub/science_proj.html

Chemicals used;

Toxic Chemicals & Metals in Chemtrails:

Aluminium Oxide Particles


Bacilli and Molds

Barium Salts

Barium Titanates




Desiccated Human Red Blood Cells

Ethylene Dibromide

Enterobacter Cloacal


Human White Blood Cells-A


Lithium Salts and Chemtrails


Methyl Aluminum

Mold Spores


Nano-Aluminum-Coated Fiberglass

Nitrogen Trifluoride


Polymer Fibers

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa

Pseudomonas Florescens

Radio Active Cesium

Radio Active Thorium


Serratia Marcscens

Sharp Titanium Shards




Sub-Micron Particles

Sulfer Dioxide

Unidentified Bacteria


Yellow Fungal Mycotoxins

Toxic Chemical List from U. S. Navy

Aluminium Coated Fiberglass Particles (CHAFF)


Aromatic Hydrobarbons

Barium Chromate







Hydrogen Cyanide





Potassium Perchlorate


Rocket Fuels


Jet Fuel Emissions



Source of information - http://www.stopsprayingcalifornia.com/index.php

Exposed - http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/1636bj/www.hangthebankers.com/a-massive-and-ill

What would be the purpose of releasing these chemicals or biological agents?

Weather Modification

Humans have had the ability to physically affect the weather since learning how to seed clouds in 1946, or possibly 1880. The popular conception of weather manipulation is limited to cloud seeding, but the possibility that the extents of our abilities may have progressed in the meantime is definitely plausible. The fact that the military is very interested in weather control is no secret and many propose that the Chemtrail Phenomena is a part of this. If true, what is the goal of the weather modification and what negative effects could it have on the environment? NASA is currently conducting several programs that are studying the effects of contrails on weather and the effects do not appear to be beneficial.

Population Control

The use of chemical and biological agents by a government against its own people is, unfortunately, a historical fact. Even unintentional accidents can occur. But, some people suggest that Chemtrails could actually be part of a program to reduce the population and many feel Chemtrails have caused them to become ill and perhaps they are right. If the Chemtrails contain biological agents then people already weakened by other factors may have even died as a result of the additional strain on their systems, but could such a diabolical purpose be the ultimate goal? History has taught that even the most unconscionable schemes can be made into reality by men filled with fear and hate, and with such weapons in the hands of government we must remain vigilant until answers are forthcoming.

Inoculation Program

Chemical and biological weapons have been used for centuries but have recently entered the world stage as a primary threat. Biological agents have the ability to spread and multiply in casualties. These bioweapons are easy to produce and difficult, but possible, to defend against. The recent actions of the military to require anthrax vaccines for all service personnel show that this matter is of high importance. Some propose that the government may be quietly releasing bio agents to vaccinate citizens via the air. This could account for reported illnesses since a vaccine sometimes makes a person sick. Municipal water supplies might not be universal enough and could be easily sampled and tested, but everyone breathes the air. And the federal government rules the air.

No concrete proof yet exists and no governmental admissions have been issued for the Chemtrail operation. It has been openly admitted by the Pentagon that the U.S. military has performed many biological warfare tests on unknowing servicemen in the past, additionally the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post have even reported that civilians may have died as a result of exposure to live agents sprayed by the Army and Navy during biological warfare tests.

There are thousands of reports and hundreds of photos. You must decide for yourself what they amount to. Some people think it is just contrails, but many are saying that there is more, that something unusual is happening.

New research indicates that there may be a unique type of trail. Using atmospheric soundings and Flight Explorer, the trails over Houston, TX were observed, measured and analysed.

The largest number of reports seems to be from the US, followed by Canada. Several other countries have some reports, often noted by western visitors. Since reports are coming from multiple countries, it seems to transcend individual governments. But with no obvious controlling body the answer remains to be seen.

Countries involved;



United Kingdom









New Zealand


View the full summary here http://www.chemtrailcentral.com/report.shtml#summary

Until we are able to obtain more information from more reliable sources and the Freedom of Information Requests then as an animal and Environmental International Unit we cannot comment further on any forthcoming or on-going investigations.

What we can clearly quote is that weather modification on this level is just never going to work and if the government haven’t got anything to worry about in the United States or other nations as listed above from which we will be applying for the FOIA’s then what is the big issue?

We are more than aware too that when the main whistle blower on Operation Black Swan informed the public that then aroused what was going on, he was later found dead via suicide. A second man a Russian governmental agent was also found dead.

Many questions many answers, and much information to source however as an environmental and animal rescue company we can only and will only print the factual data as it stands of which we will not rely on unreliable blogs, internet articles, to uneducated thoughts to misinform the public thus creating hysteria.

We will be updating on this area of interest soon.

Dr J C Dimetri and Directors


International Animal Rescue Foundation


Environmentalism - Chapter 38 Europe Faces Superstorms - Climate Change Denial (Exposed)


International Animal Rescue Foundation © has been reporting for some time now on many climatological events and environmental weather disruptions to extremely rare climate phenomena that have been occurring since 2000 when the planets climate behaviour started to fluctuate hitting us with unpredictable weather events that has caused vast environmental and economical damage and will continue too unless we all start to take imminent action in reducing our carbon emissions internationally.

The (WHO) World Health Organisation, most signatories of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered species of Wild Flora and Fauna better known as the Washington Convention to the IUCN and the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) to governments alike are not taking the planets proceeding/forthcoming climate change seriously.

With the summer now over in Africa and most parts of the Quarter and Arabian region we have now been warned that America and Europe will soon be under immense climatological attack from what has been described as a catastrophic cycle of weather patterns that will cause mass loss of life and colossal economic disruption effecting tens of thousands of business’s and hundreds of thousands old and newly constructed domesticated homes.

The homes and businesses that will be mostly affected are those constructed on low graded land to flood plains that holds the rivers excess waters once flood defences or barriers have been breached.

That was the good news though, the bad news is, all recent and past weather and climate change predictions and events measured by climatologists, meteorologists, environmentalists, marine biologists, botanists and environmental agencies have proved Europe now in for an extreme battering.

Up to date environmental reports stipulating the high amounts of carbon emissions, global temperature increases of just over 3.4oc by 2050-2100 international global census reports of human  population that is rapidly increasing now to almost 8.9 billion with one child born every minute  which “will” reach 9 billion by 2014, and the overuse of atmospheric pollutants, continuous deforestation and illegal logging, and still gargantuan usage of fossil fuels has now concluded that Europe is and will be under immense environmental atmospheric attack causing mass carnage on a colossal and worrying scale never seen.

George W. Bush, ex-president of the United Stated of America should be held officially accountable for this now impending carnage that could have been lessened had American governmental scientists informed the public of the real impending dangers of environmental change however were  instead ordered to concoct lies and asking many non-profit organisations to push their compulsive and arrogant damaging non-factual misinformation further from which they have since rebutted their claims and stated they were indeed in the wrong when working in the Bush Administration.

The now irreversible damage has already been done and with all European and International scientists and experts providing the most up to date and accurate data we are now aware that Europe is going to face the harsh identical extremities as the United states is.

International Animal Rescue Foundation © is now 100% certain this is why Operation Black Swan undertaken by over 27 continents and kept strictly confidential until a whistle blower of the United states Government blew the cover when viewing millions of dead land and marine animals washed up and found dead worldwide with human health affected too. Coincidentally he and a further Russian military advisory were found dead months later of which both analysts had apparently committed suicide. No further investigations were uncovered on this and all reports that we did locate on Operation Black Swan have since vanished of the World Wide Web, although there is come data it is little and mostly taken of the original domains.

Come the end of the century super storm Sandy’s could be battering the European nations and beaches. Hurricanes usually form in the western tropical Atlantic and normally head north-west to the United States. Occasionally they will make it to Europe by piggybacking on the jet stream. Simulations of these impending hurricanes were undertaken by the Netherlands Meteorological Institute that conducted further examinations based on current predictions. A detailed climate model for 2094 to 2098 assuming modest future greenhouse gas emissions was conducted that showed startling trends and conclusive results.

Meteorologists and scientist’s found that future hurricanes formed further east within the tropical Atlantic, as that area had warmed sufficiently to provide enough heat and moisture to power them massively. As a result, many didn’t hit the United States of America and instead hit the European Union with devastating consequences mostly hitting and damaging Western Europe.

The storms weakened once they left the tropics but significantly powered up again when they entered cold and windy areas that then culminated into “hybrid storms” like Sandy, halfway between winter storms and hurricanes.

Within the Bay of Biscay the climate model quite accurately predicted the average number of yearly hurricanes will increase in Europe from one to six increasing massive environmental carnage, increased flooding from both river and sea, will have a detrimental yet damaging impact and effect on the European economy, thus leading to loss of life both animal and human and effecting farming communities to displacing species and human population. Diseases and infections will increase, mental illness and suicide caused by such major environmental damages will rise and yet we as humans still aren’t taking enough notice to eve reducing our carbon emission and greenhouses damage.

Abnormal weather patterns that are already amongst us within Europe have ranged from heavy spring snows killing thousands of agricultural animals with a total loss of over 335 human lives. After a brief tease of spring-like weather Europe has been hit with cold temperatures and heavy snow. Keeping in mind that “cold” and “heavy snow” are relative terms — these storms were one of the worst of the season for 2013, not to mention among the worst in years.


Airports across Europe were either closed, or had traffic reduced dramatically.  And even the trains were stopped. In Germany, there was traffic accidents on the autobahn involving over 100 vehicles, though fortunately nobody died during that wreck.

In Paris, we had roughly 4 inches of snow — which may not sound like much, but for Paris it’s unusual, and it’s been like this for several years now (snowing when it shouldn’t). Earlier this season we had about twice as much snow as last night, which was also a surprise. As I mentioned before, Paris is not equipped for snow — we just never get that much (or at least we didn’t) — so any snow that sticks will cause major problems mostly affecting transportation thus cutting off the entire country and leaving it at vulnerable security threat.

The melting Arctic ice is also to blame here which is causing the North Atlantic to warm, which is bringing a lot more precipitation to the region. That means the miserable weather of northwest Europe has gone from bad to worse with even more rain and snow because of the warming seas. As the Arctic ice melts, the situation is likely to become worse.

In addition to the warming ocean, the jet stream is unusually far south at the moment, which means that the cold northern air is dipping to the south.

One cannot quote we was never forewarned about these forthcoming events as that is nonsense, the problem is that many governments don’t want you to know about these events because it causes;

  1. Panic buying
  2. Over usage of fossil fuels thus draining the grid
  3. Economical breakdown
  4. Tax raise

These are one of three reasons why the United States Government paid scientists to quote that climate change was all myth and no evidence because the government wanted you the average $200 a week purchaser of basics fuel’s and groceries kept motivated and moving so they can continue raging political wars, to ensuring the nation is not left at vulnerable level from a potential terror threat or more.

Regrettably though American and international news agencies the very people that are to be trusted  to this very day are still compulsively lying to the public of which FOX news was caught with publishing very “dodgy unsound information” on climatological change.


Rupert Murdoch’s companies have been found to be grossly misleading the US public over climate change, with Fox News ‘coverage classed as giving dodgy info 93% of the time. In the report, compiled by the Union of Concerned Scientists, Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal comes a close second in the inaccuracy stakes, with a massive 81% misleading coverage in their opinion pages. The Wall Street Journal Opinion Page’s coverage of climate change was categorically proven to be 81% misleading with only 19% accurate. However Fox’s news channel on climate change was proven to be a massive 93% misleading with and only 7% accurate.

The WSJ, whose commentary include such beauties as “No Need to Panic About Global Warming“, claim that the alarmism created by global warming is something of a conspiracy, offering “an excuse for governments to raise taxes“.

Fox News, who evidently can’t even muster a one in ten success rate of accurate reportage, has certainly got a somewhat dubious record when it comes to accuracy and fairness of their journalism. Readers may recall:

Reporting the death of “Obama Bin laden” http://politicalscrapbook.net/2011/05/fox-news-obama-bin-laden/

Making up new section of the US constitution http://politicalscrapbook.net/2011/12/fox-news-fabricate-constitution/

Describing David Cameron as “President” of the United Kingdom http://politicalscrapbook.net/2011/08/fox-news-president-cameron/

Although this is just mumbo jumbo it still proves that not only the government but also the media provide little accuracy when reporting real life affairs that the international community need to be informed off. Lying and asking others to lie is tantamount to global extinction caused my human negligence.

We truly believe that the spin doctors and non-profit organisations as listed in Greenpeace’s leaked document that the government conveniently paid over 100 (NPO’s) to lie to hundreds of thousands of supporters is still to this date on-going.

Non-profit organisations are the government’s most desired weapon within the area as organisations contain followers both online and offline with some one billion just on Facebook that view many “governmental non-profits”. So by quietly paying them off to place every now and then reports that climate change is all myth” then the United States Government of the Bush and Obama administration must be held fully accountable for loss of life, economic damage and mass environmental carnage that could have been reduced in the past and now present.

This private musing between two climate scientist colleagues first surfaced along with a whole raft of embarrassing material in 2011, when the anonymous Climate gate leaker who calls himself “Mr FOIA” leaked his second set of emails from Britain’s disgraced Climate Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia, Norfolk. Now, Mr FOIA has emerged for a third time, sharing with the world not only his entire batch of 220,000 encrypted emails and documents but also, for the first time, his thoughts. We are fully aware of Mr FOIA whom is a godsend to science and critics alike.


Mr FOIA had previously released two batches of 5,000 files each in 2009 and 2011. This enormous third batch went to a network of friends for decoding, sorting and publication within East Anglia and Cambridge, of the United Kingdom.

The first and second email batches contained conversations among “scientists” who appear to have dishonoured a once respectable discipline, documenting that their claims of a “man-made global warming crisis” look exactly like deliberate contrivances for academic career gain, research funding and positions of political power in “the cause.” Some big-name players are playing games with people’s lives and livelihoods.

The biggest player The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the scientific panel whose reports contain the work of Climate gate figures – and are highly politicized and publicized to increase fear of Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW): “imminent catastrophic man-made climate change.” Many horrendously expensive and needless local, state, federal and international policies have flowed from IPCC’s flawed reports.

The most powerful symbol Professor Michael Mann’s “Hockey Stick Graph” was featured prominently in the 2001 IPCC Third Assessment Report. It alleged that global temperatures were flat for a thousand years before 1900, but then radically increased because of AGW. The chart looks like a hockey stick, a long straight line that bends sharply upward at the end. With recent IPCC admissions that temperatures have not increased for at least the past 16 years, the curve has now plunged downward to become as flat as the rest of the hockey stick, which is where public trust in climate science is headed.


The Game: “The game is communicating climate change; the rules will help us win it,” says an astounding, horrifying UK government-funded booklet leaked by Mr FOIA titled “The Rules of the Game: Evidence base for the Climate Change Communications Strategy.” Written by the UK public relations firm Futerra for six UK agencies – including The Carbon Trust – for use by ethics and public relations tone-deaf scientists,

“The Rules” teaches sophisticated behaviour change tactics, including: “Climate change must be ‘front of mind’ before persuasion works” … “Link climate change mitigation to positive desires/aspirations” … “Beware the impacts of cognitive dissonance” and “Use emotions and visuals” (e.g., scare people with the Hockey Stick Graph). It treats the public like gullible idiots who can be frightened and manipulated by seemingly trustworthy scientists to believe in AGW. For a long time, it worked.

The Team: Phil Jones, head of the CRU; Peter Thorne of the UK Met Office (the national weather service, originally the Meteorological Office) was joined by Kevin Trenberth, climate analysis section head of the U.S. National Centre for Atmospheric Research (NCAR); Tom Wigley, also of NCAR; and the litigious Penn State University Hockey Stick originator, Michael Mann.

James M. Taylor, senior fellow for environment policy at The Heartland Institute, sums their actions up this way. The team consciously distorted and actively suppressed critical knowledge, then furiously tried to hide their actions by conducting a vicious smear campaign to discredit critics.

Consciously distorted: NCAR’s Wigley once complained to Mann, “Mike, the Figure you sent is very deceptive … there have been a number of dishonest presentations of model results by individual authors and by IPCC..”

Peter Thorne of the UK Met Office warned Phil Jones, head of the CRU: “Observations do not show rising temperatures throughout the tropical troposphere, unless you accept one single study and approach and discount a wealth of others. This is just downright dangerous. We need to communicate the uncertainty and be honest. Phil, hopefully we can find time to discuss these further if necessary.… I also think the science is being manipulated to put a political spin on it, which for all our sakes might not be too clever in the long run.”

Suppressed critical knowledge: Phil Jones wrote, “I’ve been told that IPCC is above national FOI Acts. One way to cover yourself and all those working on the IPCC 5th Assessment Report would be to delete all e-mails at the end of the process. Any work we have done in the past is done on the back of the research grants we get – and has to be well hidden. I’ve discussed this with the main funder [the U.S. Department of Energy] in the past and they are happy about not releasing the original station data.” The U.S. government was colluding with the hiders, who received tens of millions of dollars over the years.

Jones wrote to Mann, “Mike, can you delete any emails you may have had with Keith Briffa re AR4 [the IPCC 4th Assessment Report]? Keith will do likewise. … We will be getting Caspar Ammann to do likewise.”

Tom Crowley, a key member of Mann’s global warming hockey team, showed crass disregard for the lying and hiding: “I am not convinced that the ‘truth’ is always worth reaching, if it is at the cost of damaged personal relationships.” It’s more important to keep the career back-scratching team happy.

The distortion, spin, suppression and smear campaign went on for years. In fact, the revelations sparked a furious “hide the lies” denial campaign that ironically calls sceptics “deniers.” What the sceptics actually deny is that there has been much honest science involved in the IPCC process; that there is any evidence to support claims that we face an imminent climate crisis; and that humans are primarily responsible for weather and climate variations that have always been controlled by hundreds of complex, inter-related natural forces and processes.

“Hide the lies” generated lawsuits between climate science “believers” (what kind of real science requires belief?) and sceptics of “dangerous man-made planetary warming” – along with ridiculous conspiracy theories such as “Big Oil hired evil hackers in a plot to discredit angelic climate scientists.”


Mr FOIA denies these absurd allegations in his 3.0 message. “I took what I deemed the most defensible course of action, and would do it again,” he said. “That’s right; no conspiracy, no paid hackers, no Big Oil. The Republicans didn’t plot this. USA politics is alien to me, neither am I from the UK. There is life outside the Anglo-American sphere.”

“The first glimpses I got behind the scenes did little to garner my trust in the state of climate science – on the contrary,” Mr FOIA continued. “I found myself in front of a choice that just might have a global impact.” Reveal what he had discovered, or keep it to himself and let the lies continue?

Didn’t he fear discovery? “When I had to balance the interests of my own safety, the privacy and career of a few scientists, and the well-being of billions of people living in the coming several decades … millions and billions already struggling with malnutrition, sickness, violence, illiteracy, etc. … the first two weren’t the decisive concern.”

Why did he do it? His answer was both angry and anguished: “Climate science has already directed where humanity puts its capability, innovation, mental and material ‘might’ …. The price of ‘climate protection’ with its cumulative and collateral effects is bound to destroy and debilitate in great numbers, for decades and generations,” he wrote. “We can’t pour trillions in this massive hole-digging-and-filling-up endeavour and pretend it’s not [taking] away from something and someone else.”

That’s the most important statement so far in the decades-old climate debate: You’re forcing us backward into poverty and ignorance – for nothing, except to further your careers, funding and power. Less than a week later, London’s Mail on Sunday’s newspaper ran an outraged feature based on the British Meteorological Office’s recent admission that global surface temperatures haven’t risen in more than 15 years. Citing a chart of predicted and actual temperatures, the Mail noted: “Official predictions of global climate warming have been catastrophically flawed. The graph they produced blows apart the ‘scientific basis’ for Britain reshaping its entire economy and spending billions in taxes and subsidies in order to cut emissions of greenhouse gases. The chart shows in incontrovertible detail how the speed of global warming has been massively overestimated. Yet those forecasts have had a ruinous impact on the bills we pay, from heating to car fuel to huge sums paid by councils to reduce carbon emissions. The eco-debate was, in effect, hijacked by false data.”

Is it improper to label the people responsible for this costly, miserable catastrophe as “eco-thugs”? And should we worry that the latest no-real-energy “energy security” proposal from the White House is telling us that President Obama has become America’s “Eco-thug in Chief,” who will continue to peddle fraudulent science and nearly worthless renewable energy to further his agenda? It’s worth pondering.

A set of pro forma “investigations” claim to have exonerated PSU’s Mann. The internal PSU inquiry – with no impartial truth-seekers involved – was not going to harm their grant-getting cash cow Mann; instead, it whitewashed the evidence to ensure the preferred conclusion. Professional science groups that relied upon public funding for their financial survival fell in line behind a huge Tom Sawyer campaign of “exoneration.” There was no exoneration.

Summaries presented in court filings for the case of American Tradition Institute v. University of Virginia and Michael Mann – which demands release of Michael Mann’s emails – say, “Mann has never been exonerated…. Exoneration requires investigation; investigation requires pursuit aimed at discovering material facts.  Mann’s employer since 2005, Penn State University, has conducted no such thing. Neither has the University of Virginia.”

The same conclusion applies to the UK’s Muir Russell and Oxburgh inquiries, which didn’t even mention Mann, because they were “investigating” only employees of the CRU.

I asked Christopher C. Horner, senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute and attorney in the ATI v. UVa/Mann lawsuit for his take on the leaker’s message. He told me, “Whatever prompted ‘Mr FOIA,’ I take it as a statement that, so far, the courts have failed us, as have our political institutions – and he has concluded that those in the public who have resisted the climate industry agenda should now have a chance to review these taxpayer-financed records, which are the subject of a remarkable campaign to subvert transparency laws.”

We ourselves can’t avoid blame for the science disaster uncovered by Mr. FOIA. As Peter Foster of London’s Financial Times noted, we didn’t heed President Dwight Eisenhower’s warning. “Most people are aware of Ike’s warning in 1961 about the military-industrial complex,” Foster wrote. Our fatal error was to ignore what he said next: “In holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of scientific-technological elite.” [Emphasis added]

Americans won’t take captivity. It’s time to demote our climate masters to our humble servants. We won’t kill them. But we should sentence them to prison – or Siberia, where they’ll wish the climate was warming.

Should we continue to not open our eyes and view what is on-going around us for ourselves such as peculiar weather patterns, plants blooming at the wrong time of seasons, reliable metrological reports, heat waves, and flooding then we will all be a major victim to the lies that have been consequently spread and still are being spread to this day.

April 15th 2013 –

Millions of people will die of starvation across the world as agricultural yields are expected to tank and the price of food is expected to double by 2050 scientists warned in a new report released this week. The culprit? Extreme temperatures, floods and droughts brought on by climate change and scientific negligence, modern scientists though warned in this year’s US National Climate Assessment that you can view here -  http://www.globalchange.gov/home and for Europe http://www.eea.europa.eu/themes/climate

Lead researches of the study told The Observer that food insecurity risks turning parts of Africa into permanent disaster areas. Frank Rijsberman, head of the world’s 15 international CGIAR crop research centres, stated:

Food production will have to rise 60% by 2050 just to keep pace with expected global population increase and changing demand. Climate change comes on top of that. The annual production gains we have come to expect … will be taken away by climate change. We are not so worried about the total amount of food produced so much as the vulnerability of the one billion people who are without food already and who will be hit hardest by climate change. They have no capacity to adapt.

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), to keep global warming below 2 °C, emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) must be halved by 2050 (compared with 1990 levels). Developed countries will need to reduce more – between 80 % and 95 % by 2050; advanced developing countries with large emissions (e.g. China, India and Brazil) will have to limit their emission growth.

Agreed in 1997, the UNFCCC’s Kyoto Protocol is a first step towards achieving more substantial global emission reductions. It sets binding emission targets for developed countries that have ratified it, such as the EU Member States, and limits the emission increases of the remaining countries for the first commitment period from 2008 to 2012. The 15 pre-2004 EU Member States (the EU-15) have a joint emission reduction target of 8 % below 1990 levels. Through the internal EU “burden-sharing agreement”, some EU Member States are permitted increases in emissions, while others must decrease them. Most Member States that joined the EU after 1 May 2004 have targets of -6 % to -8 % from their base years (mostly 1990).

EU emissions represent about 10 % of total global emissions. The United States, which has a large share of total global GHG emissions, has not ratified the protocol. China and several other countries with large GHG emissions do not have binding emission targets under the protocol. Countries are expected to meet their target mainly through domestic policies and measures. They may meet part of their emission reduction targets by investing in emission-reducing projects in developing countries (the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)) or in developed ones (Joint Implementation (JI)). The CDM is also meant to support sustainable development, e.g. by financing renewable energy projects.

The Cancún Agreements, adopted at the UN Climate Conference in Mexico (December 2010), include a comprehensive finance, technology and capacity-building support package to help developing nations adapt to climate change and adopt sustainable paths to low-emission economies. The agreements also include a time schedule for reviewing the objective of keeping the average global temperature rise below 2 °C. The agreements confirm that developed countries will mobilise USD 100 billion in climate funding for developing countries annually by 2020, and establish a Green Climate Fund through which much of the funding will be channelled.


The ‘Durban Platform for Enhanced Action’, adopted at the UN conference in South Africa (Dec 2011) agreed a roadmap towards a new legal framework by 2015, applicable to all Parties to the UN climate convention. It also foresees a second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, starting in 2013. Agreement was also reached on the design and governance arrangements for the new Green Climate Fund.

Many European countries have adopted national programmes aimed at reducing emissions. Similar EU-level policies and measures include:

1)      Increased use of renewable energy (wind, solar, biomass) and combined heat and power installations;

2)      Improved energy efficiency in buildings, industry, household appliances;

3)      Reduction of CO2 emissions from new passenger cars;

4)      Abatement measures in the manufacturing industry;

5)      Measures to reduce emissions from landfills.

This is sounds all good and positive news however is it going to work? The Abatement measures should have been implemented a long time ago when the European Union and America knew of these problems.

These measures give authorities the power if companies pollute or break environmental laws to close an entire company down to protect our vulnerable environment to flora and fauna. This type of order is more or less an anti-social behaviour order. Should the abatement team ascertain enough data and believe that a crime is being committed or rules are being flouted then action will be taken immediately to preserve our natural environment.

Current unpredictable weather patterns that have been hitting the Europe from 2013;


Insurance companies were faced with a flood of claims yesterday following Tuesday’s freak hail storm that hit the north and east of Malta. Certain crops can be replanted but some will have lost everything Middlesea Insurance said they received a flurry of claims for damage at property located in Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq, St Andrew’s, Għargħur, Mosta, Naxxar and San Pawl Tat-Tarġa. These came in the wake of reports of tennis ball-sized hailstones lashing certain localities around midday on Tuesday.

Claims under property insurance policies were submitted for damage to solar water heaters, photovoltaic panels, glass and water pipes, said Middlesea’s chief claims officer, Patrick Muscat. A number of private motor vehicle claims were also filed under comprehensive policies. Asked if hail was considered an ‘act of God’ by insurance companies, Mr Muscat said the term was an old misnomer that should be avoided. “It is now standard practice to have storm cover under most, if not all, property insurance policies,” he explained. Mile-End car repairs and towing services said it was busier than usual when the storm hit. “We were called to accidents in Rabat, Mosta and Naxxar. The water on the road was a big problem,” a spokesman said. However, they did not have an unusually high number of repairs yesterday – “just a few for spark plugs caused by water damage”.

The hail mostly caused slight cosmetic damage to vehicles, the spokesman added.Farmers also suffered with some having their crops destroyed by the hail, according to Joe Galea, president of the Rural Manikata Cooperative.

Although the farms around Manikata were unaffected, Mr Galea said farmers in the Mosta, Rabat and Ta’ Qali areas were not so fortunate, with potatoes and onions badly hit. “The storm did not hit everywhere but some farmers were very unlucky. Certain crops can be replanted but some will have lost everything,” he said.

“It’s too early to say if they will ask for compensation from the Government,” Mr Galea said. There were widespread reports of the hailstones denting solar panels even though a spokesman for Solar Solutions in Naxxar said they had received no calls about damage to products they had sold as of 11am yesterday. “Our solar heaters have thick security glass and are designed to withstand some punishment. Good quality solar panels would not normally be damaged by hailstones,” he said.

In Għargħur, which bore the brunt of the storm, locals enjoying morning refreshments in San Bartilmew band club said many cars belonging to residents were dented and windows were broken.

One woman said her adult son was distraught after his 35 racing pigeons, costing some €2,000, were caught in the hailstorm.

“Lots of them did not come home and the ones that did were badly injured. One lost an eye,” she said. The parish priest also suffered extensive damage to his home, according to locals, but he was not available to comment when The Times visited his house.


A woman died and numerous commuters were left stranded in Athens after the Greek capital was hit by its worst storm in 50 years on Friday.

At least 900 calls were made to the fire department requesting for aid to pump water out of homes, with many basements being inundated. Another 90 rang asking for assistance after being ensnared in their cars. Many cars were seen to be swept and overturned by the deluge.

A 27-year-old woman died from a suspected heart attack after being extracted from her marooned vehicle by other motorists, in the northern suburb of Halandri.

The Greek city suffered power outages overnight, after a river bank bursting. Early commuters were brought to a standstill as a result of the flooding. A house collapsed in the city centre, but no injuries were reported.

The flooding culminated in havoc for public transport as the tram system was stalled for an hour while rail schedules were temporarily postponed after a tree fell on the tracks.


Many parts of Europe are struggling to return to normal after a freak snowstorm caused travel chaos. On Tuesday the Eurostar trains had to be suspended as severe weather in Northern France and Belgium forced operators to close sections of the railway. Other high speed train services were also halted.

Even Jersey, normally one of the warmest parts of the British Isles, was not spared from the severe conditions. Residents had to cope with 100 kph winds as snow covered the island. Meanwhile more snow fell on central Germany. North of Frankfurt the Autobahn had to be closed after a 100-car pileup injured dozens of people. Nearby, Europe’s third largest airport also had to close forcing more than 355 flights to be cancelled.

Italy - A strong tornado hit Italy’s Venice and its lagoon causing big damage to local environment. Hundreds of trees were destroyed by the storm which hit the renowned northern city and some small islands of its lagoon including Sant’Elena, Sant’Erasmo and Certosa.


Britain’s impending cold snap could cause hundreds of millions of pounds of damage as a result of frozen or burst pipes, householders were warned. British Gas is predicting that the plummeting temperatures expected next week could trigger more than 20,000 emergency calls a day.

Forecasters have warned that a cold blast from the Arctic is on its way, beginning with snow showers in Scotland on Sunday and gradually spreading south. It is estimated that one in five homes could be at risk from damage caused by frozen and burst water pipes, British Gas said.

Figures from the Association of British Insurers show that burst pipes across the UK cost insurance companies more than £415 million in 2002 - three times as much as the total cost of river flood damage to UK homes that year. And in 2003, British Gas reported more than 15,000 call-outs on the coldest day on January 8, when average temperatures fell to just below minus 3C (27F).

As a precaution, the company has cancelled all routine visits in the early part of next week. Dave Kendle, director of British Gas home service operations, said: “The message is simple - never underestimate the misery caused by burst pipes and no heating.

“Colder weather puts added pressure on your heating systems as they work harder to keep homes warm. Not only this, but the damage caused by torrents of water from burst pipes could run into thousands of pounds.” The company advises householders to check that their main stopcock works and that all pipe work, cisterns and tanks are well insulated.

Koch 8 Climate Denial

April 2013 – Colossal Climate Destruction is no longer confined to the United States of America;

Current Hurricane Historical Data;

Europe’s hurricane history

Only once since accurate records began in 1851 has an actual hurricane with full tropical characteristics hit Europe. This happened on September 16, 1961, when Category 1 Hurricane Debbie hit north western Ireland. Wind gusts reached 106 mph at Bally Kelly and 104 mph at Tiree and Snaefill, and coastal radio stations reported the airwaves were jammed with calls for help from small ships and fishing craft. Eleven people were killed and 50 injured in the storm. The only other tropical cyclone recorded to have hit Europe since 1851 was Hurricane Vince of 2005, which hit southern Spain as a tropical depression on October 11, 2005. Historical documents also suggest a hurricane hit Spain on October 29, 1842.

Britain’s history of ex-hurricane strikes

Hurricanes that transition to powerful extra tropical storms hit the British Isles several times per decade, on average. In 2011, Hurricane Katia brushed by Newfoundland, made the transition from a tropical system to a powerful extra tropical storm, and maintained strong winds of 50 - 65 mph as it crossed the Atlantic.

Ex-Katia hit northern Scotland on September 12, 2011. Glen Ogle, Scotland, at an elevation of 1500 feet (546 meters), received sustained winds of 60 mph, gusting to 86 mph. Cairngorm, in the Scottish Highlands at an elevation of 4085 feet, reported sustained winds of 67 mph. With the trees in full leaf, tree damage was much higher than a winter or springtime storm of similar ferocity would have caused.

One person was killed by a falling tree, and heavy tree damage and numerous power failures were reported throughout Britain. Other gusts experienced in Britain included 76 mph at Edinburgh Blackford Hill, 75 mph at Capel Curig in Wales, 72 mph at Glasgow Bishopton, and 71 mph at Loftus, North Yorkshire.

As reported by UK Met Office forecaster John Hammond in a post on the BBC 23 degrees blog, Britain has been affected at least eight times in the past twenty years by extra tropical storms that were once tropical storms or hurricanes. Before Katia of 2011, the most recent such storm was Hurricane Bill of 2009, which hit Ireland as an extra tropical storm on August 25 with sustained winds of 45 mph. Bill was a Category 4 hurricane northeast of the Lesser Antilles five days prior. In 2006, a record three extra tropical storms that had once been tropical cyclones hit Britain.

Extra tropical Storm Alberto, which had been a strong tropical storm that hit the Florida Panhandle, hit northern Ireland and Scotland as an extra tropical storm with 35 mph winds.

Extra tropical Storm Gordon hit Ireland on September 21, 2006, with sustained winds of 65 mph. Gordon brought record warm temperatures as tropical air pushed north across the UK, and also strong winds that brought down power lines in Northern Ireland. Wind gusts to 60 mph (97 km/h) occurred in the Isles of Scilly off the southwest coast, and 81 mph (130 km/h) on the mainland.

Other post-tropical cyclones that have the U.K. in the past twenty years include Hurricanes Isaac and Leslie of 2000, Hurricane Karl of 1998, and Hurricane Lili of 1996. The most severe of these storms was Extra tropical Storm Lili, which hit Ireland on October 28, 1996, with sustained winds of 65 mph. Lili caused $420 million in damage, in the U.K; Lili produced a 92 mph (148 km/h) gust at Swansea, South Wales, while bringing a 4′ (1.2 meter) storm surge that inundated the River Thames.

In Somerset, 500 holiday cottages were severely damaged. A U.S. oil drilling platform, under tow in the North Sea, broke loose during the storm and nearly ran aground at Peterhead. On the Isle of Wight, a sailing boat was beached at Chale Bay; luckily all five occupants were rescued. It was the most damaging storm to have struck the United Kingdom since the Great Storm of 1987, which killed 22 and caused $660 million in damage. However, Lili also broke a four-month drought over southwest England. All but one of these storms hit during the peak part of hurricane season, mid-August - late October. The only exception was Ex-Tropical Storm Alberto of 2006, which hit Britain in June.

Hurricanes in the Mediterranean Sea

The Mediterranean Sea between Europe and Africa has experienced several damaging hybrid subtropical storms in recent decades, but has never experienced a fully tropical hurricane in recorded history. However, global warming may cause the Mediterranean to start spawning hurricanes by 2100, according to a 2007 study by a research team led by Miguel Angel Gaertner of the University of Castilla-La Mancha in Toledo, Spain.

They ran nine different climate models with resolutions of about 50 km and found that some (but not all) of the models simulated hurricanes in the Mediterranean in September by the end of the century, when ocean temperature could increase by 3°C, reaching 30°C.

Though the Mediterranean may start seeing hurricanes by the end of the century, these storms have been quoted to be rare and relatively short-lived for three reasons as one independent American scientists claimed below;

  • The Mediterranean is quite far north and is subject to strong wind shear from jet stream activity.
  • The waters are shallow, and have relatively low heat content. There is no deep warm water current like the Gulf Stream.
  • The Mediterranean has a lot of large islands and peninsulas poking into it, increasing the chances that a tropical storm would weaken when it encountered land.

Can one rely on these three climatological unproven theories though?

  1. December 14th 2010 - A luxury cruise ship has been left in disarray - and dozens of its passengers hurt - after it encountered unexpectedly heavy seas in the southern Mediterranean. The Brilliance of the Seas is now limping to Malta after being assailed by giant waves - which caused it to rock dangerously from side to side - while sailing to the Egyptian port of Alexandria.
  2. February 2012 – NASA Space Agency quoted a nasty looking storm was spotted by a satellite today (Feb. 23) as it spun over the Mediterranean Sea. The cyclonic, counter-clockwise spin of a low pressure system was viewed from the NOAA-19 AVHRR satellite sensor taken on Feb. 23, 2012. This system has brought up to 4 inches (10.2 centimetres) of rain over the last 24 hours to coastal areas in Europe and Africa. NOAA-19 is the last of the POES line of polar-orbiting satellites run by NOAA. Its successor, the Suomi-NPP satellite, was launched late last year and is currently undergoing its check-out phase as the sensors are gradually turned on.
  3. January 8th 2013 - Stormy weather, including snow, high winds and heavy rainfall, lashed the eastern Mediterranean coast, downing power lines and trees and causing several injuries in a number of countries. Heavy snowfall blanketed Turkey’s commercial hub Istanbul, a city of 15 million, paralysing daily life, disrupting air traffic and land transport. Officials said the snow is expected to continue until late tomorrow, according to the weather forecast. Syrian refugees in a Jordanian camp attacked aid workers with sticks and stones on Tuesday, frustrated after cold, howling winds swept away their tents and torrential rains flooded muddy streets overnight. Police said seven aid workers were injured.
  4. March 2010 - Earlier in the week transport in Barcelona ground to a halt as snow covered the Catalan capital and the snow storms have continued, passing over the Balearic Islands and the Costas, both popular with holiday makers hoping for some spring sunshine. Roads were closed as up to four inches of snow fell across Majorca and many residents and holidaymakers stayed indoors.

There are still to this very day much confusion and irresponsible lies that are being regurgitated to the public so that panic is not started, not creating panic is within our eyes a professional manner to adopt. However to completely lie, and to pay scientists and non-profit organisations that we are supposed to trust “not naming any names” but if I quote [certain climate and environmental groups] is dangerous and dicing with people’s lives as well as affecting our next generations future and economy.

Scientific data has long been out within the open that proved this climate prediction would eventually occur however the government wish to censor this and/or take legal action against these proof writers to keep their counties economy stable, to push people into purchasing more products, and, and to rage transnational wars as without the tax payers money then wars cannot be fought. The governments then cannot obtain oil and petroleum via occupying foreign continents that they believe to be of a high security risk to them.

The lies are still continuing and being raged even as I document more on sporadic climatological change.

Evidence is out there that proved and “proves” climate change is more than real. We only have to look at the mass shifting ice sheets within Antarctica to viewing the Polar Bear now facing extinction to now understand that climate change is now a “domestic and international terror threat to life” that the American government could have taken seriously and acted upon rapidly reducing loss of life, economic instability, agricultural damage, and species extinction.

That time regrettably has since passed and now we are the ones that are too now pick the pieces up caused by deliberate governmental negligence. Had the PUBLIC been informed correctly and NOT lied to then we could of all back within the early 1980’s when air and marine temperatures noticeably began warming could of taken action to reduce the now forthcoming climate carnage.

Climate carnage is going to hit Europe hard thus then moving us all into economic meltdown the current cost of climate change destruction has risen in the United states from $100 billion (1989) to now (2013) $390 billion and climbing fast. 730 million European citizens and “non-European” the most vulnerable are now in danger, can they afford these types of “hurricane Sandy” hurricanes?

I finish with more lies that the United States Government are still spouting;

Representative Chris Stewart (R-UT) is the chair of the subcommittee on the environment, the congressional group in charge of the EPA, climate change research, and “all activities related to climate.” It is therefore extremely troubling that Stewart denies the basic findings of climate science. (What’s new though the EPA support’s sustainable hunting) Stewart has said that he is “not convinced” that climate change is a threat, despite the fact that the EPA, NOAA, and all of the climate science and scientists that he now oversees, disagree with him. In fact 98% of actual climate scientists disagree with his views on climate science.

At a recent town hall meeting, a group of activists confronted Stewart on his ill-informed views on climate science. The activists, working with the group Forecast the Facts, presented Stewart with a 17,000 signature petition demanding “the Chairman of the Science Committee’s Subcommittee on Environment stop using his seat to promote climate denialism.” They also held up banners reading “Believe It Or Not Climate Change Is Not Going Away,” “97% of Say Climate Change is Human Caused. We Trust Them,” and “Stewart Denies While Utah Burns.”

The group of activists included high school student Sara Ma. “Many people think climate change is a future problem for my generation to solve later, but it’s not. The data shows that it is here, it’s happening and it has a cost,” said Ma, a 17-year-old senior at West High School. Utahns are particularly upset by Stewart’s ignorance on climate issues due to the record wildfire season they endured last year.  Wildfires did over $50 million dollars in damage to Utah in 2012.

Stewart’s climate denial is made more suspicious by his close ties to carbon polluting industries. His brother and campaign manager, Tim Stewart, is a Washington, DC lobbyist for fossil fuel corporations.  In addition, he has received more campaign donations from oil and gas companies than any other single source.

Cyclones causing wind storms in the Mediterranean: characteristics, trends and links to large-scale patterns

Climatology studies of cyclones with a focus on their relation to wind storm tracks in the Mediterranean region (MR) are presented. Trends in the frequency of cyclones and wind storms, as well as variations associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), the East Atlantic/West Russian (EAWR) and the Scandinavian variability patterns (SCAND) are discussed.

The study is based on the ERA40 reanalysis dataset. Wind storm tracks are identified by tracking clusters of adjacent grid boxes characterised by extremely high local wind speeds. The wind track is assigned to a cyclone track independently identified with an objective scheme.

Areas with high wind activity – quantified by extreme wind tracks – are typically located south of the Golf of Genoa, south of Cyprus, southeast of Sicily and west of the Iberian Peninsula. About 69% of the wind storms are caused by cyclones located in the Mediterranean region, while the remaining 31% can be attributed to North Atlantic or Northern European cyclones.

The North Atlantic Oscillation, the East Atlantic/West Russian pattern and the Scandinavian pattern all influence the amount and spatial distribution of wind inducing cyclones and wind events in the MR. The strongest signals exist for the NAO and the EAWR pattern, which are both associated with an increase in the number of organised strong wind events in the eastern MR during their positive phase. On the other hand, the storm numbers decrease over the western MR for the positive phase of the NAO and over the central MR during the positive phase of the EAWR pattern. The positive phase of the Scandinavian pattern is associated with a decrease in the number of winter wind storms over most of the MR.

A third of the trends in the number of wind storms and wind producing cyclones during the winter season of the ERA40 period may be attributed to the variability of the North Atlantic Oscillation.

The full article can be read here http://www.nat-hazards-earth-syst-sci.net/10/1379/2010/nhess-10-1379-2010.pdf

International Animal Rescue Foundation © will continue to document on the recent spurge of climate patterns and the “on-going” negligent speeches of government officers in the hope that we can now start to educate the public into now taking evasive and firm action into now protecting our environment, themselves and our future generations of eco-warriors.

Thank you

Dr JC Dimetri

Director and Founder

International Animal Rescue Foundation & International Delegates


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Environmentalism - Chapter 37 Endangered Species Watch

When the Conference of Parties 16th meetings was hosted in Bangkok, Thailand on the 4th March 2013 by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, also known as the Washington Convention attended by some one hundred and seventy seven nations we believed that Cites would instigate with immediate effect the safe guarding and preservation of some of the worlds most endangered and critically endangered to nearing extinct species of both flora and fauna that are mostly located and distrusted within Africa and Asia, with the Amazonia rainforest and now Antarctica under serious threat from both poacher’s to hunting and the search for oil, and environmental carnage.

We and other organisations are still awaiting for direct and imminent action to now bring under control the colossal poaching epidemic that is seeing some hundreds of animals slaughtered for the illegal wildlife trade feeding the Traditional Chinese Medicine market’s, aiding cultural and religious beliefs to funding the war on terrorism. Furthering this we have still yet to view any formal positive actions to regain control of the catastrophic implications of atmospheric environmental carnage and climate change.

The global clock is ticking, and since the CoP 16th meetings there has been an unprecedented surge in the amount of poaching of which we can only believe is due to “possible or nearing sanctions that could be implemented” on African and Asian nations should they not take firm and decisive action to quell this destruction immediately.

So we look at some of the worlds most endangered species that are listed below hoping soon that Cites and other larger Non-Profit Organisations along with United Nations Environmental Department and (WHO) The World Health Organisation, and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature now start to initiate what was preached at the meetings to safe guard and preserve our species before we see by 2050-2100 the entire species listed below pushed from extant to extinction.

One must also remember that were not just working with the preservation of mammalians and aquatics too, looking within Malaysia and Indonesia to Amazonia and the Antarctic atmospheric pollution, shifting ice plates, habitual destruction, plantations of artificial rainforests for palm oil production and manufacturing, agriculture to deforestation and illegal logging is also another disquieting yet prodigious quandary that the entire environmentalist and activist movement “must confluence immediately” for the sake of our younger generation and theirs to come.

Species of concern;



Populations: Listed to date: Listed below

Located deep within central Africa the Virunga National Park in eastern Congo holds the diverse species of Gorilla. The entire species are under threat from habitual destruction, civil war, and honour killings, to the illegal charcoal trade, bush meat and illegal exportations to African Zoological Gardens.

Eastern Lowland Gorilla – See’s a population rate of just less than 3000

Mountain Gorilla – See’s a population rate of just less than 720

Western Lowland Gorilla – See’s a population rate of just less than 100,000

Cross River Gorilla – See’s a population rate of just less than 300

Please view the video documentary; - Please note the video below may not be available in your nation. The title the video is Gorilla Murders - Virunga National Park that is hosted by National Geographic. Alternatively one can view the other documentary below on Mountain Gorillas.


Sumatran Orang-utan

Populations to date: 7,000

The Sumatran orang-utan is the more endangered of the two orang-utan species. Found only in the northern and western provinces of Sumatra, Indonesia, the species is fast losing its natural habitat to agriculture and human settlements.

Palm oil plantations and species encroachment onto human land looking for food that was once within their homes sadly view’s the species attacked or murdered. They are also considered pests within the plantations workers eyes of which poisons and traps are laid “which is difficult to prove whom is to blame” that regrettably also hinders their survival. There have also been reports of illegal tropical pet trade and zoophilic sexual attacks.

Mountain Gorilla

Population to date: 720

The mountain gorilla became known to science on 17 October 1902, and is a subspecies of eastern gorilla. Although explained above we are seeing a rapid decline in numbers within the Congo region better known as the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Since the early 1990s civil war has destroyed much of the mountain gorilla species along with its habitat from the illegal trade in charcoal. Unfortunately we also see the mountain gorillas used sporadically within the Traditional Chinese Medicine market too.

Atlantic Blue Fin Tuna

iarf (B)

Population information: Species is estimated to have declined at least 51% over the past three generation lengths (39 years) and is listed as Endangered under Criterion A2. In the Eastern Atlantic stock, current fishing mortality is far above maximum sustainable yield (MSY) and estimated SSB is far below MSY.

Atlantic Bluefin Tuna – Tuna is perhaps the most high profile victim of unregulated and uncontrolled overfishing. Bluefin tuna populations have declined alarmingly over the past few decades. Europe and International Continents were all warned that should over fishing and non-moderation of stock mainly that of the “young” not be controlled or enforced then we would view a humungous depletion of tuna stock levels. Only now when the species has almost been pushed to extinction have nations finally taken notice.

Atlantic Blue Fin Tuna’s main threats are over fishing, the use of mass trawler drag nets, pollution, climatological change and marine temperatures fluctuating.  Atlantic Bluefin tuna spawn just once a year and do not reach reproductive maturity until they are 8-12 years old. This makes Bluefin tuna more vulnerable to overfishing than some of the smaller tuna species that can spawn several times in a year. Female Atlantic Bluefin can produce up to 10 million eggs per year, but just a small fraction survives to adulthood

According to information collected by the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF), the Eastern Pacific stock of yellow fin is overfished and some overfishing is occurring in the Indian Ocean. The northern and southern Atlantic Ocean stocks of albacore are also overfished. The skipjack tuna, while quite resilient, could easily slip into a vulnerable state due to overfishing if improperly managed.

Big eye tuna are prized in Asia for sashimi as well as frozen and fresh in other markets. As Bluefin tuna populations shrink around the world, pressure on big eye fisheries is increasing. According to information collected by the ISSF Scientific Advisory Committee, overfishing is occurring in Eastern and Western Pacific Oceans. Bluefin tuna populations have declined severely from overfishing and illegal fishing over the past few decades –not just Atlantic Bluefin tuna, but also Pacific Bluefin tuna and Southern Bluefin tuna. Population declines have been largely driven by the demand for this fish in high end sushi markets.

Illegal fishing of Atlantic Bluefin tuna is a big problem and the fishery has been plagued by lack of enforcement and control.

Leatherback Turtle


Population to date: Females 2,400 (Total population including females 34,000)

The leatherback turtle has survived for more than a hundred million years, but is now facing extinction. Recent estimates of numbers show that this species is declining precipitously throughout its range.

Leatherbacks and their young have taken a vast battering over the past ten years with more Turtles pushed further to extinction from 2010-2013. The Costa Rican government simply allows the eggs of this reptilian to be dug up from the breeding grounds of which their eggs are then sold in the hundreds of thousands to Asian black market peddlers.

The Leatherback also faces gargantuan threats from trawler nets and pollution to also being poached for “Turtle soup” mainly used as a pseudo aphrodisiac within most continents of Asia.

Tiger – Sumatran – Bengal – Siberian

angry_tiger_roaringPopulation to date: 3,200+ Amur 300 (If that)

Less than 3,200 remain in the wild, we have lost 97% of our wild tigers in just over a century. The tiger population faces a number of threats from illegal poaching, habitual destruction caused by over population and palm oil trade within Indonesia and Malaysia, India, China, Thailand and Russia being the main number one continents form which we believe that we are going to see them banished within the next two or three years unless the Asian and Russian environmental departments to law enforcement do not take immediate action.

The Tiger population is mostly hunted for its pelts (skin) that can fetch once processed some $100,000 on the black market. Tiger penis soup, Tiger claw, to just Tiger meat is all used within the Asian medicinal market with Tiger bone wine deriving from Tigers that have been breed within Chinese (hell holes) then left to starve. The Tigers are then slaughtered or die an agonising pain from malnutrition of which the entire carcass minis the pelt and some flesh is placed within the a vat of rice wine to produce the illegal Tiger bone wine that can fetch some $10,000 and upwards on the Asian black market.

Snow Leopard


Population to date: 5700

Snow Leopard – There are up to 6,000 snow leopards in the wild across 12 countries, but its numbers are gradually declining, with hunting and habitat loss just some of the reasons that it is endangered. The WCS Wildlife Conservation Service also sent ourselves a census that they carried out on military troops that had also been purchasing “some” Snow Leopard parts not actually realizing from camp markets and of camp markets within Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Eastern Russia. They have all since been educated on the illegal wildlife trade with much thanks and appreciation to the WCS for undertaking this survey.

The Snow Leopards habitat is under extraordinary pressure from climate change, and over grazing of cattle such as Elk that are pushing the Snow Leopards prey further away as of “their own prey’s” food source being depleted. The Snow Leopard is mostly hunted for its pelt (skin) that can fetch many thousands on the black markets that then subsidise the war on terrorism.



Population to date: 500-650 (If that)

(Last population was under 200, however conservation efforts have increased their numbers)

The Vaquita is a very small porpoise that lives solely in the Gulf of California, Mexico. The species is critically endangered primarily as a result of entanglement in fishing nets.

The vaquita’s population has been in decline since at least the 1940s, and could be declining by as much as 15% each year. At current rates, the vaquita population may be reduced by more than 80% over the next 10-30 years and is in danger of extinction.

Commercial fishing is by far the greatest threat to individuals, their habitat, and the species overall survival. In the 1920s, a commercial fishery using gillnets for the now-endangered totoaba (a large sea bass) was established (Reeves et al. 2002). While the commercial fishery for totoaba ceased in the 1970s, other fishing still continues. Vaquitas are incidentally taken as “by catch” in local gillnet and trawl fisheries. It is estimated that at least 30-85 individuals are taken incidentally each year. Other possible threats to this species include environmental pollution, habitat degradation, and inbreeding due to low population numbers.

Irrawaddy Dolphin


Population to date: 7,000-8000

Irrawaddy Dolphin – Some populations are close to extinction such as those in the Mekong River and Malampaya Sound in the Philippines. The main threats are from fisheries by catch and habitat loss. Although the Irrawaddy dolphin is not directly exploited, it is exposed to incidental mortality in fisheries (e.g., gillnets in Australia and in Malampaya, explosives), the principal cause of depletion. Habitat degradation due to development of dams, deforestation and mining also continue to undermine the species to a lesser extent.

The small population of the Mahakam River (Indonesian Borneo) and possibly that of the Ayeyarwady River (Myanmar) are also live-captured for display purposes.

Javan Rhinoceros


Population to date: (Currently unknown) however reports this March 23rd showed that the Javan Rhinoceros is still present with us confirmed by WWF (World Wildlife Fund) within an undisclosed location of which we are not placing any geo-geographical location for security and preservation reasons. We can confidently quote though that 25 have been documented although it was at first only a family of five. This number has now increased from camera traps installed at key location points within (un-named) areas and continents.

The current threats to the Javan Rhinoceros a ten million year old prehistoric dinosaur that is a little smaller than the White and Black Rhinoceros are habitual destruction from deforestation, pulp and paper trade to palm oil too, climate and pollution carnage are also causing mass loss of life with poaching always the ultimate number one factor in this region to any that the Rhinoceros “species” populate.

The Javan Rhinoceros just like the Indian one horned Rhinoceros, White Rhinoceros and the Black Rhinoceros are regrettably poached for counterfeit Asian traditional pharmaceuticals that do not under any circumstancescure diabetes, cancer, headache, migraine, AIDS (Auto-Immune Deficiency Syndrome or HIV) improve sexual arousal, libido, erection, tachycardia, hypertension, skin disorders, dermatitis, opiate withdrawal, nor does the Rhinoceros horn help with conception, help to quit smoking, nausea, vomiting, ADHD, ADD, or any other form of neurodegenerative disease.

Rhinoceros horn does not and never did cure cancer in any Vietnamese government member’s wife which was a complete compulsive lie. Rhinoceros horn does not cure physiological or psychiatric illness.

The horn of Rhinoceros is made up of mainly Keratin that is more related to Cockatoo beak, Parrot beak, or Horse hoof, the horn also contains a combination of non-active non-medicinal properties from phosphorus, nitrogen, calcium, keratin, and compacted hair.

Rhinoceros horn is similar, but not identical, in chemical composition to water buffalo, cattle and yak horns, which are frequently used to “substitute” for rhinoceros horn in traditional medicinal formulas.

Rhinoceros horn has not been well researched in comparison with other ingredients in traditional medicine. Only one study was found (2012) testing rhino horn for pharmacological effect in humans using the best-practice method of a randomized double-blind trial. That study found a short-lived significant effect on fever in children, but did not recommend its use as acetaminophen (a common nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug) performed better.

More testing has been done in the laboratory, using lab animals as well as in vitro techniques. Most of these studies have been done in China, where rhinoceros horn is permitted to be used in research only to identify viable substitutes for it, and all found statistically significant pharmacological effects for rhino horn: anti-pyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, procoagulant, among others.

The same studies also found significant pharmacological effect for animal horn substitutes. In contrast, two studies done outside Asia (in the UK and South Africa) found no pharmacological effects at all for rhino horn or other animal horns; significant effect was found for some traditional medicinal plants tested which were being explored as potential substitutes for rhinoceros horn.

A few different suggestions as to which components of rhino horn might be responsible for the observed pharmacological effects have been put forward, although the potential mechanisms of action were not elucidated.

Worldwide population 22,200 (Not confirmed within Africa of which the last census was undertaken in 2010 quoting a number of 18,800) However with the current poaching increase and demand taking into account the gestation period using mathematical studies shows a total of no more than 15,500 of which ¼ of South African Rhinoceros are owned on private farms and reserves. http://www.cites.org/eng/com/sc/62/E62-47-02-A.pdf

Population to date for the Indian One Horned Rhinoceros: 2,000 and rapidly decreasing within the Assam National Park.

Please note there are no more Javans within this national park -

Asian Elephant


Population to date: 20,000 and declining

Sacred but exploited, the Asian elephant has been worshipped for centuries and is still used today for ceremonial and religious purposes.


Even where suitable habitat exists, poaching remains a threat to elephants in many areas. In 1989, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) banned the international trade in ivory. However, there are still some thriving but unregulated domestic ivory markets in a number of countries which fuel an illegal international trade. Although most of this ivory comes from poaching of African elephants, Asian elephants are also illegally hunted for their ivory, as well as for their skin. In some countries, political unrest is disrupting anti-poaching activities.


Conservationists are concerned that a loss of male big tuskers due to poaching could lead to inbreeding and eventually to high juvenile mortality and overall low breeding success. The loss of tuskers also reduces the probability that these longer-living lone males will mate and exchange genes with females of different sub-populations.


The capture of wild elephants for domestic use has become a threat to some wild populations, seriously reducing some numbers. India, Vietnam and Myanmar have banned capture in order to conserve their wild herds, but in Myanmar elephants are still caught each year for the timber and tourist industries or illegal wildlife trade. Crude capture methods often result in elephant deaths. Efforts are being made not only to improve safety, but also to encourage captive breeding rather than taking from the wild. With nearly 30 per cent of the remaining Asian elephants in captivity, attention need’s to be paid to improve care and targeted breeding programs.


The main threat facing Indian elephants, like all Asian elephants is loss of habitat, which then results in human-elephant conflict. In South Asia, an ever-increasing human population has led to many illegal encroachments in elephant habitat. Many infrastructure developments like roads and railway tracks also fragment habitat. Elephants become confined to “islands” as their ancient migratory routes are cut off. Unable to mix with other herds, they run the risk of inbreeding.

Habitat loss also forces elephants into close quarters with humans. In their quest for food, a single elephant can devastate a small farmer’s crop holding in a single feeding raid. This leaves elephants vulnerable to retaliatory killings, especially when people are injured or killed.


For more information or to ask for a species to be added to the Endangered Species Watch please contact us here http://www.international-animalrescue-foundation.org.uk/general-enquiries/

Director and International Delegates and Ambassadors


Environmentalism - Chapter 36 Bird Flu


In China eight people have so far died and at least 16 are seriously ill in the latest outbreak of bird flu H7N9. However as this information went to press today 13th April 2013 it is now feared that the death toll could even be higher than expected to even rising now out of control.

The death toll could even rise higher because the virus has already three of the five mutations that we know would allow another bird flu outbreak H5N1 to spread between mammals which is now seen by ourselves and others as a “category 1 environmental concern” the highest warning level given for this type of virus outbreak within the environmental, agricultural and medical world.

No one knows for sure if the five mutations discovered last year by Dr Ron Fouchier and colleagues at Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam, the Netherlands will do the same thing in H7N9. But we do know that some form of the mutations helped viruses from three other influenza families go “pandemic” which is very concerning as this explains to us that the virus is traveling rapidly and will soon if not brought under control cause a catastrophic loss of mammal and non- mammal life.

Chinese authorities are at this moment tracing contacts of known cases to see whether the infection has already spread between humans. Two more people with H7N9 only show mild symptoms, so the authorities are trying to establish how often it makes people seriously ill.

Most recent pandemic viruses have been hybrids of birds and mammalian flu, and therefore relatively mild because mammalian influenza tends to be less severe in people than bird flu. Pure bird flu viruses, like H5N1, and H7N9, are more potentially dangerous. The most lethal pandemic we know of, which spread across the world in 1918, was a pure bird flu that acquired mutations that allowed it to spread in humans, Virologists fear that the H5N1 has spread widely in birds, but it has not evolved the ability to spread rapidly between mammals (as yet).

Dr Fouchier’s work – which came under fire because of fears that it would allow bioterrorists to engineer an H5N1 pandemic shows that in principle, is can spread between ferrets, with no obvious loss of virulence.

To get transmissible H5N1, Fouchier first had to prime the virus with three mutations known to adapt bird flu to mammals, and then allow the other two requisite mutations to evolve within the animals. Two of the three deliberately added mutations allow the HA surface protein from bird flu in the H5, H2 and H3 families to bind to cells in mammalians noses. The viruses that broke out in 1918 from the H1 family – had similar mutations with the same effect.

Such binding mutations have never have never been seen in the wild H5N1 – but H7N9 already has one of the two. If the H7N9 can bind to mammalian cells it could adapt even further to mammals, just as Fouchier’s primed H5N1 did in his ferret experimentations.

If what we know about these mutations in other flu subtypes is also the case for this virus, then it’s already part way there, of which the University of Cambridge confirmed too which now has many environmentalists, scientists and medical practitioners to hospitals extremely worried and we have a right to be concerned now as of this evidence and further investigations that are still continuing.

The viruses also has a second of Fouchier’s mutations in a polymerase protein which allows the powerful replicating enzyme that makes bird flu so virulent to work at mammalians temperatures. This mutation has been present in all pandemic viruses.

The third mutation in H7N9, which led to the spread of the H5N1 in Fouchier’s work removed a sugar group from the HA. That leaves only two more mutations, both in HA, before this H7N9 has Fouchiers five.

All pandemic viruses have acquired this [mammalian cell] binding and polymerase activity stated “Fouchier”. “The H7N9 has these characteristics so the question now is what else does it need - if anything?

General Viral Information

Many experts warn that the world is overdue, and unprepared, for a global influenza pandemic. The next outbreak could well be as deadly as the Spanish flu, also known as H1N1, and potentially leave tens of millions dead.

Currently experts can’t determine exactly which viruses might spark pandemics, though the Spanish flu data may help to identify which strains bear close observation.

H5N1, a strain of avian influenza called the bird flu, is the most likely candidate. The largely Southeast Asian disease is commonly found in birds but also occurs in mammals like pigs, cats, and humans. It has killed several dozen people, but as of yet it cannot be easily transferred from person to person and so has not developed into a pandemic outbreak.

MIT researchers have explained why two mutations in the H1N1 avian flu virus allowed the disease to spread during the 1918 pandemic that killed at least 50 million people. The work could help scientists detect and contain a future bird flu outbreak among humans.

The team showed that the 1918 influenza strain developed two mutations in a surface molecule called hemagglutinin (HA). This, in turn, allowed it to bind tightly to receptors in the human upper respiratory tract.

This new work could aid researchers in monitoring the HA mutations in the H5N1 avian flu strains currently circulating in Asia. Epidemiologists fear these mutations could enable the virus to jump from birds and spread between humans-a possibility that could trigger millions more deaths than the 1918 pandemic.

Ram Sasisekharan, the Underwood Prescott Professor of Biological Engineering and Health Sciences and Technology, is the senior author of a paper on the work published in the Feb. 18 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

In January, Sasisekharan and colleagues reported in Nature Biotechnology that flu viruses can only bind to human respiratory cells if they match the shape of sugar (or glycan) receptors found on those cells. The glycan receptors found in the human respiratory tract are known as alpha 2-6 receptors, and they come in two shapes-one resembling an open umbrella, and another resembling a cone. To infect humans, the MIT team found that avian flu viruses must gain the ability to bind to the umbrella-shaped alpha 2-6 receptor.


In the current study, the team discovered that two mutations in HA allow flu viruses to bind tightly or with high affinity to the umbrella-shaped glycan receptors. “The affinity between the influenza virus HA and the glycan receptors appears to be a critical determinant for viral transmission,” said Sasisekharan.

The researchers used the 1918 influenza virus as a model system to investigate the biochemical basis for hemagglutinin binding to glycans, which leads to viral transmission. They compared the virus that caused the 1918 pandemic (known as SC18) with a strain called NY18, which differs from SC18 by only one amino acid, and also the AV18 strain, which differs from SC18 by two amino acids.

Using ferrets (which are susceptible to human flu strains), researchers had earlier found that, while SC18 transmitted efficiently between ferrets, NY18 is only slightly infectious and AV18 not at all infectious.

These earlier findings correlate with the viruses’ ability to bind to umbrella-shaped alpha 2-6 glycan receptors, demonstrated in the current PNAS study. NY18, which is only slightly infectious, binds to the umbrella-shaped alpha 2-6 receptors, but not as well as SC18, which is highly infectious.

AV18, which does not infect humans, does not have any affinity for the umbrella-shaped alpha 2-6 receptors and binds only to alpha 2-3 receptors. Another strain, TX18, binds to alpha 2-6 and alpha 2-3 but, because it binds with high affinity to the umbrella-shaped alpha 2-6 receptors, is much more infectious than NY18.

Researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported on the varying infectiousness of these strains last year, but the PNAS study is the first that explains the exact biochemical reason underlying these differences.

Other authors of the PNAS paper are Aravind Srinivasan and Karthik Viswanathan, postdoctoral associates in MIT’s Department of Biological Engineering (BE); Rahul Raman, research scientist in BE; Aarthi Chandrasekaran, graduate student in BE; S. Raguram, visiting scientist in BE; Viswanathan Sasisekharan, visiting scientist in the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology; and Terrence Tumpey of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The research was funded by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences and the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART).

Influenza H5N1 Threat to the Environmental World

In nature, influenza viruses circulate continuously among animals, especially birds. Even though such viruses might theoretically develop into pandemic viruses, in Phase 1 no viruses circulating among animals have been reported to cause infections in humans.

In Phase 2 an animal influenza virus circulating among domesticated or wild animals is known to have caused infection in humans, and is therefore considered a potential pandemic threat.

In Phase 3, an animal or human-animal influenza reassortant virus has caused sporadic cases or small clusters of disease in people, but has not resulted in human-to-human transmission sufficient to sustain community-level outbreaks. Limited human-to-human transmission may occur under some circumstances, for example, when there is close contact between an infected person and an unprotected caregiver. However, limited transmission under such restricted circumstances does not indicate that the virus has gained the level of transmissibility among humans necessary to cause a pandemic.

Phase 4 is characterized by verified human-to-human transmission of an animal or human-animal influenza reassortant virus able to cause “community-level outbreaks.” The ability to cause sustained disease outbreaks in a community marks a significant upwards shift in the risk for a pandemic. Any country that suspects or has verified such an event should urgently consult with WHO so that the situation can be jointly assessed and a decision made by the affected country if implementation of a rapid pandemic containment operation is warranted. Phase 4 indicates a significant increase in risk of a pandemic but does not necessarily mean that a pandemic is a forgone conclusion.

Phase 5 is characterized by human-to-human spread of the virus into at least two countries in one WHO region. While most countries will not be affected at this stage, the declaration of Phase 5 is a strong signal that a pandemic is imminent and that the time to finalize the organization, communication, and implementation of the planned mitigation measures is short.

screen shot 2013-04-11 at 10.53.25 am

Picture above indicates deaths and seriously ill so far to date 13th April 2013 (12:08pm)

Phase 6, the pandemic phase, is characterized by community level outbreaks in at least one other country in a different WHO region in addition to the criteria defined in Phase 5. Designation of this phase will indicate that a global pandemic is under way. During the post-peak period, pandemic disease levels in most countries with adequate surveillance will have dropped below peak observed levels. The post-peak period signifies that pandemic activity appears to be decreasing; however, it is uncertain if additional waves will occur and countries will need to be prepared for a second wave.

Previous pandemics have been characterized by waves of activity spread over months. Once the level of the disease activity drops, a critical communications task will be required to balance this information with the possibility of another flu outbreak wave, pandemic waves can be separated by months and an immediate “at-ease” signal may be premature.

In the post-pandemic period, influenza disease activity will have returned to levels normally seen for seasonal influenza. It is expected that the pandemic virus will behave as a seasonal influenza A virus. At this stage, it is important to maintain surveillance and update pandemic preparedness and response plans accordingly. An intensive phase of recovery and evaluation may be required.

Biological Terrorist Threat

Could the below information be related to the recent high poaching rate’s in South Africa?

Report received 9th April 2013;

Colonel Sr. Col. Dai Xu

A Chinese Air Force officer on Saturday accused the U.S. government of creating the new strain of bird flu now afflicting parts of China as a biological warfare attack.

People’s Liberation Army Sr. Col. Dai Xu said the United States released the H7N9 bird flu virus into China in an act of biological warfare, according to a posting on his blog on Saturday.

The charge was first reported in the state-run Guangzhou newspaper Southern Metropolis Daily and then picked up by several news outlets in Asia. State Department spokesman Jason Rebholz dismissed the claim. “There is absolutely no truth to these allegations,” he told the Washington Free Beacon. Seven deaths from the bird flu outbreak were reported as of Tuesday in state-run Chinese media. As many as 24 people reportedly were infected by the disease in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui.

Chinese authorities are trying to calm public fears of a major epidemic, claiming there is no evidence the virus can be transmitted between humans (this is untrue though and why was the American government so angered at Dr Fouchier’s work?). The government also is claiming that the outbreak is not related to the recent discovery of thousands of dead pigs floating in a river in China.

The accusation of U.S. biological warfare against China comes as the Pentagon is seeking closer military relations with China. Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is set to travel to China for talks with Chinese military leaders later this month.

Dai is a military strategist who in the past has been outspoken in seeking to foment conflict between China and the United States. He told the Global Times in August that China should go to war over U.S. support for Japan’s claims to the disputed Senkaku Islands.

Writing on Sina Weibo, a Chinese micro blogging site akin to Twitter, Dai stated that the new bird flu strain was designed as a biological weapon similar to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), which he also claimed was developed as a U.S. bio-weapon that affected the country in 2003. http://gulfnews.com/about-gulf-news/al-nisr-portfolio/weekend-review/mystery-prevails-over-sars-like-condition-1.1166534 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SARS_conspiracy_theory the whistle blower is now in fear of his life http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergei_Kolesnikov_(whistleblower) along with others. Many whistle blowers have either had to exile or have been found dead such as the whistle blower of Operation Black Swan (we have kept this information of line) however you can Google research that. http://now.msn.com/dai-xu-chinese-colonel-says-us-is-behind-bird-flu-outbreak-in-china


According to Dai’s posting, the new flu outbreak should not be a cause for concern. “The national leadership should not pay too much attention to it,” the PLA lecturer at the National Defence University wrote. “Or else, it’ll be like in 2003 with SARS!”

“At that time, America was fighting in Iraq and feared that China would take advantage of the opportunity to take other actions,” he said. “This is why they used bio-psychological weapons against China. All of China fell into turmoil and that was exactly what the United States wanted. Now, the United States is using the same old trick. China should have learned its lesson and should calmly deal with the problem.” Dai said that even if “a few may die” from the flu outbreak, it will not equal one-thousandth of the deaths caused by vehicle accidents in China.

Dai in the past has called for China to punish the United States for U.S. arms sales to rival Taiwan, by selling arms to U.S. enemies. “China recognizes that a few perfunctory protests will not have any effect,” Dai said in 2010. “China can’t directly sanction American arms companies since they did not do business with China … but China can sanction companies that are doing business with China directly, like Boeing or General Electric.”

Dai also has said the United States has used crises with North Korea and offers of cooperation on the issue as a plot to drive a wedge between Beijing and its fraternal communist ally. Dai also has said U.S. efforts to counter Chinese espionage and intelligence-gathering were part of a U.S. “plot theory” of “western countries threatening others by [releasing] information gained through spying in order to damage the reputations of other countries.”

A State Department official said China notified the World Health Organization (WHO) on March 31 about its first detected human cases of H7N9 infection. Fourteen cases were confirmed by the WHO by April 5, of which six were fatal. The organization said there is no evidence of human-to-human transmission.

“U.S. Embassy Beijing and U.S. Consulate Shanghai are monitoring the situation, working closely with counterparts at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, and the Beijing and Shanghai municipal governments,” the official said.

The colonel’s accusation provoked a widespread response on Chinese websites. One post in reaction joked that Dai’s comment about auto deaths must mean that the United States and Germany are responsible for a conspiracy to produce cars, according to a report in Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post.

Luo Changping, deputy editor of Caijing, said most PLA soldiers would not support Dai’s comments and he urged the colonel to resign and apologize to those who have died from the current bird flu outbreak.

A defiant Dai then said in a new posting Sunday that “it is common knowledge that a group of people in China have been injected with mental toxin by the United States.” “Now, a group of fake American devils are attacking me,” he wrote in another post. “I will not retreat even half a step.”

Analysts say the colonel’s remarks are a reflection of the growing xenophobic atmosphere within the Chinese military that views the United States as its main enemy.

Former State Department intelligence analyst John Tkacik said China’s military was largely to blame for mishandling the 2003 outbreak of SARS. Tkacik said there was speculation when the epidemic began that “the PLA suspects SARS had emanated from its own biological laboratories and was all the more eager to keep it secret.” China is known to have a covert biological arms program.

“Col. Dai Xu is a shameless liar when he accuses the United States of using bio weapons,” Tkacik told the Free Beacon. “He’s probably motivated by a desire to exculpate the PLA for their mishandling of the epidemic—no doubt most Chinese have happily forgotten the episode—as much as by a cynical xenophobia. But, that’s what passes for deep strategic thought at China’s National Defense University these days.”

The Pentagon has been trying with varying success to develop closer ties to the Chinese military as part of a strategy aimed at building trust. However, China’s military leaders believe the U.S. offers of closer ties are a ruse designed to contain China’s growing military build-up. Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel spoke by phone with China’s Defence Minister Gen. Chang Wanquan on April 2. Chang is the No. 4 defence official after Chinese President Xi Jinping and two other generals who run the Central Military Commission, the Communist Party’s ultimate power organ. “The leaders both expressed their intention to work together to continue to build a military-to-military relationship that serves the vision of both President Obama and President Xi,” Pentagon press secretary George Little said in a statement after the call.

“The secretary discussed the importance of focusing on areas of sustained dialogue, practical areas of cooperation, and risk reducing measures,” he said. U.S. ties with China are strained due to China’s reluctance to rein in neighbouring North Korea.

China provides North Korea with large amounts of fuel oil and other goods. However, Beijing has not taken steps to pressure Pyongyang using its economic leverage during the on-going crisis.

The flu has lit up China’s thriving Internet, according to analysts. Over 945,600 micro blog postings addressed the flu between April 8 and 9. Since the outbreak began some seven days ago, between 1.3 million and 3 million postings were put online on outlets including Sina Weibo and QQ Weibo.

Tens of thousands of users expressed doubts about the official Shanghai municipal government’s denial of any link between the dead pigs found floating last month in the region’s Huangpu River.

The proximity to the initial outbreak in Shanghai and the river has led to speculation that the pig deaths may have been linked to the flu virus jumping from animals to humans. That speculation was fueled by reports that one of the victims of the flu was a pig butcher.

The avian flu strain is similar to an earlier outbreak with a significant difference: The current strain does not kill the birds it infects, making it more difficult to identify infected poultry. The Shanghai government waited 20 days before announcing the first H7N9 infection on March 31.

Threat to human life

13th April 2013

A genetic analysis of a bird flu strain responsible for at least nine human deaths in China suggests it could evolve to adapt to human cells, researchers say.

A study led by researchers from Japan’s National Institute of Infectious Diseases with colleagues at the University of Wisconsin-Madison examined the genetic sequences of the H7N9 pathogen from four of the human victims as well as samples derived from birds and the environs of a Shanghai market.

“The human isolates, but not the avian and environmental ones, have a protein mutation that allows for efficient growth in human cells and that also allows them to grow at a temperature that corresponds to the upper respiratory tract of humans, which is lower than you find in birds,” UW-Madison researcher Yoshihiro Kawaoka said.

Although it is too early to predict its potential to cause a pandemic, Kawaoka said, signs the virus is adapting to mammalian and, in particular, human hosts are unmistakable. Avian influenza rarely infects humans but can sometimes adapt to people, posing a significant risk to human health, the researchers said.

“These viruses possess several characteristic features of mammalian influenza viruses, which likely contribute to their ability to infect humans and raise concerns regarding their pandemic potential,” Kawaoka and his colleagues reported.

The first human cases were reported on March 31 by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and the new virus has sickened at least 33 people, killing nine.

Dr J C Dimetri Director & International Delegates


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Environmentalism - Chapter 35 Seal Pup Massacre - Canada


The Canadian seal hunt is again under way, that started on the 10th April 2013 that regrettably and most shockingly will see many hundreds of seal pups no older than two to three weeks old beaten over the head with a pick fork then left to die slowly in agony choking to death on their own blood and mothers milk.

There is no justification for such barbaric and senseless inhuman and inhumane slaughter that the Canadian government should know better than to allow this continues yearly blood fest to carry on just to fill the Chinese and Eastern European market “not non-Eastern European” with baby skin pelts leaving the floating ice ridges and caps a mess with blood and dead flesh.

Europe banned the imports of seal pelts and any form of seal meat from Canada of which the Canadian Fisheries and Oceans Ministry is now trying to overturn from which we and other organisations will not allow protesting and communicating at the highest level to spreading awareness and education of this disgusting and repulsive trade that Canada calls conservation.

General History

Seal hunting is currently practiced in six countries: Canada, where most of the world’s seal hunting takes place, Namibia, Greenland, Iceland, Norway and Russia. Canada’s largest market for seals is Norway (through GC Rieber AS) listed here http://www.gcrieber.no/ GC Rieber is a private company that operates within the fields of marine oils, pelts, salt including for agriculture and nutrients.

The seal hunt though is slowly but surely coming to an end although the Canadian government are fighting to keep it alive there is now over 95% less trawlers and hunters moving out onto the ice flows to kill of which should the fight to preserve out aquatic seals a diverse group of semi-aquatic marine mammals continue then we will eventually win this barbaric and bloody war preserving Mother Nature’s finest aquatic sea life.

Harp seal populations in the northwest Atlantic declined to approximately 2 million in the late 1960s as a result of Canada’s annual kill rates, which averaged to over 291,000 from 1952 to 1970. Conservationists demanded reduced rates of killing and stronger regulations to avert the extinction of the harp seals.

In 1971, the Canadian government responded by instituting a quota system. The system was competitive, with each boat catching as many seals as it could before the hunt closed, which the Department of Fisheries and Oceans did when they knew that year’s quota had been reached. Because it was thought that the competitive element might cause sealers to cut corners, new regulations were introduced that limited the catch to 400 seals per day, and 2000 per boat total. A 2007 population survey conducted by the DFO estimated the population at 5.5 million just knowing these numbers are so high is nauseating.

It is illegal in Canada to hunt new born harp seals (white coats) and young hooded seals (blue backs) however the Humane Society of the United States has many times proven that the sealers are violating these rules time again that see’s many two to three week old pups bludgeoned over the head in what can only be described as a brutal and vicious bloody beating leaving the seal in extreme prolonged pain just for it’s for that can fetch up to $60.00 each on the market.

The main “weapon” used to beat then drag the seals to by their skin to waiting vessels just to be skinned alive is known as a hakapik which is more or less a club, of Norwegian design, used for killing seals. The hakapik is roughly around 1 or 2 meters in length that’s produced using the wood of oak, teak, or strong pine depending on what the sealer requests when purchasing form hunting stores.

There has been much confusion over the hakapik with some “activists” and even sealers quoting that it is banned this not necessarily true. The Canadian government in 2009 was ordered to clean up its act regarding the brutalization of the seal using this medieval “tool of the trade”.

Sealers were forbidden to use the hakapick on seals more than a year old who have not already been shot”, however again this is not always the case, and as the pressures are there to meet killing quotas along with the sealers being hit finically hard then the hakapick will be used wherever possible.

Monitoring the hunts is not always as easy as one may think, with shifting ice flows, the fast pace at which the sealers move, and the hunt carried out in remote land then policing this law set out in 2008-2009 and the misuse of this weapon on 2-3 week old seal pups is not as easy as it looks. The Humane Society has documented many times the deaths of 2-3 week old pups that have been beaten senseless then left to suffer for one to two hours if not more before finally succumbing to death via chocking or skinned alive.

Canada also issued new regulations for its annual seal slaughter, banning the skinning of live seals and forbidding the use of the spiked weapon called a hakapik on seals over one-year-old, again this law is being flouted by the sealers that reside in remote villages with little evidence of any one sealer being brought to justice for violating these rules. It was also quoted that some seals are killed with a single blow to the head using a wooden club or hakapik again as one can view in the videos provided this is untrue.

American veterinary scientists actually suggested that the hakapik was the most professional tool used to slaughter seals. They quoted on the use of the hakapik on the seal hunt carried out on Pribilof Islands of Alaska suggested that it is an “efficient tool designed to kill the animal quickly” and (humanely) when used correctly. A report by members of the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association in September 2002 confirmed this claim.

We know that the sealers are now feeling the pinch of regulations and nations that are turning their back on Canada’s sick and repulsive tradition. 2009 not one pelt from that years’ Nunavut seal kill sold at the 2009 Toronto auction says the Northern News Services as the European Union considered then implemented a full ban on all seal products. Canadian officials then vowed to clean up the seal hunt by banning the use of the club with a hook on one end called a hakapik “on seals more than a year old that have not already been shot.” That’s 11,000 pelts, counting that year’s unsold inventory, which were “taken” for no reason.

Sealers are not the only ones feeling the pinch of the law implemented in 2010 by the European Union Finland’s infamous fur farmers are also feeling the crunch from low demand and low prices Pirrko Rantanen-Kervinen of the Finnish Fur Sales Co. Ltd explained to the Helsingin Sanomat Farmers are placing pelts in freezers to wait for better times and wondering if “there is any point” at selling at depressed prices. So we are winning but we still have a long push ahead of us to now ban this ridiculous and nauseating hunt for consumer greed. Photos of bloody pelts and animals struggling in traps have not done much for fur’s image too.

Neither do stories of the actress Lindsay Lohan being flour bombed in Paris for wearing fur or the stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame belonging to actresses Sharon Stone, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen and singer Aretha Franklin being defaced with “fur hag.”

But just as damaging to the fur “brand” is when it leaves its Town and Country context and appears as bling on hip-hop musicians in neon blue bomber jackets.

Climate change is also having a knock on effect in reducing the sales of seal fur as of the “warmer winters” which is a good factor although not so on the rest of the aquatics and land mammalians that consequently suffer from climate destruction, that being the Polar Bear, Artic Fox, and Artic Hare too that are unfortunately being pushed into nearing extinction every year as the earths temperature heats up thus melting ice caps and flows on a rapid basis and increasing marine and fresh water levels.

Harp Seal;

Harp seal (Pagophilus, or Phoca, groenlandica), also called saddleback,  medium-sized, grayish earless seal possessing a black harp-shaped or saddle-shaped marking on its back. Harp seals are found on or near ice floes from the Kara Sea of Russia west to the Gulf of St. Lawrence in Canada. The harp seal is both the best-known and among the most abundant of all seal species. Worldwide, the total population of harp seals is estimated at nearly 7.5 million animals, which are separated into three distinct populations. The largest population (approximately 5 million animals in 2000) inhabits the north-western Atlantic and breeds both near the coast of Newfoundland and within the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The second largest population occurs in the vicinity of the Barents Sea, numbers between 1.5 million and 2 million animals, and breeds on the ice-covered White Sea in northwest Russia. The smallest population (approximately 300,000 animals) inhabits the area between Norway’s Jan Mayen Island and the eastern coast of Greenland, and its mating grounds are mainly located near Jan Mayen Island. Each population is considered by some authorities to be a separate subspecies.


The colloquial names for harp seals vary by age and coloration. At birth, pups are known as “whitecoats” because of their pure white pelage. This stage lasts approximately two weeks. The subsequent growth of dark hair under their white fur produces a grayish coloration, and they are called “graycoats.” Once the white coat is completely shed, the seals become gray with dark spots and are often referred to as “beaters” because of the sound made by their tails as they learn to swim. At 13–14 months of age the seals molt again, and their spotted pelt remains. At this stage they are called “bedlamers.” The transition from bedlamer to adult coloration arrives with the onset of sexual maturity, which usually occurs at four or five years of age.

Harp seals spend most of their lives in the water, though some have been known to ride bits of drifting sea ice for short distances during migration. All harp seals must come up on land or ice to give birth, rear their young, and molt. From late February to March, seals relocate to the southern limit of their range to breed and give birth.

Pups are born on the short-lived seasonal platform of pack ice. Each female gives birth to only one pup; twins are extremely rare. Pups weigh 11 kg (24 pounds) at birth, but they lack the thick layer of blubber present in adults. Instead, they are insulated by their thick fur and obtain energy from their mothers’ milk, which is rich in fat. During their 12-day nursing period, pups gain about 2 kg (4.4 pounds) per day of blubber, which allows them to attain a weight of approximately 36 kg (79 pounds) at weaning. Weaning is abrupt as females stop nursing their young in order to mate with males. During this time, since the pups do not feed for up to six weeks, they may lose over 50 percent of their body mass. Eventually, hunger motivates the pups to enter the water and start feeding on their own.

Average-sized adults of both sexes measure 1.8 metres in length (6 feet). Male harp seals typically weigh 135 kg (300 pounds), females weigh 120 kg (265 pounds), and the largest adults may reach 180 kg (400 pounds). The face of an adult harp seal is completely black, while the gray coloration of its body is accented by a black harp-shaped marking on its back. Adults typically hold this coloration between five years of age and the end of their lives. The maximum life span for the harp seal is 35 years.

Adult seals mate either within the water or on top of ice floes. When fertilization occurs, the egg develops into a blastocyst, which floats freely within the uterus for four months until it implants itself in the uterine lining for active development. This delay in implantation stretches gestation time to 11.5 months and effectively postpones the birth of young to the period when enough pack ice is available to act as a whelping platform.

Harp seals are not strong divers compared with other seal species. Their maximum dive depth is 370 metres (1,200 feet), and they may stay underwater for only 16 minutes before resurfacing. Though they consume a wide variety of prey, their diet is centred on small fishes such as capelin (Mallotus villosus), Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida), or polar cod (Arctogadus glacialis). They also eat numerous invertebrates. Contrary to popular belief, harp seals rarely consume the commercially important Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). Polar bears (Ursus maritimus), killer whales (Orcinus orca), and large sharks are the natural predators of harp seals.

Proven history of neglect;

Canada has a proven history of neglecting the environment & of ignoring valid scientific information. The Canadian government claims that a wild population of a species is healthy until the moment that harvesting is no longer profitable. It is only after the economic advantage of a hunt is lost and that the population is decimated that the government chooses to protect an endangered species by that time its beyond preservation and this is why the European Union must never allow ban on the sales of any seal products to be lifted.

Beluga Whales - In 1982 Canada left the IWC which is the International Whaling Commission. The Canadian government had been repeatedly warned about the unsustainability of whaling, yet the government neglected to stop this practice.

As taken from the Government of Canada’s website below are statistics about the ‘harvest’ of Beluga whales.

The total cumulative numbers of belugas caught for commercial purposes, uncorrected for sunken animals, were about:

  • 9,000 in western Hudson Bay (1949-1970);
  • 9,900 in eastern Hudson Bay (1752-1916);
  • 14,500 in the St. Lawrence Estuary (1868-1960).

The current population of Belugas in the St Lawrence Estuary is approximately 1000 which are less than 10% of the original population prior to whaling. 1000 is far from a healthy population size, especially considering that Belugas are one of the most susceptible species to environmental pollution. Many whales have to be disposed of as toxic waste due to the high level of pesticide and chemical contamination.

The Hudson Bay area fared a little better, the current population there is estimated to be 25000. This still means that 50% of the population in this area was wiped out.

The global Beluga population has been listed as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List of Threatened species since 1994. Yet Canada still allows 800 Beluga whales to be harvested annually by aboriginals. This is why Canada is one of the few developed countries that is not a member of the IWC.

Clearly Canada has failed Beluga whales, but Belugas have been lucky compared to other whales.

Humpback Whales - ‘These giants of the deep are slow swimmers—making them easy targets for whalers in the first half of the 20th century. They were killed by the thousands for their blubber. Now protected, humpback populations have grown to nearly 20,000 worldwide—about 20 per cent of their original numbers. Roughly 2,000 live in the northern Pacific today. But the protections must be maintained to ensure the long-term survival of this majestic species.’

The above quote has been taken from the government of Canada’s website.  What the government of Canada’s website buries near the bottom of its page is that Humpbacks had been protected by the IWC since 1955, regardless of this the Canadian government continued to allow humpback whaling for an additional 10 years. This was 10 years after world opinion had indicated that the Humpback was endangered and should be protected at all cost. Whaling did not cease until 1965. The population was so low that it was not economically feasible to continue whaling this species.

Fin Whales - At least 7605 fin whales were taken by the province of British Columbia between 1908 and 1967.Fin whales dine primarily on Capelin Stock which is a fish species that crashed in the 1980s due to over fishing. On the eastern side of Canada the ‘harvestable’ population near Nova Scotia was 1600 animals in 1964.  In 1973 it was reported that only 325 members still survived in this area.

Before whaling the North Pacific Fin Whale population was estimated at 45000. By 1975 this number declined to 8000.The fin whale is now highly endangered and is protected under the Species at Risk Act (SARA)

Other Whales - The whales listed above are some of the healthiest in population. Blue Whales at one time numbered 200 000 in the worlds ocean. Canada helped to reduce this number to 6000. Canada also participated in the hunting of the Right Whale, Bowhead Whale, Gray Whale, Sei Whale, Minke Whale, Killer Whale (also known as Orca Whale) and other whales. Clearly the point has been made that Canada practiced whaling until it was impossible to continue doing so.

Polar Bears - The polar bear population is threatened by global warming. This is due to melting ice. Canada has refused to sign the Kyoto protocol which would commit them to lowering the emission of greenhouse gases. Polar bears also suffer from high levels of PCBs and other chemical pollution. Canada has refused to effectively monitor corporations and force them to reduce the level of pollution and chemicals that are released.

Canada sells up to 700 polar bear hunting licenses annually. These are sold to trophy hunters. The meat is not used. The sole purpose of the hunt is for a trophy, and this only serves the very wealthy and the Canadian government in collecting additional taxes. ( For more information concerning this please visit our sister website ( Stop Polar Bear Hunting )  The current polar bear population is estimated to be as low as 22 000 which classifies this species as ‘threatened’. It’s not until this species becomes endangered that the hunting quotas will be reduced. Canada likes to wait until a species is nearly extinct prior to taking protective action.

Other Species - According to the committee on the status of endangered wildlife in Canada, there are currently 516 plant and animal species at risk in Canada. Another 13 species are all ready extinct. Canada does nothing to halt the spread of pollution, to prevent ongoing habitat loss,  or to attempt to reverse climate change. One of the major factors behind many species in Canada becoming endangered is due to over harvesting and excessive trade.

Over Harvesting - Once plentiful due to over harvesting these species are now extinct: Passenger Pigeon, Great Auk, & Eskimo Curlew.

Harp Seals - Canada claims that the seal hunt is needed otherwise the seal population will grow out of control. This is the same rhetoric that is used for hunting deer, and any wild population. Truth is Canada ignores reports that are economically counterproductive. Reports about the collapse of the cod industry were predicted 30 years in advance, but these reports were ignored.  If there is an endangered species in Canada, odds are this species was hunted for economical purposes

An over population of seals oddly enough was never considered a problem until it was discovered that ‘culling’ the seals could be profitable. The seals are not used for food. No one eats seals in Canada except for aboriginals, and they hunt their own seal and have nothing to do with the commercial seal hunt. Sealers like to bring up the fact that aboriginals eat seals to confuse people. They pretend that aboriginals and the commercial seal hunt are the same. They are not.

When Canada was discovered there was an estimated seal population of 30 million. The most optimistic estimate of the current population numbers it at less than 20% of that. If this is the case then the overpopulation reasoning is a hoax. Who decides what a population should be? Is 500 million humans too many? What about 6.5 billion? The human population is predicted to hit 9 billion in 2050.


Picture above is what the Sealers use to slaughter 2-3 week old pups - Hackapick

The current population for 2013, stands at a whopping 8.1 billion so 2050 is VERY out of the equation.

Assuming there is an ‘out of control’ seal population of 5 million which is a very optimistic number that is thrown around by sealers, then what of it? The web of life is interconnected; predators and a healthy environment will work to keep a population in check without human intervention. The intervention of the Canadian government in the past has caused nothing but endangered and extinct species. A more reasonable estimate is that the population is at 2 million.

In Summary - The Canadian government with the aid of sealers likes to misuse information. They throw words around like aboriginals, sustainability, and culling in order to confuse the public and to distract them from the fact that the seal hunt is simply there to earn money. It is politically popular in Eastern Canada to hunt seals. To oppose this hunt or to pass legislation against it would lose votes. For people who hunt and for their families this is a voting issue. For the rest of Canada it isn’t.

Commercial sealers do not consume seal meat. They are not aboriginals. They do not live traditionally. They live like the rest of North Americans. They have houses, garages, automobiles, and super markets. The idea that they are protecting a way of life is foolish. The idea that they need to make a living is ridiculous. They have the same opportunities as anyone else. You can bet if the whale population was high they would continue to practice whaling, or if the polar bear still survived in that area of Canada they would continue to hunt it.

One argument of desperation that they like to use is the following. Apparently environmental organizations like to publicize the seal hunt in order to collect donations. It should be noted that all of the reputable organizations are run by individuals who are committed to saving wild populations and ending needless animal suffering. They would love for this issue to be over with, there are other problems such as polar bear hunting, whaling, endangered wild cats, the loss of rain forests, pollution, road side zoos, and bear farming, to worry about.

Sealing is done for one reason and one reason only. Greed. Sealers hunt seals to earn money. The seal is used exclusively for the fashion industry. New products are subsidized by the Canadian government but these are never profitable. One example would be seal oil capsules. Seal pelts are sold to high end fashion houses. Seals are killed for money and for fashion. Any mention of culling, aboriginals, traditional life, and eating are simply invalid arguments.

People are always willing to believe that an atrocity is reasonable if it happens in their backyard. Sealers believe it’s all right to kill seals for fashion because they need to make a living. Kenyans also believe that it’s all right to kill elephants for money, Rwandans believe it’s all right to kill Mountain Gorilla’s because they need to earn a living, and the Japanese believes it’s all right to hunt whales for money. There’s a trend here and the above examples could go on for pages. The main difference is that Canada is one of the most developed and wealthy countries in the world and there is no need for savagery.

Predictions on when the slaughter of seals will end are listed below;

The annual bloodbath that comprises the largest kill off of marine mammals in the world, the Newfoundland seal “hunt” (a misnomer if ever there was one), is now upon us again.

For years, world leaders including Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin, scores of international stars (going back to that famous photo of Brigitte Bardot cuddling a seal on the ice), and multitudes of people whose blood runs cold seeing a cudgel raised to a baby seal have implored the Canadian government to end the annual slaughter.

One bumper sticker read, “If you aren’t outraged, you aren’t paying attention,” but everyone was outraged — except the Canadian government, which has stalwartly defended the seal slaughter and gone to great lengths to find a market for the pelts that no one wants and that many countries, including the U.S., will not accept within their borders. Now even Canadian lawmakers might finally be listening.

While Member of Parliament Ryan Cleary says that it’s the “official” position of the New Democratic Party to support the seal hunt, he is now questioning whether it should continue. “Part of our history is also whaling, for example, and the day came when the whaling industry stopped,” he said a few days ago. “Now, is that day coming with the seal hunt? It just may be.”

Cleary points out that Canada is drawing massive worldwide criticism for an industry that only earned $1 million last year, almost the same amount that must have to be paid to throw the rotting pelts in warehouses, given the fact that almost anyone you ask would rather be seen dead than in a sealskin anything. Thanks to videotapes that have increased awareness of how sealers hook baby harp seals in the eye, cheek or mouth so as not to damage the fur and drag them across the ice alive or beat them to death with a club that has a spike or sharp nail on one side of it, the markets for seal products are slamming shut faster than Stephen Harper’s door on a PETA protester. Just last month, Russia, Canada’s largest seal-pelt market, followed the lead of the U.S. and European Union and banned the import of sealskins. “We know that the world appetite is not there for seal meat, but the world appetite for seal products — I don’t know if it’s there,” said Cleary. “And you know what? I may be shot for talking about this, and for saying this, but it’s a question we all have to ask.”


Canada calls this “humane” slaughter that’s oddly supported by American Governmental Scientists

And while Cleary is coming under heavy fire from greedy sealers and certain politicians who are beholden to them, Canadian residents who oppose the cruel slaughter (and they are the majority) are dancing a jig. Responding to the controversy in a news release, Cleary said, “We cannot hide behind the debate and pretend that the market for seals is not in trouble. Facing this reality head on is the only way to address this situation.”

Every February, as the seal slaughter draws near, I think of these words of the Chinese poet Su Tung-P’o: “Life passes like a spring dream without a trace.” Soon, I hope, the seal mothers will no longer have to endure what must be a spring nightmare, seeing their pups’ lives battered into oblivion, the “trace” being the line of blood on the ice that leads from bludgeon site to commercial vessel. That will change if more forward-thinking MPs find the courage to join Cleary and suggest to their colleagues that there are more ethical and savoury ways to make a living.

Russia and other Eastern European nations have categorically stated that they are not selling seal skins anymore from Canada http://www.arctic-info.ru/News/Page/rossia-belarys_-i-kazahstan-otkazalis_-ot-tulen_ih-skyr this article in Russian that you may need to translate if you’re not Russian clearly states that seal skins are “not and no longer for sale”.

International Animal Rescue Foundation © undertakes regular and daily checks on all buy and sell sites and although “Russia and other far Eastern European” states have quoted “they do not sell Canadian Seal materials” that may not necessarily be true;


http://www.yktrader.com/classifieds/details?AN=27545  Harp seal fur on sale

http://www.yktrader.com/classifieds/details?AN=25201 Seal and Beaver fur on sale

http://www.furcanada.com/skins-furs-and-hides-harp-seal.html (Canada Harp seal/animal part sale)

http://www.furcanada.com/seal-skin-boots-ladies.html (Seal pup fur/animal parts sale)

Fur Canada is addressed here

Contact Fur Canada,

Fur Canada, Nanaimo, British Columbia Canada

Tel: 1 (250) 585-1800

Fax: 1 (250) 585-1802

Geographical Location Address;  


Contact Privacy Inc. Customer 0128764914

96 Mowat Ave

Toronto, ON M6K 3M1

CA - http://goo.gl/maps/zqf2K

Full domain internet protocol;


Email them to demand a stop to this repulsive trade here;


The Harp seal slaughter will eventually come to an end but we need everyone and anyone that is against it to now ensure that the remaining 5% of what Canada calls “tradition” is now wiped out. Harp Seals do not and ever have reduced Cod stock in the sea. Mass human over obsessive consumerism is reducing cod and other marine stocks.

The end of Canada’s annual baby seal slaughter is near. Over the last few years, all major markets have banned seal-fur imports, including the U.S., the European Union, Mexico, Taiwan, and even Russia, which had been importing 95 per cent of Canadian seal pelts. There are no remaining markets for seal fur—the only reason the Canadian government continues to defend this dead industry is because political parties crave Newfoundland’s swing seats in Parliament. But as this editorial shows, even local sentiment is turning, and lack of markets has led Canadian officials to seriously examine whether the slaughter should end.

Boycott the following and continue to boycott until this disgusting and barbaric cruelty is finished.

Who to Boycott:

1)      Avoid all Canadian seafood. This is to apply economic pressure to Canada. Some of the largest consumers of Canadian seafood are Red Lobster, Long John’s Silvers, and Costco. All of these companies should therefore be avoided.

2)      Paul Watson of the Sea Shepherd society is calling for a boycott of Costco. Costco sells seal oil capsules. Costco has refused to remove these from their shelves. We fully endorse this decision.

3)       Avoid traveling to Newfoundland. This is to apply economic pressure to this province.

4)      Boycott fashion houses that profit from seal pelts. These are: Prada, Dolce & Gabbana, Birger Christensen, New Vogue, and Vogue Furriers.

5)      These companies all profit from selling Canadian sea food and should be boycotted: Acadian, Atlantic Pearl, Bay Shore, Blue Royal, Breakwater, Brunswick, Cape Cod, Canadian Cove, Century Seafood’s, Classic (from Beothic), Clearwater, Deep Sea, Doyle, Fisherman’s Finest, Fishery Products International (FPI), Fogo Island, Harbour View, Highliner Foods, Island Pride, Luxury (from Beothic), Northland, Notre Dame Seafood’s, Ocean Choice, Ocean Elite, Ocean Leader, Ocean Queen, Ocean Select, Oram’s Choice, Quinland, Quin-Sea, Sea Best (from Beaver Street Co.), Seafreez, Sea Fresh, St. Paul’s, World Catch, and, lastly, Violet brand.

6)      Boycott any store that sells herbs that are made from seals. These products are Terra Nova, Canomega, and Omegavite.

Sign the petitions now;

You can also take action by signing the petitions below too;












Contact the Government;

Contact the following ministries too that are responsible and now pile the pressure on to end this repulsive sicking trade;

Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Keith Ashfield,

Email: info@dfo-mpo.gc.ca

(Please include your postal code and email address)


Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Communications Branch

200 Kent Street

13th Floor, Station 13E228

Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E6


Telephone: 613-993-0999

Fax: 613-990-1866

TTY: 1-800-465-7735

Minister of Foreign Affairs John Baird

Minister of Foreign Affairs John Baird,



2249 Carling Ave

Suite 418

Ottawa, Ontario

K2B 7E9

Facebook page




Minister of International Trade Ed Fast

Abbotsford Office

#205 - 2825 Clearbrook Rd.

Abbotsford, BC V2T 6S3

Phone: (604) 557-7888

Fax: (604) 557-9918

E-mail: ed@edfast.ca

Ottawa Office

Room 105, East Block

Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6

Phone: (613) 995-0183

Fax: (613) 996-9795

E-mail: ed.fast@parl.gc.ca



“Only those who attempt the absurd can achieve the impossible.”

― Albert Einstein

Thank you for reading

Director Dr J C Dimetri and Team of the International Animal Rescue Foundation

Proud to be serving Mother Nature  – Preserving our children’s future



Together we can make change happen – Together we can achieve the impossible

Environmentalism Chapter 34 - Tree Planting for Earth Day April 22

International Animal Rescue Foundation © takes conservation and botanical horticulture seriously, and seeing the recent deforestation over the past two decades with little in the way of governmental action to replant tress and medicinal plants back within our society to replanting rainforests that would sustain our ecosphere.

Tree plant back also rebuilds natural wildlife havens and creates a much cleaner atmospheric environment, slows soil erosion, reduces pollution, increase’s oxygen to even softening the lines of large structural buildings and much more.

So we thought it a good idea to encourage people whom view our pages, news and media site to the general World Wide Web to now undertake a simple task of planting “one tree” for Earth Day April 22nd 2013.

We launched Operation Plant Back this year January 7th 2013 and have already seen a staggering 11 educational unit’s respond back to us that will be planting trees on the 22nd April 2013 for World Earth Day, how amazing is that?

So we have all decided that tree planting would be the most beneficial, positive and a constructive eco-friendly challenge to give back to the earth from which we take from everyday with regards to palm oil, pulp and paper, home and commercial wood furniture, and much more that see’s our forests and medicinal plants to wildlife pushed further to extinction with wildlife displaced because of obsessive human consumerism, human over population to even wildlife murdered as they have no homes to go to thus encroaching on to human territory that was once their home.

The removal of trees is one of the largest threats to our current wildlife, environment and air quality. At this present time, and should we continue to ignore this environmental catastrophe then regrettably we will view a staggering 80% of all medicinal plants and green forest wiped out for human greed. So let’s take action now put our trees back on the global map where they so rightfully belong.

We are not asking you to plant a forest or even a woodland glade were merely asking you to take a trip down to your local arboretum or garden nursery and purchase anyone of the trees that we have listed below.

We have also picked the most important species of tree’s that encourage wildlife into the area or garden that range in price from $10.00 to $50.00 depending on whom you purchase from.

We recommend that you also purchase from well-known suppliers that have expertise within botanical horticulture and are not the average Joe that’s grown saplings incorrectly thus seeing the tree that you and your loved one’s will nurture and tend to later perish within a few weeks or years.

Planting and then watching your own tree grow to encouraging children to become involved is also rewarding. You can keep charts, diary’s, to documenting on the new wildlife that enters your garden from butterflies, squirrels, to bees, bats and aphids, even foxes, and wild birds such as Sparrow Hawks, Starlings, Owls and Hawks that love hiding out amongst the canopies.

Starting from scratch is also educational for many children and families alike and proven studies have shown that our youth treat that tree or plant like one of their own. My own children engage in botanical horticulture every day and they adore viewing the wildlife visiting in the daytime, evening or night, to collecting fruits from the trees that they then sell at local farmers markets, to documenting on what they have planted thus presenting this in a thesis at school which encourages their friends to also become involved thus creating a mini yet educated “youth environmental group.

Medical benefits – Children that suffer from Autism, Attention Deficit Hyper Activity Disorder or ADD, Downs Syndrome, to other Neurodegenerative disorders actually benefit from what we call therapeutic horticulture which has been proven many times to stimulate their senses through touch, sound, sight, smell to texture.

A simple grassy plant such as the Black Zebra Grass to Bamboos actually stimulates children’s senses that suffer from a wide range of N.D.D’s, the sounds of rustling leaves and grasses to wild birds chirping aids their conditions too.

Below is a small comprehensive guide on some of the best tress within our Mother Nature guide that will encourage wildlife within your garden. Most importantly though by planting just one or more tree’s your also actively participating in reducing your carbon emission footprint as well as preserving the natural environment for years to come.

Listed below are ten tree species that will encourage the following wildlife to enter your garden along with promoting botanical education and aiding the environment;

  • Foxes and Badger’s
  • Wild birds and bats
  • Insects
  • Aphid
  • Bees (Currently under threat)
  • Decrease noise pollution
  • Soften structural design
  • Decrease your environmental carbon foot print
  • Filter out toxic air pollution
  • Preserve shade loving plants
  • Increase home privacy
  • Protect the family home from wind damage

The ten trees below include the common names and bionomical names too plus a rough price tag in Euros, happy planting everyone.

Sea Bukthorn - Hippophae rhamnoides


Wild cherry - Prunus avium


Field maple - Acer campestre


Whitebeam - Sorbus aria


Elder - Sambucus nigra


The next five tree’s that I have included within this index are “sub-tropical to tropical” that may or may not be suitable to the European Environment as of the harsh changes in atmospheric pressure, extreme arctic winds, intense persistent rains and drought to high / extreme hurricane winds winds too. One can grow these species but I would highly recommend that in colder nations you at least incorporate a “microclimate” protection that encompasses the species[s]. Within the normal climate though such as Asia to Africa, Australia to New Zealand then this is not of any issue to the species and growing to planting would no different to the above native European species.


Tree fuchsia -  Halleria lucida

carambolaAverrhoa carambola – Star fruit tree

custThai custard apple fruit tree -  Annona reticulata

dragonDragon fruit tree - Hylocereus undatus

Le-sausage-tree2Sausage tree -  Kigelia pinnata

There are many species of tree that one can plant for earth day April 22nd 2013, and you can pick from thousands of different species that range from large “sub shrub tree’s” to actual tree’s themselves. The ten above are native to Europe, Asia and Australia and Africa. There are some important things you must remember though before planting a tree.

  • Never plant a deciduous tree above a pond – Never plant a tree to close to neighbours houses that could later on obscure their view/infringe on their human rights
  • Trees that have a large spread and can exceed 20 feet – We advise that you DO NOT plant within 20 metres of your home
  • Never plant trees next to gas, water, electric, sewage or underground telecom lines as damage to them from the tree’s tap or lateral roots could end up with you facing a hefty bill
  • Before you plant a tree in a public park you MUST always obtain permission of the parks officer or local municipality council/s
  • Don’t plant trees to close to “structures” such as house’s or fences
  • Please make sure that you care for tree, you plant it correctly as shown in the video below, and that you always maintain the tree as to not cause neighbour or other conflict from over hanging branches
  • Do not disturb ANY bat or WILD  BIRD populations that nest within the tree’s as of protection orders and Animal Welfare Act
  • Do not plant trees that have very small girths (thin main trunk circumference) next to houses such as Birch, Cherry or Eucalyptus. High winds could cause the tree’s to topple onto you’re or your neighbours’ homes causing damage to loss of life or human injury
  • Trees are not plants, you cannot just prune a tree or dig it up, we recommend that you educate yourself on how to maintain trees or every year after the tree is at a semi mature height (20 feet) that you call in an arboriculture expert (tree surgeon) that specialises in trees, pests and diseases
  • Never spray weed killers next to the tress or on them
  • Should you notice pests and diseases, strange leaf discolouration, leaf mites, sudden trunk death that you call you tree surgeon immediately
  • Water your sapling in the summer 2-3 times a week of at least 5-6 gallons of water

For more information you can contact our botanical teams at


Director and International Team of Delegates and Ambassadors



Environmentalism - Chapter 33 April 22nd EARTH DAY


Good day everyone, thank you all that took part in Earth Hour March just gone internationally and locally however don’t forget that we have another world event day just a few weeks around the corner and that is Earth Day April the 22nd which we celebrate in style but was a little disappointed that some international and European governments didn’t celebrate to even few non-profit organisations.

Planet earth is suffering dearly and just making these simple yet large small environmental changes every now and then or even every day you’re contributing to slowing climate change destruction and reducing you carbon foot print all of which helps to increase a much healthier planet and soul.

International Animal Rescue Foundation © believes that Earth Day should be an everyday event and just imagine if we could utilise these simple changes below every day that would not just benefit ourselves and our children but also our flora, fauna, water, forestry and air quality too as well as a more comfortable way of living.

So were going to keep the write up very simple whilst demonstrating a few out of the one hundred and thirteen simple changes that we have chosen from our own events of which we would like you to practice.

Utilising these everyday changes will help to decrease and increase the following if we all band together and work as an international team of united citizens, conservationist’s and youth alike. Together we can make change happen and together we will.

Practising these every day simple steps below will help you and Mother Nature by;

  1. Decreasing atmospheric, land and marine pollution.
  2. Increase healthier oxygen intake and overall air quality.
  3. Decrease the melting of glaciers within Canada and Antarctica.
  4. Decrease landfills and marine wastes sites.
  5. Increase wildlife from insects, mammals, organism’s, plants to bees and bats and aquatics.
  6. Decrease your weight thus increasing your immune system and overall health.
  7. Reduce your energy consumption by almost 40% or even more.
  8. Preserve our tropical rainforests and endangered species of primates, Elephants and more

So how can we make these changes happen? Well your already utilising them now by reading and educating yourself and also these easy to adjust and adapt steps are cost effective of which is light on the pocket too thus giving you more money for your children and future retirement.

Mother Nature is crying and has been damaged by irresponsible governments and those that show negativity. Thirty years ago could of easily slowed down “global warming” however because of government ignorance and human overpopulation to mass increase in carbon emissions regrettably global warming has now altered thus changing to “climate change” from which there is no (stopping this trend now). However we can as united global green citizens slow the change.

International Animal Rescue Foundation’s © mission statement on climate change is simple we learn to adapt and not to fight the change, by fighting the change we will only lose thus increasing damage to Mother Nature more and ourselves. The damage has been done, and if you view the documentation through this site you will view how our atmospheric and climate change destruction has worsened since the early 1980’s that’s caused billions of dollars in economic damage thus pushing many species of mammalians to reptilians and aquatics plants and trees to extinction.

We have placed a handful of simple changes that you can utilise below; make sure you’re ready as April the 22nd 2013 is almost upon us;

Preserving energy within the home and business;

  • Block gaps under doors to stop draughts.
  • Turn off the lights when you’re not using them.
  • Buy energy-efficient compact fluorescent lights when you replace bulbs.
  • Use a power strip to turn off stand-by power in electronics and appliances.
  • Select the most energy-efficient appliances.
  • Walk, ride your bike, take public transportation or carpool when possible.
  • If purchasing a vehicle, choose an energy-efficient one to reduce gasoline bills and emissions.
  • Choose efficient windows and insulation for your home to save energy and money.
  • Maintain proper tyre pressure to maximize your vehicle’s gas mileage.
  • Learn more about your government’s actions to improve energy efficiency.
  • Add energy performance to your selection criteria when buying or renting a house or apartment.

Preserving water loss in the home and business;

  • Check faucets and pipes for leaks

A small drip from a worn faucet washer can waste 20 gallons of water per day. Larger leaks can waste hundreds of gallons.

  • Don’t use the toilet as an ashtray or wastebasket

Every time you flush a cigarette butt, facial tissue or other small bit of trash, five to seven gallons of water is wasted.

  • Check your toilets for leaks

Put a little food colouring in your toilet tank. If, without flushing, the colour begins to appear in the bowl within 30 minutes, you have a leak that should be repaired immediately. Most replacement parts are inexpensive and easy to install.

  • Use your water meter to check for hidden water leaks

Read the house water meter before and after a two-hour period when no water is being used. If the meter does not read exactly the same, there is a leak.

  • Install water-saving shower heads and low-flow faucet aerators

Inexpensive water-saving low-flow shower heads or restrictors are easy for the homeowner to install. Also, long, hot showers can use five to ten gallons every unneeded minute. Limit your showers to the time it takes to soap up, wash down and rinse off. “Low-flow” means it uses less than 2.5 gallons per minute.

You can easily install a Shower Start showerhead, or add a Shower Start converter to existing showerheads, which automatically pauses a running shower once it gets warm. Also, all household faucets should be fit with aerators. This single best home water conservation method is also the cheapest!

  • Put plastic bottles or float booster in your toilet tank

To cut down on water waste, put an inch or two of sand or pebbles inside each of two plastic bottles to weigh them down. Fill the bottles with water, screw the lids on, and put them in your toilet tank, safely away from the operating mechanisms. Or, buy an inexpensive tank bank or float booster. This may save ten or more gallons of water per day.

Be sure at least 3 gallons of water remain in the tank so it will flush properly. If there is not enough water to get a proper flush, users will hold the lever down too long or do multiple flushes to get rid of waste. Two flushing’s at 1.4 gallons is worse than a single 2.0 gallon flush. A better suggestion would be to buy an adjustable toilet flapper that allows for adjustment of the flush per use.  Then the user can adjust the flush rate to the minimum per flush setting that achieves a single good flush each time.

For new installations, consider buying “low flush” toilets, which use 1 to 2 gallons per flush instead of the usual 3 to 5 gallons.

Replacing an 18 litre per flush toilet with an ultra-low volume (ULV) 6 litre flush model represents a 70% savings in water flushed and will cut indoor water use by about 30%.

  • Insulate your water pipes.

It’s easy and inexpensive to insulate your water pipes with pre-slit foam pipe insulation. You’ll get hot water faster plus avoid wasting water while it heats up.

  • Take shorter showers.

One way to cut down on water use is to turn off the shower after soaping up, then turn it back on to rinse. A four-minute shower uses approximately 20 to 40 gallons of water.

  • Turn off the water after you wet your toothbrush

There is no need to keep the water running while brushing your teeth. Just wet your brush and fill a glass for mouth rinsing.

  • Rinse your razor in the sink

Fill the sink with a few inches of warm water. This will rinse your razor just as well as running water, with far less waste of water.

  • Use your dishwasher and clothes washer for only full loads

Automatic dishwashers and clothes washers should be fully loaded for optimum water conservation. Most makers of dishwashing soap recommend not pre-rinsing dishes which is a big water savings.

With clothes washers, avoid the permanent press cycle, which uses an added 20 litres (5 gallons) for the extra rinse. For partial loads, adjust water levels to match the size of the load. Replace old clothes washers. New Energy Star rated washers use 35 - 50% less water and 50% less energy per load. If you’re in the market for a new clothes washer, consider buying a water-saving frontload washer.

  • Minimize use of kitchen sink garbage disposal units

In-sink ‘garbage wasters’ require lots of water to operate properly, and also add considerably to the volume of solids in a septic tank which can lead to maintenance problems. Start a compost pile as an alternate method of disposing food waste.

  • When washing dishes by hand, don’t leave the water running for rinsing

If you have a double-basin, fill one with soapy water and one with rinse water. If you have a single-basin sink, gather washed dishes in a dish rack and rinse them with a spray device or a panful of hot water. Dual-swivel aerators are available to make this easier. If using a dishwasher, there is usually no need to pre-rinse the dishes.

  • Don’t let the faucet run while you clean vegetables

Just rinse them in a stoppered sink or a pan of clean water. Use a dual-setting aerator.

  • Keep a bottle of drinking water in the fridge.

Running tap water to cool it off for drinking water is wasteful. Store drinking water in the fridge in a safe drinking bottle. If you are filling water bottles to bring along on outdoor hikes, consider buying a Life Straw personal water filter which enables users to drink water safely from rivers or lakes or any available body of water.

Taking the 30 day Vegetarian challenge;

Vegetarian or not, change the way you think about food, experiment and try new “meat-free” dishes in your diet.

Studies have shown that vegetarians (following a well-balanced low-fat high-fibre vegetarian diet) often have lower incidence of coronary artery disease, hypertension, obesity and some forms of cancer.

A vegetarian diet tends to be lower in total fat, and vegetarians tend to eat proportionally more polyunsaturated fat to saturated fat compared with non-vegetarians. (Animal products are the major sources of dietary saturated fat).

Vegetarians avoid meat, poultry, game, fish and slaughterhouse by-products such as gelatine and animal fats. The staples of the vegetarian diet are fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, seeds and nuts. Most vegetarians eat dairy products and free-range eggs.

  • Fruitarians: Avoid all animal products and processed foods.
  • Vegans: Avoid all animal products.
  • Lacto-vegetarians: Eat dairy products but not eggs.
  • Lacto-ovo-vegetarians: Eat both dairy products and eggs.
  • Semi-vegetarians: Eat fish and/or chicken but no red meat. They are not officially classed as vegetarians. (International Animal Rescue Foundation © has placed this option for those that are still unsure on this diet, are located within geographical continents where purchasing non-meat foods is not readily available daily, or for our younger generation that are wanting to start gradually) We see this as the most professional start for those that are concerned or may have eating disorders and/or phobias. However if you’re still unsure you can view our page here and speak to our expert nutritionists https://www.facebook.com/pages/Vegan-and-Vegetarian-foods-to-promote-healthy-living/193221637452747?fref=ts Just simply log in to Facebook.

Please note that International Animal Rescue Foundation is a non-extremist veganism or animal rights “group”. We are an animal and environmental organisation that has to be seen as being fair and helping those that want to change thus not forcing change upon them. We have managed to help since forming our health eating page 94 people turn to a healthy vegan and vegetarian diet since founding the main healthy eating organisation. You can also check our scrumptious thirty brain foods that are not just good for one’s brain but also your immune system. Take a look - http://www.international-animalrescue-foundation.org.uk/brain-food-for-thought/ You can also view and read in more detail the photographic album devised by our African Ambassador Miss Shaka Farthing here https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.306429822798594.71607.193221637452747&type=3

Credits Mr Phil Muriel - With much thanks and appreciation to this wonderful artist below.. Please log on to I Tunes to purchase his music. This is a fantastic piece of music incorporated with a story too and picturesque video. Thank you Mr Muriel

A vegetarian diet can be a very healthy option but it is important to ensure it is well balanced. You could stuff your face with chips and chocolate at every meal and be vegetarian but you wouldn’t be doing your health much good.

  • Staples of a Vegetarian Diet
  • A balanced vegetarian diet should include:
  • Grains and cereals: Wholegrain bread, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, muesli.
  • Legumes, nuts and seeds: Soya beans. kidney beans, split peas, lentils, almonds, cashews, sesame seeds
  • Fruit and vegetables: As much as you want - think variety. Try new fruits and vegetables and include them in your diet every day
  • Dairy or soya products: Look out for fat free and reduced calorie options for milk, yoghurts, and cheeses.

A typical vegetarian diet closely matches expert dietary recommendations for healthy eating, being low in saturated fat and high in fibre, complex carbohydrates, and fresh fruit and vegetables. As long as you eat a variety of foods you will be getting all the nutrients you need.

Try A Little Vegetarianism (for those that are unsure)

Abandon the idea that you have to eat meat every day and try a couple of meat-free days each week. You don’t have to be a vegetarian to enjoy vegetarian dishes.

Supermarkets, restaurants and fast food outlets all are now stocking a wide range of vegetarian options. Many “meat-free” dishes still have the meaty consistency, and are significantly lower in fat and calories than their counterparts. (Our panel of tasters have often failed to spot the hidden vegetarian option!)


Reducing carbon emissions;

  • Buy organic and local.

When possible, buy organic or “fair trade.” There’s a better chance the food was grown in an eco-friendly way, and if it’s locally grown, it didn’t have to travel that far. This also goes for those double lattes — coffee often has a large carbon footprint because of the distance those beans had to travel to get here, and how they were produced. Also, try eating at restaurants that serve locally produced or seasonal foods.

  • Pay attention to packaging.

When out shopping, try to go to stores or co-ops that keep packaging to a minimum. For example, you may choose to buy the loose tomatoes rather than boxed or plastic-wrapped tomatoes. Also, take reusable bags to the grocery store. When it comes to resources, plastic is better than paper — but a reusable cloth tote-style bag is better still.

  • Ditch bottled water.

Bottled water has a huge carbon footprint — it’s bottled at one location in small plastic bottles and shipped all over. Try buying a reusable water bottle or canteen for your water. Also, a lot of restaurants have made the move from offering fancy bottled water, usually imported from an exotic source, to using in-house filtration systems that make tap water a good choice. Many plastic water bottles are recycled, but most are not, making the footprint even bigger.

  • Energy-proof your home.

We’re not talking major upgrades here… Make sure your entire windows close properly and that the attic in your home is properly insulated. This can save you big bucks on your energy bill. Also, keep your heating and cooling systems properly maintained, and switch to reusable filters when possible. Try switching from incandescent to compact florescent light bulbs. Compact florescent light bulbs use about 75 per cent less energy than our normal light bulbs and last much longer. Compared to regular bulbs, the fluorescents are more expensive, but they will eventually pay for themselves due to lower energy costs.

  • Go native.

Use native plant species to landscape around your home or business. The plants will probably grow better in a familiar environment, and the plants may also get shipped a shorter distance to get to your local nursery. Also, use organic soil when planting — it’s made using more eco-friendly methods, and uses less resources. And remember, green plants are a good way to offset carbon. So plant something, anything — it helps.

  • Window shop.

If you have the urge to spend, try window shopping or browsing first. This helps ensure you are only buying things you really need, or really want, and you’re not just impulse buying. Remember, every item in a store, no matter how small, has a footprint — so if we are conscious consumers, we can reduce our own footprint and the overall footprint of our nation.

  • Take a direct flight.

If you need to travel by airplane, try taking a direct flight when at all possible. Your impact is reduced when you take one flight, as opposed to hopping on a couple or more passenger jets to reach your final destination. You might also feel a little less harried when you arrive, because changing planes can be a real hassle.

  • Switch water heaters to vacation mode.

Most water heaters have a “vacation” setting for when you are away from home for an extended period of time. Switching to that “away” mode still keeps the water warm, but will not use the energy it takes to keep a tank full of piping-hot water. Enjoy your vacation even more, knowing that you’re saving money and reducing your footprint.

  • Unplug it!

Unplug appliances that you don’t use frequently. Most electronics have a standby mode that siphons energy even when not in use. Cell phone chargers, laptops, televisions, stereos — there’s a whole list of items that should be unplugged when not in use. Try using a power strip for groups of electronic items. One flick of the switch and it’s all off.

  • Chuck your microwave.

Admittedly, this is a bit drastic. But this speaks more to those convenient frozen dinners some rely on because of their busy schedules. A freezer full of HEALTHY meals is actually more energy-intensive (FACT) — it costs more to freeze foods, ship them cold, display them frozen in the grocery store and keep them frozen in our homes. So while the modern convenience of the microwave and the Lean Cuisine is enticing, it’s much more resource-intensive. Cook fresh food when you can, and you’ll also find yourself eating out less often.

  • Use cold water.

No, not in the shower but maybe in the washer, try using cold water to launder things that don’t need to be cleaned in hot or warm water. It takes a lot of energy to heat up water — multiply that by the number of loads, and that’s a big footprint. Most major detergent makers sell detergents designed to have the same cleaning power as with regular soap. Try washing mixed loads in cold water, too.

  • Have the family over.

Family gatherings are a good way to spend some quality time with loved ones, with very little carbon impact. Cooking and entertaining for larger groups is more efficient and, per person, a lot less expensive. And who can put a price on these “carbon freebies”?

  • Make time for errands.

A lot of us try to run errands in-between work and other commitments. Try bundling errands together to reduce how far you need to travel. Going back-and-forth to the same part of town on different days to run errands uses more gas than if you planned and did everything in the same area all at once. And if you really want to make it a “carbon freebie,” try carpooling and running errands with a buddy.

  • The Three Rs: Reduce, Reuse, And Recycle – International Animal Rescue Foundation’s © environmental mission statement.

It seems like something from a kid’s sing-a-long, but sometimes we lose sight of just how much we buy. Try buying less, and reusing and fixing things when you can instead of buying new. And for a lot of people, recycling is as easy as rolling the trash bin to the curb. Just remember to do it at work, too.

Celebrate how your ancestors would off

Grow your own organic vegetables;

Growing your own organic vegetables decreases agricultural pollution, pesticides, insecticides, to CCD (Colony Collapse Disorder) that’s resulted in billions of European, American and Asian honey bee’s perishing;


Plant a tree or even a hedgerow thus increasing wildlife to your area;

Tree planting is the most popular Earth Day event and one of the most common activities people associate with helping the Earth. Millions of trees are planted by Canadians each year. Planting is an act of putting down roots and contributing to the future. The simple act of planting a tree, helps the environment in so many ways.

Trees undertake the following;

  • Filter pollution from the air
  • Help recycle water
  • Prevent soil loss
  • Create shade
  • Give shelter from wind and rain
  • Provide homes for animals
  • Make food for humans and wildlife
  • Provide an interesting, soothing, learning environment for children and your community and much more!


Smart cars;

Purchase a smart car if your living in city centres, this reduces your carbon footprint, increases your chances of parking, decreased road tax, no road tolls (Please check with the toll service) London, United Kingdom will not charge you that we are aware off;

Smart Cars are the vehicle that looks like they are small enough to be put into the back of an SUV and carried around. They are designed for maximum fuel efficiency, and regularly get 55 to 60 mpg. Although, due to their small size and delicate appearance, some people assume they are unsafe, they perform similarly to other small sedans in crash tests.


  • The primary advantage of a Smart Car, and the main attraction for the people who purchase one, is its gas mileage. According to the owners of the Southeast Smart Centre, they achieved 75 mpg with a Smart Car. While mileage during every day driving with loads, crosswinds and weather conditions is not likely to reach this level, the Smart Car is still one of the most efficient vehicles on the road today.

Environmental Benefits

  • Along with the financial benefits of high fuel efficiency, Smart Cars emit fewer pollutants and particulates in the air, causing less damage to the environment than larger and less-efficient vehicles. Smart Cars still damage the environment, but their impact is less. In addition to their efficient gas mileage, they require fewer materials to manufacture due to their small size, and require less space and energy to dispose of when they are scrapped.


  • The Smart Car truly shines when the driving is done and it’s time to park. Because it’s only 2.5 meters long, the Smart Car can fit into any standard parking spot with room to spare. In some areas with wide parking spots, a Smart Car can even be pulled directly into a parking space and parked perpendicularly, leaving space for another Smart Car.


Solar energy;

You already pay a lot for electricity today.  In the future, you’ll pay even more. Nationwide, electricity rates have been increasing 6% per year over the last thirty years. When you go solar, you take control of your electricity costs and opt out of utility rate increases. You’ll save money with solar by locking in a lower rate for your electricity than you will pay for the next thirty years. Many customers start saving money right away.

If you use a lot of electricity and have a really high electric bill, you are likely to save a lot with solar right away. People who have smaller electric bills might not see substantial savings until a few years out.

Solar leases and PPAs allow you to invest just a small amount upfront and pay monthly, which means you, can start saving immediately. With a lease or a PPA, most people save a little bit immediately, and a lot over the long term. If you purchase a system or prepay a lease or PPA, your upfront investment will be bigger, so you won’t start saving until later.

  1. Is solar a good investment?

Yes. Of course, you’ll want to compare the return you’ll get from getting home solar to your other investment opportunities. When you get a solar proposal for your home, you’ll be able to see your projected monthly savings for twenty years. Those monthly savings will combine to surpass your original investment. All the money you save after that becomes your return on investment. Your return on investment will depend on the rate you pay upfront and some additional factors. You’ll be able to calculate your specific return on investment from any home solar proposal.

  1. How will solar affect my home value?

Adding solar panels can increase the resale value of your home and help it sell faster. (Please check though that by adding solar panels that you can take them with you, they do not decrease the price of your home should the second purchasers not want solar energy) Always read the small print and ensure that you shop and read online with regards to “solar panels and when you eventually come to selling or remarketing your home) International Animal Rescue Foundation © will answer these questions for you should you be unsure. Please email us at;


Help the environment with solar energy today

The electricity that most of us use is dirty. The majority of power in the United States is made from dirty fossil fuels including coal, gas, and oil. Burning fossil fuels releases toxic emissions, such as nitrogen oxide, sulphur dioxide, and heavy metals like mercury, along with soot, smoke, dust, and dirt. They contribute to smog and acid rain.

Electricity is the leading man made contributor to global warming in the U.S. Forty per cent of the United States’ greenhouse gas emissions come from power plants, with an additional fifteen per cent from home electricity consumption. This makes electricity the leading man made contributor to global warming. Every time we turn on our lights, we are creating pollution.

Solar allows you to power your home with clean, renewable energy. You can make a huge difference just by getting home solar. Over 15 years, solar on an average 3-bedroom home will offset over 80,000 lbs of carbon dioxide. This is the same as not driving 100,000 miles.

Going solar helps reduce dependence on foreign energy

Our increasing demand for energy has led to foreign wars, price spikes, and disasters like the Gulf oil spill. Aside from renewable sources, these sources are going to become more expensive and dangerous, and eventually run out. As we increase our dependence on foreign energy sources and funnel more money overseas, our national security and economy suffers.

These are some of the hand-picked yet useful energy efficient and environmentally friendly earth day events and jobs that you can now prepare for, for April 22nd Earth Day 2013. Utilising these useful and green alternatives doesn’t just save on the pocket it also preserves our earth thus decreasing climate change.

Please feel free to look through the sites documents on other environmentally friendly alternatives you’ll be amazed at the impacts you and your family can have on Mother Nature.

Thank you for reading

Dr J C Dimetri Director & International Nation Ambassador’s

Working for a greener future – Preserving natural biodiversity for generations to come.

