"Whatever you do may seem insignificant, but it is most important that you do it”

Road to Nowhere - Syria Conflict Rages

Conflict in Syria - 10 Feb 2013






Syria dates back to some 65 BC and being one of centres of Neolithic culture was once a fine and majestic nation drenched in ancient history and being one of many nations that holds such vast religious artefacts dating to the lord Jesus Christ and roman era when Emperor Alexander Severus, who was emperor from 222 to 235 AD ruled that brought many fine riches to the country that can still be located to this day within archaeological explorations and museum’s outside of Syria where safety is a [relative comfort zone] for many thousands of people that have fled the on-going political uprising and coup.

Syria is significant in the history of Christianity Saulus of Tarsus, better known as the Apostle Paul, whom was converted on the road to Damascus and emerged as a significant figure in the Christian Church at Antioch in ancient Syria, from which he left on many of his missionary journeys.

The name Syria is derived from the ancient Greek name for Syrians, Σύριοι, Sýrioi, or Σύροι, Sýroi, which the Greeks applied without distinction to the Assyrians, However, the discovery of the Çineköy inscription in 2000 seems to support the theory that the term Syria derives from Assyria.

The area designated by the word has changed over time. Classically, Syria lies at the eastern end of the Mediterranean, between Egypt and Arabia to the south and Cilicia to the north, stretching inland to include parts of Iraq, and having an uncertain border to the northeast that Pliny the Elder describes as including, from west to east, Commagene, Sophene, and Adiabene.

APTOPIX Mideast Syria

Syria has always been a relatively “peaceful” nation however with strict Arabic laws with which men have to act responsible, and women have to cover and not show their faces similar to the once Taliban ruling in Afghanistan where woman where ordered to wear the Burka or face the fear public flogging or even stoning to death.

I [quote] peaceful as the nation has since late 1883 to present ruling from President Taj al-Din al-Hasani 1885-1943 to President Ahmad al-Khatib 1933-1982 to now President Bashar al-Assad from 1965 to present been forced into a regime of silence.

Should anyone dare speak out against the dictatorship of the present and past presidents which I have only included a handful then the normal punishment for this would be beheading or brutal barbaric torture ordered by the governments special police force better known as the Syrian military intelligence force, although they were moderately tame compared to the “real” emotionless, callous, criminally psychotic barbarians of the Syrian Secret police better known as the SS.

The Secret Police where/still are the most fearsome that compromised some brutal and heartless thugs hell bent on any form of torture they could use on its own people and, those that dared to invade.

When the United Kingdom sent special forces from the Special Armed Forces into Baghdad that subsequently dropped special tactical soldiers within the wrong location of the Syria the Special Police where soon on to the remaining S.A.S soldiers that were subjected to cruel and torturous Mr nice guy and Mr bad guy outright torture of which they had their jaws broken, teeth smashed in, teeth wrenched out, and forced to drink and eat their own faeces to public humiliation.

Since the invasion of neighbouring Iraq Operation Desert Storm from 2nd August 1990 – 28 February 1999 that eventually led to the defeat, capture and death of the dictator President Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikritiand other Arabian nations that being Afghanistan, Libya and uprisings in Egypt the tension has also since spoiled over into Syria that is now more than out of control it’s a killing no go zone which the Media and the Press fail to report on correctly out of sensitively mostly, and fail to show to the world what is really happening with both the United Kingdom, France and American government’s more interested in the Mali and Somaliland conflicts which has again created mass refugee camps, crime poverty and environmental crime and destruction.

The Syrian conflict or uprising as it is more commonly known by the people of Syria that want a more structured leadership, freedom of speech/expression without death armies kicking their doors in and a free and fair democracy began March 15th 2011.

The conflict is now raging out of control which Russia, Belarus, Iran, China and North Korea are funding in one way of the other the corrupt and fascist dictator 48 year old President Bashar al-Assad that has ordered his henchmen to use live rounds, missiles, and heavy air to ground and artillery against innocent members of the public that are fighting for freedom.

The conflict is between forces loyal to the Syrian Ba’ath Party government and those seeking to oust it that has seen many innocent murdered, tortured, and slain in cold blood by government armed military using tanks, jet planes and anything that can tear these freedom fighters apart.

The uprising started in early March 2011 with peaceful marches and protests that were similar to that of the Egyptian and Libyan uprising, however embarrassed and angered that his countrymen and women would dare speak out against him “President Bashar al-Assad regime” he then demanded and ordered the military into the protesters area in the southern city of Daraa, sometimes called the “Cradle of the Revolution

President Bashar al-Assad gave only a minute ultimatum. “Cease your actions now and go back to your homes or face the consequences”. The protestors stood their ground growing larger by the hour and day, aggressive at the lack of response and actions from the President of which he then ordered on March 15th 2011 the most bloodiest and brutal bloodbath that makes the Libyan conflict look relatively peaceful. The people in Daraa came under intense shell and mortar rounds attack killing hundreds.


President Bashar al-Assad ordered immediately armed troops and tanks into the city where protestors where coordinating “very peaceful unarmed” demonstrations. The brutal and psychotically deranged mentalist then ordered his own people that being the troops from the Syrian Military to open fire on thousands off [unarmed and peaceful] protestors slaughtering unarmed innocent mothers, children and fathers in cold blood.

The protests then marked the real uprising in April 2011 which soon after turned into a more personal issue and brigades where set up to take on the Syrian army that have since, the blood bath of March 2011 pummelled most off the nation in the following cities killing thousands and reducing homes, businesses, schools and hospitals in Aleppo, Idlib, Latakia, Tartous, Homs, Damascus, Daraa, Deir Ezzor, and Hama to complete rubble whilst Britain is more concerned about a horse meat scandal that they should have been monitoring more closely and America more concerned about the “fiscal cliff deal” than really the innocent being slaughtered and tortured by the al-Assad regime in Syria.

Estimates of deaths in the Syrian civil war, per opposition activist groups, vary between 50,130 and 66,955, the latter figure combining several sources. On 13 February 2013, the United Nations put out an estimate of 70,000 that had been brutally murdered in the war mostly all by Syrian Army and the Syrian Secret police.

UNICEF reported that over 500 children have been killed by early February 2012. Another 400 children have been reportedly [arrested and tortured] in Syrian prisons. Both claims have been contested by the Syrian government. Additionally, over 600 detainees and political prisoners have died under torture. By the beginning of February 2013, the opposition activist group SOHR reported the number of [children killed in the conflict had risen to 3,717], while at the same time 2,144 women were also killed.

The overall deaths include the following that some may find emotionally upsetting to read;

The number of fatalities in the conflict, according to the Syrian opposition website Syrian Martyrs, is 54,601, updated to 18 February 2013. The number includes 6,923 rebels, including 35 foreign fighters, but does not include members of the government security forces or pro-government foreign combatants who have died.  472 foreign civilians who have died in the conflict are also included in the toll, most of them, 401, being Palestinians. The Syrian Martyrs number is significantly higher than the ones presented by other organisations, including the UN, one reason being they record deaths even when no name is given for the reportedly killed individual.

Al Jazeera journalist Nir Rosen reported that many of the deaths reported daily by activists are in fact armed insurgents falsely presented as civilian deaths, but confirmed that real civilian deaths do occur on a regular basis. A number of Middle East political analysts, including those from the Lebanese Al Akhbar newspaper, have also urged caution.

This was later confirmed when in late May 2012, Rami Abdulrahman of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which is one of the opposition-affiliated groups counting the number of those killed in the uprising, stated that civilians who had taken up arms during the conflict were being counted under the category of “civilians”.

Most of the deaths were recorded by the United Nations between the 11th March 2011 and the 12th February 2013 that numbered a staggering 70,000 slaughtered Syrian people. April 2011 though was what many reporters and war correspondents called the “bloodiest day of peaceful protests in the world”.

April 2011 the start of mass murder the tanks rolled in and opened fire;

Dozens of people were reportedly killed after troops and armour flooded into the southern city of Dera’a and opened fire on residential areas, at random without [warning] killing innocent mothers and children.

Amid growing international condemnation at the mounting death toll in Syria, where more than 100 protesters were killed on Good Friday alone, members of the UN Security Council were considering a statement being circulated by a British-led group of European countries, which condemned the killing of hundreds of Syrian protesters, however the statement didn’t stop the fighting and was seen as a “verbal ticking off” in our eyes a slap in the face to the people of Syria crying out for help daily.

The statement, which was proposed with France, Germany and Portugal, called for an immediate restraint, an end to the state of emergency, and an independent investigation into the civilian deaths. It was released on Tuesday and approved by China and Russia, a western diplomat at the UN said.

The diplomat said the measure was aimed at “putting Syria on notice” that the Security Council was closely monitoring developments. “There may be talk of sanctions,” the diplomat said. “At present the focus is on releasing as strong a statement as is possible and securing the reforms that Syria has promised”.

The diplomat’s comments came as the United States threatened to impose sanctions on Mr Assad and his henchmen in a significant policy shift. Placing sanctions though against a nation would only be affecting the people that need food, water, fuel and most of all help.

It was quoted;

“The brutal violence used by the government of Syria against its own people is completely deplorable,” said Tommy Vietor, a spokesman for the National Security Council quoted.

The Obama administration has been criticised for its perceived reluctance to criticise Mr Assad, a US foe who is nonetheless seen as a bulwark against instability on the Syria-Israeli border, even as Nato has bombed Libya.

But US sanctions alone are unlikely to have much impact on Mr Assad, who has abandoned all pretence of restraint in recent days. When the tanks rolled into Dera’a, where the uprising against the government first began, there were no protesters on its streets. It was 4.30am and most people were still asleep, though some were walking towards mosques for dawn prayers.

From loudspeakers in places of worship across the city, imams broadcast frantic messages warning people to take cover – but it was too late. Without warning, the firing began. They entered the city from each of its four corners and just started shooting,” a resident of Dera’a said. “They are breaking into people’s homes and opening fire into their houses.”

Witnesses estimated that up to 5,000 troops, supported by armoured personnel carriers and at least seven tanks, advanced on the city. Amateur video footage smuggled out of Dera’a showed soldiers erecting mounted machine guns before opening fire. The nearby border with Jordan, from where the explosion of artillery shells was clearly audible, was sealed off to prevent escape.

The wounded were dragged into nearby houses, which were turned into makeshift hospitals, blood dripping onto living room floors. Some activists said that 25 people had been killed, but others said there was no way of verifying the death toll. There is no way of knowing how many casualties there are because they are still lying out on the streets and you can’t use ambulances because the security forces are hiding inside them,” said Ausama Monajed, a Syrian political activist in touch with people in Dera’a.

Mideast Syria

“The bodies of two Syrian children, killed by Syrian Army shelling, lie on the street near Dar al-Shifa hospital in Aleppo, Oct. 11, 2012.”

Security forces also staged similar raids in Douma, on the outskirts of Damascus, while at least 13 civilians were said to have been killed since a military operation began in the coastal town of Jabla.



Video footage from Jabla showed gunfire being directed at unarmed protesters marching down a street. As the shots rang out, the demonstrators sat down on the road, only to come under fire again. One man, shot in the back of the head, was seen being carried back by fellow protesters as the gunfire continued. A second clip showed another man dying from a gunshot wound in his neck.

The change in tactics appeared designed to keep protesters from gathering on the streets, a strategy that smacked of desperation, Mr Monajed said. “They have made up their mind, they are going to use the army now because they know the end is close,” he said. “The more emphasis we put on non-violence and the more brutal they become, the shorter this will be because there will be more defections from around the regime.”

There were unverified reports that some soldiers and junior officers involved in the operations in Dera’a had joined the protesters. But observers said the large-scale military defections seen in Libya and Egypt were unlikely to be repeated in Syria, where the vast majority of senior officers come from Mr Assad’s Allawite Shia sect, a minority that stands to lose its privileges if the Sunni majority comes to power as a result of the uprising.

December 24th 2012 Warplanes used - a brutal and outright bloody attack on innocent civilians;

Scores of people who had been [without bread for days] were killed when Syrian (warplanes) bombed a bakery in the western village of Halfaya, opposition activists quoted that Sunday.

More than [100 people were killed], the opposition Local Coordination Committees of Syria said. The death toll could rise, the activist group said. An activist who oversaw the burial of [many bodies] said at least 109 people died.

Hassan Al-Rajb told reporters that 69 people were identified and buried, while 15 others were laid to rest without being identified. At least 25 more bodies were still at the site, but hospital workers said the roads were cut off and they were unable to reach the bakery, he said. The hospitals cannot handle all the wounded, he said.

There were dozens of dead thrown in the street. The residents were shocked and in a [state of fear]. It was chaotic,” Mahmoud Alawy said.

Videos posted on social media that day purported to show the aftermath of the attack. Many bodies had limbs apparently blown off, and others lay bloody in the streets and in rubble strewn over a sidewalk. Uniformed Free Syrian Army soldiers and civilians scramble to pull survivors out of the carnage. The Syrain Intelligence Forces then restricted access to the site and censored many photography and videos to even lying that it was an American attack two years ago in Kuwait.

The town has lacked the ingredients for bread for about a week until an aid group delivered provisions that Saturday, Alawy said. Hundreds of people lined up at the bakery on Sunday.

Al-Rajb said the town has three bakeries, and one opened at 1 p.m. Workers began to distribute the bread two hours later. He was on his roof about 200 meters (about 219 yards) from the bakery about 4 p.m. and saw a plane overhead. He scrambled toward the scene when he heard cries of “Emergency! Emergency!” he said.

Violence continues to sweep across Aleppo

“The first floor collapsed on the second floor, and four rockets were fired into it,” he said of the attack. Alawy claimed the government has been targeting large gatherings of people with artillery shells in the recent days since the Free Syrian Army liberated the town from Syrian forces.

About an hour after the bakery attack, 15 shells were fired into Halfaya from a nearby town, Al-Rajb said.

The Hama Revolution Command Council, a network of activists affiliated with the FSA in Hama province, said a MiG warplane bombed the bakery. Many Syrians face food shortages and other needs as winter weather sets in. The United Nations estimates that more than 2.5 million need humanitarian assistance urgently and immediately.

Earlier in the week, opposition groups also said rebels and regime forces battled near a hospital in Halfaya. Twenty-five people died there, the LCC said.

Hospitals attacked;

At least 40 people were killed in an airstrike on a key hospital in the besieged city of Aleppo, a rebel the attack targeted the Dar al-Shifa Hospital and that the dead included two nurses.

The hospital is one of the main sources of medical help for people in Syria’s commercial hub. Video posted by activists showed a collapsed building adjacent to the hospital. The blast appeared to have hit the hospital’s front lobby, which is often crowded with patients, civilians and rebels. The hospital had been attacked earlier this year when an artillery shell hit its [maternity ward].

Schools attacked 5th December 2012 - A sad and emotional day;

Speaking out in the wake of a deadly mortar attack on a school outside Damascus, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) today declared that strikes on schools during the Syrian conflict are “unacceptable.”


UNICEF condemned the shelling of a school near Damascus that killed a number of students and a teacher,” said the agency’s Middle East and North Africa Regional Director, Maria Calivis, in a statement.

Since the violence in Syria began, schools have been looted, vandalized and burned, Ms. Calivis added. This is unacceptable. Schools are, and must remain, zones of peace.

According to media reports, at least 28 students and a teacher were killed when a mortar hit the Batiha School in al-Wafidin camp, a community 20 kilometres northeast of the capital that is home to about 25,000 people displaced when Israel captured the Golan Heights during the 1967 war.


At least 53 people have been killed in a car bombing near the headquarters of the ruling Baath party in Syria’s capital, state media said. Around 200 others were hurt, it claimed, adding the atrocity was a suicide attack by “terrorists” battling President Bashar al Assad in a two-year uprising.

The attack was “carried out by armed terrorist groups linked to [al Qaeda] that receive financial and logistic help from abroad,” the ministry said in a statement, using government terminology for rebels battling the Syrian regime.

Most of the victims in the Mazraa district of Damascus were reportedly civilians, including children, possibly from a school behind the Baath building, and it was the deadliest attack inside the capital in nine months. The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which monitors violence via a network of sources inside Syria, said at least 42 people were killed.

The organisation reported the device was detonated at a checkpoint close to the Baath party building, about 200 metres from the Russian embassy, and members of the Syrian security forces also died. Syrian television broadcast footage of several bodies along a main street and fire fighters dousing dozens of burning vehicles.

Debris was spread over a wide area and black smoke billowed into the sky. The windows of the Russian embassy were blown out by the blast but none of its staff were hurt, Russian news agencies reported.

One local resident said: “It was huge, everything in the shop turned upside down.” Damascus has so far mostly avoided the large-scale violence that has destroyed other Syrian cities.

But rebels who control districts to the south and east of the capital have been attacking Mr Assad’s power base for nearly a month, and have carried out devastating bombings several times in the last year.

The United Nations has said around 70,000 people have died in the uprising since it began in March 2011. The attack came as the opposition umbrella group, the National Coalition, was meeting in Cairo, Egypt, to discuss proposals to hold conditional talks with Mr Assad’s regime.


The number of Jihadist groups flooding into Syria two years after the start of the uprising is threatening to eclipse the power of mainstream opposition groups as well as the authority of the Free Syrian Army.

One of the increasingly influential groups, Jabah al Haq (The Front for Justice), quoted that Jihad is spreading across North Africa and the Middle East and will not stop at Syria but will include Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and even Israel. The frontline in the Battle for Aleppo is constantly changing. You know when you are there the people disappear. In these parts of the city only fighters are on the streets, in battered buildings and destroyed alleyways.

There is nothing left anymore. It is a frightening kill-zone. The sounds of rockets crunching into buildings, the whistle of high velocity rounds passing a few feet above your head, the scream of men shot by snipers never stops, or if it does, it is not for long. The fighters on the rebel side are made up of a mish-mash of defected soldiers, the Free Syrian Army and a growing number of Jihadists some are from Syria many are from abroad. Jabah al Haq men took to their truck weaving passed blown up cars, and homes passed streets with huge tarpaulin sheets strung across to give protection from government snipers.

Abu Obaeda, a former soldier with a sniper rifle hung over his back, described the front as ‘cold’ with little real fighting. But even as he spoke machine gun fire drowned him out. A man was hit and his comrades were organising a truck to speed him away while attacking the government forces.

The Jihadists wouldn’t say how many men they had but said they were fighting 200 government soldiers supported by as many government militia, the Shabiha.

International Animal Rescue Foundation © are like many people and other non-governmental organisations concerned about the fighting however were also growing increasingly concerned about the zoo’s within Syria too, along with the natural habitat, conservation, and domestic animals such as canines and felines and more.

We are unable to even move into such a highly volatile and dangerous nation with sporadic fire fights and unpredicted shelling in all areas. The war has been raging now for almost two years and without help moving in then we will regrettably lose these vulnerable and endangered species.

Within one zoo that we are growing increasing concerned about are Caracal’s, Arabic horses, Desert Fox, Oryx, Bengal Tiger, Bears and Asian Elephants, Rhinoceros and Hippo plus many more animals that are under extreme threat. For security reasons we are treading carefully and since October 2012 when help was sent we have now since received a reply back 21st February 2013 requesting immediate help of which we are now planning how to solve this very difficult and sensitive problem.

Dr J C Dimetri V.M.D, B.E.S, Ma, PhD , MEnvSc

Director international Animal Rescue Foundation

Speak up for the Voiceless





Conflict in Syria - 10 Feb 2013



Unrelated news 

News in on 21st February 2013 - 

On our last document, part three of the Illegal Animal Parts Trade, our counter intelligence teams passed on all relevant information with regards to the illegal sales and peddling to importation of Rhinoceros horn and Tiger parts. 

Operation Trojan Horse our elite anti poaching and animal part trade investigation team secured the arrest with Vietnamese officers and wildlife enforcers three Vietnamese individuals of which they where as of yesterday in custody. They have now been released and are due in court in the next 3 days. 

On locating the objects of interest we then gave the site owners the ultimatum that should the illegal animal parts not be removed and full cooperation with us be taken in the 48 hours as requested then we would close the site down and enforce more tougher and harsher actions. 

The owner of the site agreed that a violation was present and the offending objects and entire pages where removed within 5 hours of our email and subsequent telecommunications to them. The full document can be read below via Facebook of which their reply into removing the violations was answered in Vietnamese. 

Should you become aware of a wildlife crime violation then we ask you to report to our investigation unit with immediate effect, however should we know, locate or view that your violating rules we will not under any circumstances tolerate such illegal activity of which you will only be given one warning to remove [should] we see this on sites. We will bend over backwards too, to ensure that an arrest is made under the breach of CITES laws. 


Thank you

Conservation Investigations Crime Unit



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